The past three years have flown by. That is not to suggest that it's been easy. Some days were more challenging than I can possibly explain. Some days Michelle just decided to be impossible, for the Hell of it, it seems.
I'd heard about the "terrible twos" (of course Michelle was going through her terrible phase even from 0-1) but someone told me that three could be even worse. "That's when your kids REALLY become a-holes!" someone warned me. Great. I could hardly wait.
Approaching her third birthday Michelle went through one of her worst phases yet: the THERE'S JUST NO PLEASING ME, SO DON'T EVEN TRY! phase. Where you can't win. She screams if she doesn't get what she wants. She screams if she gets what she wants. She screams because, perhaps, she really doesn't KNOW what she wants and she's just exerting her power...And attachment parent that I am, she has a lot of power. I am SO owned. I try to be the best Mom I can be. My version of that is catering to her every whim to make her happy. Yeah, how could that POSSIBLY go wrong?!
One day Michelle said she wanted to go to the water park. Great! I had mentioned it before but she wasn't interested. All of a sudden, she was all for it. "I want to go to the WATER PARK Mama!" Awesome. So we go. Michelle ran in the splash pad for a couple of seconds before screaming that she didn't want the water to touch her. When the water went in her face she screamed bloody murder and said she HATED the splash pad. (I might have seen that coming because one time she said she wanted to go in the sprinkler & subsequently SCREAMED when water touched her face. She also doesn't allow water to touch her face in the bath so I have to very carefully hold her head back to rinse shampoo from her hair.) OK. So she hated the splash pad. That was 1 out of 3. Then I thought we'd try the pool. We no sooner go into the pool and Michelle says NO! She doesn't like it. It's too cold, too wet, too deep. Nope. She doesn't want to be in the pool either. That was 2 out of 3. There was still the lazy river (floating in inner tubes) to try...At first she protested. "I don't WANT to float in the river! NOOOO!" "Michelle please. It was YOUR idea to come here. This is all that's left. At least TRY it." After some negotiation (I wouldn't take no for an answer) and some struggling to get the two of us in the tube (no easy feat. I'm sure I looked all kinds of ridiculous. Graceful, it WASN'T!), we were off. Michelle LOVED it. Now mind you, she was sitting on my belly so she wasn't actually touching the water AT ALL. I explained to Michelle how ironic it was that she wanted to go to the WATER park and not get wet AT ALL but she wasn't listening. We floated around lazily a few times and then Michelle, perfectly dry, wanted to go to the playground. Getting out of the tube was even less graceful. Trying to wriggle out off of a tube like a greased pig & not drop Michelle in the water. I was afraid we'd never get out. That we may just have to float there indefinitely until the end of time.) Michelle even complained about the playground. "There's WATER on the SLIDE Mama!" (There were a few drops.) "Yes. It is a water park after all. Some kids actually GO in the water, love." So she went on the swing.
Dealing with Michelle on difficult days is hard enough when I'm alone with her. I feel especially bad when innocent bystanders fall within the eye of Hurricane Michelle as she rips through. Canada Day was a bit of a fiasco. My sister was taking her kids to Bronte for the Canada Day celebration. She invited Michelle and I to join them. It sounded like fun. They'd have music, food, bouncy castles. What more could a kid want? Unfortunately Michelle was up late the night before (she just wouldn't settle down) so getting up early the next morning to head out for festivities went over like a lead balloon. She was Cranky Pants. Times ten. I'd only had a couple of hours sleep myself so I wasn't exactly a Happy Camper either.
Then when we were on the way there was a huge accident on the highway, closing down the highway (the only route I knew!) so we almost didn't make it. (This may have been a sign to just turn around and go back home but I was stubbornly determined to celebrate Canada Day.) After some creative navigating and a lot of stress, we finally made it to Auntie May's. Though tired Michelle ALWAYS loves visiting Auntie May, cousin Reggie & Shannon so I was hopeful it would be a fun day.
We get to the park & I couldn't believe it. Anna & Elsa (or performers dressed as them at least) were on stage singing a medley of Frozen tunes! Geek that I am, I sang along. This was perfect! Michelle and I LOVE Frozen. I put Michelle up on my shoulders for a better view. After a few tunes, all of a sudden, inexplicably, Michelle starts throwing a tantrum during her favourite song. Elsa is belting out "Let it go!" and Michelle took that as an opportunity to let her emotions rip. "What's wrong?!" I couldn't get anything out of her. She didn't want to be on my shoulders so I brought her down. She didn't want to be down so I picked her up. Whatever I did, she screamed. "What is wrong?!" At least the music was loud enough that no one (other than the poor unfortunate souls in our vicinity) could hear the commotion coming from my little inconsolable monster. It seems that she wasn't comfortable on my shoulders but was disappointed to give up the view. Or something like that. Since I didn't have magical powers that would allow her to hover in mid-air, there wasn't a way to fix the situation. Mama Fail.
But it didn't end there. Next my sister got Reggie a cute little Canada Flag tattoo (just a temporary stencil) on Reggie's cheek. How patriotic! I wanted to get one for Michelle too. She stood there, looking much less enthused than Reggie but she waited until they were actually finished the artwork before saying "But I don't WANT a flag on my face!" Sigh. "Well it's too late now, honey. Sorry." Then she was whining for milk, wanting to go back to the car, wanting to go home. "Pleeeease Michelle. Don't ruin the day for everyone!" I begged her. Reggie & Shannon were in good spirits & getting more temporary tattoos. I looked around at other kids, laughing, smiling, having fun. Michelle was sulking, whining, crying. I sighed. "Why me?" But we were going to the bouncy castles next and they had a Sponge Bob one! (Michelle absolutely LOVES Sponge Bob.) So after us paying an exorbitant fee for a string of tickets and waiting in a ridiculously long line, finally Michelle and Reggie entered the Sponge Bob Bouncy thing...
Not even 10 seconds later, Michelle wanted out. I tried to reason with her. "Michelle! You LOVE jumping around. You LOVE Sponge Bob! We paid a lot of money & waited in a long line. Give it a chance!" No. She wasn't having it. She was out. When my sister asked Michelle for an explanation later Michelle said that she didn't like the loud fan noise. The fan that keeps the bouncy castle inflated. I hadn't even thought of that. Michelle can't STAND loud noises now. She hates the vacuum, fans in the washroom, loud toilets flushing (in public bathrooms etc.) She covers her ears and yells "TOO LOUD!" It's not pretty. Lesson learned. No more bouncy castles. Unless I bring ear plugs for her I guess. But she probably wouldn't like them either.
At least Michelle did have a few laughs chasing Reggie around. And she loved the maze until some kid accidentally ran into/head-butted her on the way out.
When we sat down for lunch, all of a sudden Michelle was yelling "My butt is on FIRE!" and laughing. Ever since potty training Michelle finds it hilarious to talk about poo and bums, especially if we're in public. When she's around Reggie, the two of them giggle together conspiratorially. I guess it's a phase kids go through. "Shh!" I told her "You can't yell about butts in public. ESPECIALLY when you're having lunch!" I had to stifle a laugh myself. "MY BUTT IS ON FIRE!" Never a dull moment. You just never know what she's going to do or say. One day she went up to my Mom while in line at the bank and asked (rather loudly) "What's WRONG with you Grandma?" She was also kind enough to ask me "Do you have DIARRHEA Mama?!" In a public bathroom stall. "No, I don't. Thanks for asking at the top of your lungs though." She loves making up nonsense songs and singing them as loud as she can. Sometimes I wonder how I dare to leave the house with her at all. But I do. Because I figure it's good for her and for me to get out of the house and have adventures.
Thankfully Michelle isn't ALWAYS difficult. Sometimes she's a dream. Most of the time she's sweet, affectionate, funny, curious and remarkably wise for her age.
Michelle and I both love the beach and I tried to go as often as possible. My favourite beach, by far, is Port Dover. Since a tropical vacation isn't exactly in my near future, it's a treat to sit under palm trees right here in Ontario and pretend. It's my version of a "staycation."
Michelle prefers the sand to the water. As mentioned earlier she's not really a fan of getting wet. At the start of the Summer she would barely put her feet in the lake. (In her defense it was pretty cold.) As Summer wore on however, she became a little more daring & would splash in the water up to her knees.
Photoholic that I am of course I ALWAYS had my camera with me and had to take a million pictures...
In photography, as in life, timing is everything. I love this shot of Michelle smiling and a seagull flying overhead at just that moment. That's why I take so many pictures. You just keep snapping. Maybe 10 pictures will be so-so, awkward, blurry but then you get lucky and one will be magic: you capture the perfect moment, the right expression. I live for that.
It's my way of holding on too, because life is so fleeting. Taking pictures, writing this blog, posting tweets on Twitter, it's my way of making the impermanent permanent. Preserving our history. It may not matter to anyone else but it means the world to me.
Someone accused me of not really being in the moment because I'm experiencing everything from behind a camera. My argument is that not only am I enjoying the moment but I get to keep it forever and relive it through the photos, tangible memories. Being a Mom now I'm more of a photoholic than ever because I want to capture every moment as Michelle grows up.
She was a baby not too long ago. Now she's a little girl. And she's growing all the time. Next year she'll be starting school. Before I know it she'll be a young lady. The older I get the faster time seems to go by. The Summer has gone by in a flash. We're into September already. Soon it will be Halloween. Then Christmas. Then another New Year. It blows my mind. I guess that's why I'm a photoholic. Pictures stop time. They freeze everything. You get to keep that moment forever. The blue skies and the seagulls and the smiles and my little girl, still little.
Michelle LOVES the sand and brings half the beach with her when we go. There's sand in her hair even after a couple of baths. There's sand in my purse, the car, the carpet at home. It's OK. It's worth it. Someday I'd love to actually LIVE by the beach. Just waiting on that lottery win...

Family is very important to me. I am so grateful to have a close-knit family that gets together often. Especially my Mom and sister. We see them regularly. Michelle loves playing with her cousins Reggie and Shannon.
Usually we head to May's or Grandma's house. Once in a while they come to our place for a visit. One time May's car broke down on the way and Michelle mentions it ALL the time. "Mama, can I tell you something? Auntie May's car BROKE DOWN!" "Yes I know sweetheart that was months ago. But she got it fixed." "Yes but
our old car broke down & we couldn't fix it so we got a new one." "That's right. Our old car was TOO old. It had too many things wrong and couldn't be fixed so we got a new one." (We've had this same conversation several times in the car on the way to May's or my Mom's place. Each time Michelle talks about it as if it just happened. "Mama, can I tell you something?" Here we go again...)
It's always fun getting together with Auntie May, whether we just hang out at home or go somewhere. Nobody understands me or makes me laugh like my sister! And Michelle always has a blast with her cousins. Burlington Beach was fun briefly, until it started to rain. Bronte Pool was awesome. Michelle LOVED it. She was so comfortable in the pool that she went in deeper than she's ever gone. She was even making me a little nervous that she was going to go too deep. Usually she wouldn't go into the water past her knees. The kids loved the Children's Play Farm at Bronte Creek Provincial Park too. And I'm a sucker for cheesy photo ops!
My Mom suggested Gulliver's Lake one day. We hadn't been there in years. Michelle loved it. The water was calm and clean and she felt comfortable walking and splashing around in it. I even got to swim and float on my back for a bit which is a rare treat -- something I can only do when my Mom and sister are there to watch Michelle. And it helps to have still water without waves throwing you around. Floating on my back in the cool water, staring up at the blue sky felt like a temporary vacation. A moment of freedom. And then seconds later I look over to make sure Michelle is OK. Control freak that I am, I could never really take a vacation away from Michelle. I know that some parents do go away without their kids sometimes. I just can't imagine it. I'd worry too much. If I ever do go to Hawaii, or any of the places on my bucket list, it will be WITH Michelle.

The only break I ever get from Michelle is when I go to work and then I miss her. My favourite part of the day is coming home to see her. She's always so excited to see me. She runs and hugs and kisses me. "MAMA! I'm so happy to see you! I MISSED YOU!" Or if I'm working nightshift I crawl into the bed next to her and she's so happy to wake up and see me there. "Mama! You're home!" I'm grateful to have my Mom and Dad to look after Michelle and also thankful to have a job where I can work fewer days and have more time to spend with her. Despite sacrifices I've had to make (financial and otherwise), this time is priceless to me. She won't be this young for long and it's so important to me to have as much time with her as possible. I also don't want to burden my parents too much with looking after her. Although they adore her, it is exhausting for them. And I refuse to leave her with a stranger. Yet. I know next year she'll be starting school. And then I'll have to leave her with a teacher all day. It will be very hard to let go!
The biggest occasion of the Summer, for me, was Michelle's 3rd Birthday. I had been buying and putting aside presents for months. I wanted her day to be special. Though I'm not much of a baker (AT ALL!) I asked Michelle what kind of a cake she wanted. I don't know what I was expecting but I didn't expect her to say she wanted a "castle" cake. Wait, what?! I looked around for a castle cake pan and there didn't seem to be such a thing. Then my Mom suggested I try Bulk Barn. I never shop there. I don't bake and I'm not a big fan of candy so I never go in there. It is a whole other world in there! I found the castle cake pan all right and all the accessories and icings I needed to decorate it. What on Earth had I gotten myself into?! I showed Michelle the cake pan. She was all excited. My Mom said I'm spoiling her, giving her literally everything she asks for. But I gotta be me. All I remember as a kid is Mom saying "No!" to everything. So I try to be a "Yes" Mom. I had my doubts that my creation would turn out anything like the picture but I wanted to give it a shot. So I got an extra cake mix and did a "practice" cake first. Good thing too because I learned a lot by trial and error and honed my icing techniques. I had NEVER squeezed icing out of a tube before and for hours on end. My wrists were aching by the end. But I did it. And Michelle was THRILLED. There it was a pink and purple castle with a gazillion little dabs of icing that I had to squeeze out. One. By. One. How does anyone do this and survive?! I see now why they charge so much for specialty cakes. After what I went through I think I'd be charging $10,000 a cake!
And then, the big day arrived! My baby was three years old! I got her a dazzling turquoise dress to wear on her birthday. She loved it. She's a little Diva already and loves dressing up. Michelle was excited about her birthday. She'd been going on about it for months.
My sister kindly offered to have the party at her place since it was more convenient for everyone and has the most room. It was a bit of a challenge loading up two cakes and all the presents to transport to Auntie May's but I managed. (I had to buy a special cake carrier. I figured I'd already invested enough into the Castle Cake enterprise so might as well travel with it in style.) Everyone was impressed with my creation. Especially since they know I am NOT a baker. Usually I'd just get a store bought cake or slap some icing messily on a cake mix cake. But for my girl, anything! If Princess wants a castle, she's getting one!
Michelle got a little spoiled of course, mostly by me. She was happy with her presents. She was especially excited about her Elsa dress (I'd picked it up when it went on sale.) She is still a Frozen fanatic.
After her birthday I took her for her three year check-up at the doctor. I was relieved she didn't have to get any needles this time around (the next round isn't for a couple of years). Michelle kept cracking me up in the waiting room. She was in a dress and kept trying to lift it up. I told her not to do that but to sit like a "lady." "I don't WANT to sit like an OLD LADY!" Michelle protested. Everyone was staring. I couldn't stop laughing. I whispered, through laughter "Not an old lady, just a lady. You don't lift your dress up in public!" I was worried she'd embarrass me in front of the doctor but she was good as gold. The doctor was impressed by how intelligent, cooperative, sweet and polite she was. She even called the doctor by name. (I told her the doctor's name beforehand.) The doctor remarked how tall Michelle was (in the 98th percentile for height for her age.) I told her Michelle is already wearing size 5-6. I was taken aback, and very happy when the doctor said "You've done a great job with her. You're an amazing Mom. She's a healthy, happy, very bright little girl." It made my day! (Heck it made my life!) I've worked so hard and made so many sacrifices to do what I felt was right for Michelle. I've had people put in their two cents (which is what it's worth and they did away with pennies for a reason! Keep it to yourself dude!) -- "You shouldn't co-sleep with her" or "You're spoiling her," "You're going to be sorry" etc but at the end of the day, Michelle is happy, healthy, feels loved and is a funny, smart, loving, wonderful girl. I don't think you should bully people into raising their children the way you saw fit to raise yours. Maybe your kid turned out OK because of you. Maybe they turned out OK in spite of you. I don't care. My kid is not your kid and what worked for them may not for mine. Everyone is different. Live and let live. There are two opposing philosophies of parenting and they will NEVER see eye to eye. You have to do what works for you. I admit I'm a textbook Helicopter/Attachment Parent. This is who I am and what works for me. I don't go out and harass parents with different life choices. That's just not me. At the end of the day as long as your kid is happy, healthy and you're not hurting him/her, fill your boots. It's funny -- as much as my Mom likes to tell me all the things I do wrong, even Mom admits that I've done a good job. And it's nice to hear her say how proud she is of me and what a great Mom I am. It's kind of surreal. I never saw myself as a Mom. I didn't think I could do it. Ironically the one role I never imagined for myself is the one that has brought the most joy and meaning to my life. I'm very grateful for the biggest surprise and miracle of my life. Michelle was definitely meant to be.
It's funny how we learn. We try, practice, stumble and fall, get discouraged, think we're never going to get it and then suddenly something just clicks and it becomes second nature.
Michelle had been trying to ride a tricycle since she was 2. I tried to teach her -- one foot at a time, the up foot goes down and you have to steer. Sometimes I'd get frustrated because she wasn't getting it and it seemed so basic. She was able to ride cousin Reggie's tricycle at Auntie May's but couldn't seem to ride her own. The wheels seemed too stiff or something. I tried oiling them but nothing seemed to help. Then one day before her 3rd birthday, I heard a rumbling sound. The sound of Michelle riding her little pink tricycle down the hallway, perfectly, one foot after another, steering and everything! Suddenly it just clicked. I had told her that once she could ride her trike perfectly indoors that she could ride it outside. So I took her out and she loved it. We went around the block.
I took Michelle to Toys R Us just to look. I figured if they had something the right size & the right price I'd let her try it out and if she could ride it, I'd buy it. She'd need a bike eventually anyway so why wait? She's only 3 but she's the size of a 4 year old. I found a cute little purple bike that was on sale (a lot less than I'd expected to spend. I guess because it wasn't a name brand or Disney themed one -- those were twice the price.)Michelle LOVED it. She test drove it all around the store and rode it up to the cash for me to pay for it. Though it was a big gift I didn't want to save it for Christmas because then she'd miss out on months of enjoying it before Winter. I got her a fairy helmet to go with it. Michelle was over the moon. I said "You better be a really REALLY good girl now!" "I will Mama!" she promised. I asked her "Who's the luckiest girl?"
An enthusiastic "MEEEEEEEE!" was the reply.
Michelle had a blast. We went around the block once and she wanted to go around again. The next night she wanted to go even farther. It was stressful for me though, control freak that I am, coaching her the whole way: "Watch where you're going! Look straight ahead not at your feet! Steer! Be careful! Not too fast! Slow down at the end of the sidewalk, you have to turn!" On her first day she wiped out twice on the grass when she got distracted by a dog and wasn't looking. She didn't get hurt at least. I was a nervous wreck. I saw other kids riding bikes on the road, alone, racing around. They didn't look much bigger than her (but were probably twice her age.) I couldn't imagine just letting her go off on her own like that. Even at 6 years old. Or 10 for that matter. I don't know if I'd ever want her out on her own. Not until she's a teenager. Even then I'll worry.
The bike earned me some brownie points for sure. The morning after she got her bike she woke up and said "You're the BESTEST MAMA of them all!" and gave me a big hug. I didn't have the heart to tell her bestest wasn't a word. Frankly it should be. When you're better than the best! LOL
I don't know if it's because she's a Leo (naturally born bold, confident Lion!) or because I've always showered her with praise and attention, encouraged her, let her win at games, catered to her every whim, (or maybe it's a combination of nature & nurture) but Michelle is definitely not shy. She has all the nerve in the world. Too much sometimes. She's very social, outgoing, the loudest one wherever we go, wants to be in the limelight, life of the party. (Basically the opposite of her shy, shrinking violet Mama!) I've tried to warn her about strangers but she will go up to anyone & say hello. At the park she actually goes up to kids and says "Hi little girl. What's your name? My name is Michelle." Sometimes she even tries to introduce herself to pre-teen boys. I try to explain that sometimes it's inappropriate. "Those boys are older. They don't want to play with a little girl." When she finds a girl about 4 or 5 years old though, it's just perfect and they get along wonderfully. I don't worry about Michelle when she goes to school. She'll be just fine. She'll probably love meeting all the kids and she loves learning. It will be great for her. It will be hardest on me. I'll have a REALLY tough time letting go.
It's a tough balance to try to protect your kids from getting hurt but give them enough space to grow. Everyone is different. Some parents don't hover at all. They feel comfortable to leave their kids to fend for themselves and figure if they get hurt, oh well, they'll learn and toughen up. There's a wide spectrum of parenting with Smothering on one end and Neglect on the other. If you smother, your child will never learn to be independent. If you neglect, your child will never feel loved. I'm closer to the smothering end. I guess somewhere in the middle would be ideal. Watching your kids but also giving them room to develop independence. It's in my nature to worry (I inherited it from my Mom!) but sometimes I have to force myself to go outside my comfort zone. I remember as a kid my Mom saying "No" to a lot of things -- school trips, buying us junk food etc. She said it was for our own good but I always felt deprived that I didn't get to do things other kids did. I try to be a "Yes" Mom with Michelle. Within reason I give her just about everything she asks for (if I can afford it.) And I try to take her on adventures and give her opportunities to try new things. And when the time comes (though it may kill me!) I will let her go on those school trips (maybe I'll see if there's a way I can volunteer and go along. Helicopter parent that I am!)
Recently Michelle informed me that she's not a little girl, that she's actually a lady. I tried to explain to her that no, she is still a little girl and then she'll be a bigger girl, then a teenager, then a lady.
She's a little Diva already. Princess that she is she feels at home in a tiara. She loves dressing up and putting on makeup. She doesn't even mind me taking photos. She'll strike silly poses for me and smile.
She loves when we spend "girlie days" at home and do crafts with glitter and glue or dress up like princesses and do our makeup and nails. I've created a monster of course but I love it too. I'm a girlie girl as well. This was one of the reasons I was hoping for a girl.
She's growing up so fast sometimes I think "Oh my God! She DOES look like a little lady!"
Of course she is still my wild and crazy little girl and I'm never quite sure what she's going to do. After what I went through the first time, anyone in their right mind would have avoided the Water Park like the plague. But hope springs eternal and I wanted to give it, and Michelle, another shot. I was glad that I did because Michelle did a complete 180. The first time she hated everything. This time, she LOVED it all.

Though she still wasn't a fan of getting water in her eyes (I'm not either for that matter) Michelle had a blast running amok and splashing in the Splash Pad, she had fun with me in the pool and she loved the Lazy River. The most fun for me was watching her in the Splash Pad and snapping photos like a fiend. I love capturing her smiles.
Sometimes Michelle just needs to get used to something, to feel comfortable with it. I don't want to miss out on opportunities and fun that Michelle and I can have together because I'm worried how it might go. I don't want to limit our adventures. I might even try a bouncy castle again! Sure. Maybe if there wasn't a long line and it didn't cost a fortune. I believe in second chances. Besides, it's almost like turning 3 was a magical switch. All of a sudden Michelle can do anything: ride a bike, climb mountains, face her fears. And she's thrice as nice! Sweeter, more loving and affectionate than she's ever been. She's always hugging and kissing me and saying she loves me. She even grabs my face and gives me a kiss on each cheek. That's the Italian in her coming out I guess. My dad's relatives used to do that. She calls me "the bestest Mom" and her "best friend." I tell her she's the best little girl in the world. And I really mean that. She may not be the easiest child to deal with but she's extraordinary and I'm incredibly grateful to be her Mom. OK maybe I'm a little biased. But even complete strangers after talking with her for a few minutes are struck by and comment on how remarkably intelligent, sweet and unique she is. She's a character!
I can't believe we're midway through September already. Next year at this time Michelle will be in school! I'm dreading it but Michelle, social butterfly that she is, will love it. Both for the social aspect and the learning aspect. Michelle is eager to learn. Her vocabulary is nothing short of miraculous. She'll say things like "You startled me!" Nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, conjunctions. She's even using past tense properly now. (For a while she was saying things like "I runned." "I winned." Now after me correcting her/explaining to her that words change when you're using them in the present or past tense she knows to say "I ran," "I won" etc.) Michelle will tell you an entire story, with details, descriptions, all from her imagination. She keeps asking for definitions of words now because she wants to be sure of their meanings. I got her a workbook to practice writing letters and she loves it. She can do the entire alphabet and is quite adept at linear letters (A, M etc). Curved ones like S still prove to be a challenge sometimes. Sometimes the S is backwards or she turns it into an 8. After developing proficiency with the capital letters I started her on small letters. She adores books and I explained to her that once she recognizes all the letters and knows how to sound them out, she can start to read! A very exciting prospect! She even started to read a few short words. I wrote down CAT and she sounded it out. She even figured out what it would be if I switched "C" for R, B etc. She wrote out the entire alphabet. She did pretty well. Sometimes randomly she does one letter WAY bigger than the rest (usually M or O which are her favourites.) She has been able to write her name for a while and recognizes her name when she sees it. I got her a little sign that says "Michelle Street" and put it on her bedroom door. From what I've read, being able to write and read is unusual at only three years old.
Michelle is also quite a little artist. A love of art runs in the family (my niece and I are artists). Her drawings are quite advanced/detailed for her age. I find them both adorable and frightening. She did a portrait of us at the beach (above left). The sun is massive and I have a rather demented smile. Michelle explained that I was REALLY happy. I've heard of smiling from ear to ear but I seem to be grinning from eye to eye (and frankly I don't think I've ever been that happy. I don't think it's humanly possible!) Almost as disturbing is my wardrobe malfunction (the bikini seems to be falling off of me!) She did a portrait of a bunny Mama and baby which is cute and quirky as is her style. It's always Mama and baby. I wonder when she goes to school and sees other kids drawing their families if she'll be tempted to draw a father figure. Anytime she mentions daddies I explain that every family is different -- some kids just have a mommy or just a daddy or both or two mommies or two daddies or just grandparents or who knows? As long as there's someone to love and take care of them it's OK. She has a Mama that loves her more than anything. One day she might have a Step Daddy (if that elusive Mr. Right -- a combination of Jesus, Superman and Will Ferrell -- finally shows up! But he's M.I.A. so far! LOL) For now, we're OK on our own.
"Look how fast I can run, Mama!" "Wow!" I say (because she expects a reaction.) I'm just afraid that she's going too fast, that it's all going too fast. And I want to hold on.
This post has taken me a while. I'd originally planned to do just a short blurb about Michelle's birthday but that didn't quite pan out. I went through each month's photos and started to write and then kept adding to it (when I had a few minutes here and there) little by little as time went by. The problem then was that the more time that went by, the more things there were to include. Then I had to catch up on July, August AND September. It became overwhelming. I don't know why I feel compelled to add so many photos (still only a fraction of what I take!) I wish I could just write a short entry and post one photo and call it a day but this has become like a diary or historical record of Michelle growing up and when I go through the pictures I want to use them all. Each one captures a moment that I don't want to forget. The pictures and this blog of course are my way of holding on because Michelle is growing so fast.
The last few times I wrote a blog I thought maybe it would be my last one. But this time I'm pretty sure it won't be. I don't know when my next post will be (maybe after Halloween? Or Christmas?) but I would like to continue writing. As difficult as it is to find the time I enjoy having a place to collect my thoughts, memories and photos and to share them with others. Thank you for reading and sharing my journey for the past three years!