Whenever a special occasion is coming up I ask her if she'd like to make a card for it and she's always happy to. She made me a Mother's Day card with a cute smiling flower & she wanted to write "I love you Mama. You are the sweetest!" So I showed her how to spell the words & she copied it. Michelle is so affectionate and loving. She tells me all the time how much she loves me and that I'm the "best-est, cutest, sweetiest, funniest Mama EVER!" When she's so sweet it makes it easier to forgive her for the times she's not so sweet -- like when she's being a moody monster! That still happens occasionally too. She's a strong-willed girl and she is NOT pleased when she doesn't get her way. Of course, she usually gets her way...
I love Michelle's artwork. In her happy whimsical world everyone and everything (even the sun and flowers) are always smiling. I'm glad that she's interested in art because it has always been a love of mine and it's something we can share (though admittedly I don't do a lot of drawing/painting myself anymore. I would like to start again.) Sometimes she'll ask me how to draw something so I'll sketch it quickly and she'll copy my drawing. Her drawing is usually better than mine. More raw, more fresh and expressive.
On sunny days we were always at the park. Michelle loves running around, playing with other kids, going on the slide and swings. She even started swinging by herself -- pumping her legs to keep herself going (which was a relief for my arms and back not having to push her constantly!) For a while she resisted and insisted that I push her but suddenly she decided she wanted to be a big girl and do it herself. She still likes having an initial push but she knows the pattern -- legs straight forward, bend back -- to build momentum. Michelle is at a stage where she is wanting to be more independent and do things herself -- including dressing, turning on lights, etc. She gets VERY frustrated when there are things that she can't quite do perfectly yet. I have to remind her that she is only 3 years old. She's very advanced for her age but she can't do everything. I told her that some things are tricky (even for me!) and that other things just take practice.
Most people would think I'm nuts taking so many pictures -- not only on special occasions but EVERY DAY. Every trip to the park. Even at home. I can't help it. It's become such a habit that it's like breathing to me. I can't stop. And I wouldn't want to. Time is going by SO quickly. Michelle was a baby, like yesterday. Now she's 3 and turning 4 years old soon! Photos are my way of holding on, of capturing every precious, beautiful, funny, fleeting moment. And I love it. I had one boyfriend accuse me of not being "in the moment" because I was experiencing the world from behind a camera lens. I argued that I'm even MORE in the moment because I'm appreciating and capturing it. I also get to relive it over and over when I look at the photos. That is more priceless to me than anything. It seems that the world is starting to agree with me. It's the Instagram generation. More and more people are snapping photos not just of special events but even the minutiae of their daily lives -- because it's fun to capture and share your moments. Life goes so quickly. Photos are forever.
My sister May graciously offered to host Mother's Day. (She gets roped into hosting most events because her house is the biggest and in the most central location.) Unfortunately I could only make a brief appearance because I had to work night shift. No rest for this Mama! I was grateful to have some time with my family before I had to go. My Mom and my sister mean the world to me. I don't know what I'd do without them. I talk to my Mom every day and May has always been more than a sister to me -- my best friend and confidante, the one who makes me laugh more than anyone. The one who gets me and always knows just what to say when I'm having a bad day.
My niece Shannon gave me a very special gift after Mother's Day. I didn't realize that after I had left the party Michelle was composing a Mother's Day song for me and Shannon was sweet enough to record it to show me! Michelle is so creative. She loves to sing and will make up her own little songs. she's made up several improvised songs. I can't believe the things she comes up with off the top of her head. (It must be in her blood, as a songwriter I've written close to 1000 original songs.) I was so touched to see the video. What a perfect Mother's Day gift! Michelle is always telling me she loves me but somehow hearing her say it/sing about it when I wasn't even there made it more touching. I posted the video on Youtube:

Michelle is growing up so fast. I still can't believe she's starting school in September. We went to the school for an orientation. The principal gave a presentation in the gymnasium and suddenly dropped a bombshell -- not only did I have to part with Michelle in September, I had to do it already THAT DAY! "Ok now the teachers will come and take your kids to the classrooms while I talk to you about the school." I got a lump in my throat. It was unnerving to watch Michelle walk off, smiling, with a complete stranger, holding her hand with no hesitation. She wasn't worried at all. I was a basket case. Michelle is excited to go to school. I'm the one who's a nervous wreck. I don't want to let go.
When the parents were allowed to go to the classrooms and find their kids I was pleasantly surprised (and proud) to find Michelle exploring and playing so nicely with the other kids. I knew she would do just fine when she went to school. She had a ball. She didn't want to leave.

One of the classrooms had a make believe airport and airplane complete with a pilot's outfit. Michelle was all over that. It seemed that the uniform went to her head when she announced "I am the pilot! You are just a passenger, Mama!" I told her that she was coming across as somewhat elitist and I would never fly that airline again. "The seats are too cramped anyway!" The teacher overheard us and laughed. One of the teachers told me that Michelle was very good at recognizing letters. (They had letters drawn on leaves and Michelle knew all of them.) I told the teacher Michelle can write and recognize the whole alphabet and even some words. Michelle was in her glory in the classrooms. She made some crafts, played with water, sand, play doh. She enjoyed seeing the other kids. She was eager to play and learn. Some kids have to be dragged to school kicking and screaming. Michelle is raring to go. I on the other hand will be bawling my eyes out having to let her go! I'll hold it together long enough to drop her off and then go back home and cry!
Michelle is a Princess. Some people use that word as a derogatory term referring to someone who's a little spoiled or high maintenance. From me, it's a compliment. I mean it in the Disney sense of the word: A princess is a girlie girl who loves to dress up and be beautiful. She's also unique, creative, clever, kind, loves animals, likes to dance and sing, create art, be in nature. Whether she's royal or not, she carries herself with grace and elegance, has a sense of magic, adventure and makes the world a better place. That's my girl! Michelle would be at home in a Disney film. She loves dressing up in fancy gowns, twirling around and singing. And admittedly she is also a teensy bit spoiled and high maintenance too! LOL. She's used to getting her way. I want her to be happy and try to give her everything she wants (to the best of my ability.)
On my birthday Michelle and I both dressed up for my party. I like dressing up now and then. There's still a little Princess in me!
I used to worry about getting older. These days I'm not as concerned about the number on the cake. I'm more concerned with the number on the scale. I've been working out and counting calories for months. I had a goal weight in mind and I was getting closer. Then, the week of my birthday I was only 2 POUNDS AWAY from my goal! So I kicked it up a notch -- eating less and exercising more. But the goal still eluded me and I was stuck. (In June I did wind up meeting my goal but I'll save June for my next post. It has been a challenge exercising and dieting but I'm motivated and I've been doing it long enough that it's become a habit. Of course all bets were off on my birthday. With BBQ burgers and cake on the menu, it was DEFINITELY going to be my cheat day!
I don't really have a social life anymore. I don't go out. I don't date. Michelle and my family are my social life. Both Michelle and I look forward to getting together with the whole gang. It's always a great time. I'm glad that we're a close knit family. I know that some families rarely, if ever, get together for special occasions. It's always been a tradition that we celebrate birthdays as a family. My Mom was going to host my birthday but May generously offered to have it at her house where there is a lot more room.
At home it's just the two of us so it's always a nice treat for Michelle (and me) to be surrounded by our big crazy family. It's like we have two families. Our little family of two and our big family of 16! She may not have a dad but she has two uncles & Grampa. And while she doesn't have siblings she has a lot of cousins to play with when we get together.
It was a beautiful day so we headed outside. I always insist on getting the obligatory group photo. Usually it's the kids you have to worry about not looking but this time it was actually my Mom who turned back to look at Chris. It is pretty hard to get several people to look and smile at the same time. Michelle is becoming a pro at posing for pictures. She doesn't mind having her photo taken. She even told me she wants to be famous and "on newspapers." I thought about getting her into acting/modelling but I'm reluctant because it's a tough business to break into and child stars often wind up troubled.
My girl will always be a star to me. May got some photos of us by her blossoming trees. I love these snaps with Michelle, especially the one of her holding my face which was a really sweet pose.
My Mom always says how much Michelle is like me, both in her looks (blue eyed redhead), interests and temperament. She is very different from me however. She is stronger and more self-assured than I ever was. Some of it may be because she's a Leo, a natural born leader. Some may be because she's an only child and always had 100% of my attention (while I always had to compete with other siblings and felt like the least noticed/appreciated in the family as a child.) Fear and self-doubt always held me back from fully pursuing my dreams but I believe Michelle will accomplish anything she sets her mind to. I admire her confidence. I want great things for her. She keeps changing her mind what she'd like to do and to be but she has a lot of time to decide!
I hadn't even unlocked the car doors yet. All I had done was open the trunk to put my gifts in when I saw Michelle by the flowers and couldn't resist a photo. I was just going to snap a picture, grab my purse and keys, open the doors and drive my parents back home and then head home with Michelle.
My brother's girlfriend Christina was kind enough to give me a i-phone for my birthday! She had just upgraded hers and gave me her old one which was an upgrade for me. Shannon put a couple of games on it. Michelle was happy to be able to play "Angry Birds." She figured out how to use it almost instinctively. I'm not a fan of technology and have avoided most of the modern gadgets that people use. I use a cellphone for emergencies only. It is nice however to have a phone now that I can text on without having to scroll letter by letter on each number key. I just had to get a new SIM card and set the phone up (even this was a daunting process for me. I had no idea what I was doing but somehow managed it.) My outdated Nokia phone (which someone else had kindly given me) seemed to sense it was being replaced and died entirely! I was disappointed I didn't get to extract the numbers/messages I had stored on it.
Michelle is not shy about having her photo taken. I ask her to pose and she's like "TADAAAA!" Sometimes I worry that I've created a monster! It was inevitable though. I'm a complete photoholic. I have my camera with me ALL THE TIME and I can't resist taking a hundred photos of Michelle. Not just when we got somewhere special but EVERYWHERE. Even at the park. Even at home. To me it's necessary, as natural as breathing. The moment is fleeting and I'm determined to capture it. Time is going by so quickly. Photos are the only way I know of holding on. So I can't stop! I won't stop! People used to look at me strangely but now most people have a camera phone on them at all times and they're snapping pictures of everything too. (Of course, trendsetter that I am I was doing it long before it was cool!)
Toward the end of May, we headed to Port Dover Beach. I was a little disappointed the palm trees hadn't arrived yet. They are usually planted in late May. We still had a great time at the beach. It was a little cool with the breeze at first but then warmed up. Michelle had a blast playing in the sand, chasing seagulls, dancing around. The water was ice cold of course. We just dipped our feet in.
The beach is my happy place. I love relaxing on the sand, watching Michelle play, looking at and listening to the water, the sound of seagulls flying overhead, enjoying the warmth of the sand and the sun. A day at the beach is the closest I come to a vacation. Sometimes I close my eyes and imagine I'm somewhere tropical (the illusion is even easier when I can look up at palm trees!)

Michelle doesn't take anything for granted. Even something as simple as going to the park, which we do so often, is an adventure for her. She gets so excited every time we go. She usually winds up making a new friend, this time it was a caterpillar. She found a fuzzy little black and yellow one crossing her path. She wanted to bring him back home but I told her we'd just visit him when we came back to the park. I remember as a kid having jam jars with holes poked in the top & grass and leaves to keep caterpillars as pets. As an adult I'm less keen on having insects in the house. Plus I don't even have any jelly jars. Maybe one day. I used to collect tadpoles and frogs as well. I usually tell Michelle to leave creatures where she finds them (unless they seem like they need help.)
It's a treat to be able to take Michelle to the theatre and not worry about her acting up (like she did when she was younger). She is transfixed by the movie, swept into the magical world on the screen and mostly stays quiet through the entire thing. She loves sharing popcorn too.
And then it was Auntie May's birthday... Of course she was named after the month of May. I'll always sort of wish I'd been born in April so I could have been April (Surely my Mom would have named us April and May because how cute would THAT have been?!)
Michelle and I dressed up for the party which was being held at Grandma's house but Uncle Chris & Auntie Christina set things up in the backyard with a tent, BBQ and even a water slide for the kids! It was a beautiful day to be outside! Michelle was thrilled to see the water slide (which Uncle Chris was kind enough to give to us after the party so we could use it at home in our backyard!) The guest of honour ironically was the last person to arrive because she had to take Reggie to a friend's birthday party first. (Too many birthdays in May!)

The kids LOVED the water slide! Some were better at it than others. Michelle never quite got the hang of it. Kayla tried to teach her how to drop and slide but Michelle preferred to crawl through. I even tried it. My attempt was a bit of an epic fail but it was very refreshing at least! At one point Chris and Mike even swung the kids and threw them on the slide. It made me a little nervous but they loved it. Even Michelle went flying and laughed.
May is more than a sister to me. She is my best friend in the world. She has always been there to share, to listen, to make me laugh like no one else does. She understands me like no one else can. I'm so grateful for her. I don't know what I would have done without her and my Mom to support me through my pregnancy and raising a child on my own. Any time something would go wrong, I had a question or needed advice I'd turn to May. (I talk to my Mom too but my Mom is a bit of a catastrophist and when I'm already worried about something I don't want to hear about the worst possible outcome. Like when Michelle had a fever and my Mom suggested "Maybe it's MENINGITIS!" May is usually the sweet, sane, calm, wise voice of reason. She has talked me through more catastrophes than I care to remember. And when she's having a bad day I'm glad that she can confide in me too. Life happens. Sometimes you just need a sympathetic ear. Someone who gets you. Someone who can make you laugh in spite of it all.
I'm grateful to have my Mom and Dad to watch Michelle as well. And my Mom is happy to have those visits to look forward to. Even though Michelle can be exhausting. As she gets older my Mom said it's easier and easier to watch her because she will play nicely on her own. She's fully potty trained (and for a while she was asking for help but I want her to be able to do all the steps on her own so she's prepared for school). She likes to dress herself. It's hard to believe she was a helpless little baby just a few years ago and now she's growing into a sweet little girl who wants to be more and more independent. The only problem is she can be very strong willed and wants to get her way. She even tries to boss my Mom and Dad and I around. And sometimes gets away with it! Here she was trying to tell Grandma "That's MY chair!" but Mom stood her ground. Then she suggested that they both share it. (It was the most comfortable chair! I tried it when they weren't around!)
One of Michelle's favourite expressions is "BEST. DAY. EVER!" I think she picked it up from Rapunzel in "Tangled." She's said it many times when we've been at family events, gone to the beach etc. Seeing her happy brings me more joy than anything ever has. That's partly why I spoil her a little too. I want her to be happy. And she's so appreciative of every little thing I give her or do for her. So I can't resist giving her little presents and surprises even when there's no occasion. Just because.
My brother Mike lives the farthest away so he doesn't always make it to family events but it's great to have everyone together a few times a year at least. We're a big, boisterous family and it's always a blast. The kids running amok, my brothers cracking jokes, catching up with the girls on what's new. Family. Fun. Food. What more could you want? And Michelle is always excited about cake. She even manages to eat it without being covered in it now. (I've seen kids twice her age that aren't that careful.)
While we were outside a nice couple were heading to the park with their kids. Michelle wound up making a new friend. Immy's Mom invited us over to play on their swingset in the backyard. I was happy for Michelle to have a friend nearby when she's staying with Grandma and Grandpa (on the days when I have to work.) She's a little younger than Michelle but they got along great. Michelle loves to make new friends. She'll love going to school in September and meeting so many kids. She's the opposite of me in that way. I was always a shy one. Michelle is outgoing, a social butterfly.
I heard someone say that having a child is like "having your heart forever walking around outside of your body." And I agree. Michelle is my heart. She's my everything. I never could have imagined I'd feel this way. People told me that having a child changes you but I didn't really understand until I experienced it myself. Whatever else I may have hoped to do or to be in this life, nothing comes close to being a Mom. This is as good as it gets. Come what may, I'm excited to see what new adventures await us...