Michelle loves Sponge Bob. (She even insisted on marrying him at one point, I posted their wedding photos in one of my blogs.) I really don't know what the attraction is. A yellow square with big googly eyes and buck teeth. I've caught a few minutes of the show here and there when I'm busy doing other things. It is sort of funny I guess. Sponge Bob seems to be the eternal optimist. A bundle of joy. He loves life and sees the best in everything. I'm more like Squidward. A bit of a grouch/pessimist.
I let Michelle pick out her own balloons for her birthday party. She opted for a giant number 4 and a Sponge Bob. She also has Sponge Bob books, DVDs, stuffies and action figures. She is a tad obsessed. So when I saw that there was a Sponge Bob cake pan...
Yes I made a friggin Sponge Bob birthday cake! I'm not a Sponge Bob fan (especially after our misadventures trying to see the 4D Sponge Bob movie, accidentally crossing a border and almost getting arrested all because of a ridiculous cartoon sponge.) This is a testament to how much I love my girl. I will do just about anything to make her happy. I am no Martha Stewart. I am not a cook, never mind a baker. Yet somehow on her last birthday I made a Princess Castle cake (actually I did two, one chocolate and one vanilla. One practice & one "good" cake.) This year, since Michelle is obsessed with Sponge Bob, I decided to do a Sponge Bob cake. I was getting pretty discouraged with my work (I pictured those photos on the internet where people show their baking fails -- what it's supposed to look like versus how it turns out, usually with the sarcastic caption "Nailed it!") but Michelle kept encouraging me. "It looks GREAT MAMA!" she insisted and in the end I thought it was OK. Not quite like the photo but oh well. Again, it was murder on my wrists squeezing thousands of globs of icing out but I started to get into a rhythm. Michelle was thrilled with her cake and that's what really matters. Not that Mama is exhausted, her back is breaking and I may have carpal tunnel from all the squeezing...
It was great having the family over to our place for a change to celebrate Michelle's birthday. Most events wind up being at May's house. She has the biggest/nicest house and it's in the most central location so it just makes sense all around. Of course it isn't fair that she gets saddled with hosting EVERY SINGLE EVENT all year long. Of course I had to host Michelle's birthday party at our place. Again, I'm no Martha Stewart so "entertaining" isn't exactly my forte but when it's my own family I know I can just relax and not have to worry. And I don't even bother trying to cook a meal. I usually just order in (pizza, Chinese, KFC or whatever people fancy. I usually take a poll and majority rules. I love food and will pretty much eat anything!)
Michelle loves getting together with the whole gang and she was thrilled to have them at our house for her birthday. She loves dressing up and was happy with her pink floral dress. My girl is a princess! I like dressing up once in a while too. The weather was nice so we spent some time in the backyard. I told them not to mind the lawn which was mostly straw since we didn't have much rain and aside from playing in the sprinkler a couple of times with Michelle, I never bothered to water. I figured at least with the grass dead I didn't have to worry about mowing it. Mowing the lawn is one of my least favourite chores.
Michelle got a little spoiled. I can't help it. There are so many things that I can't give Michelle (a father, siblings, a perfect world) so I try to do everything within my power to give her what I can to make her happy. When I see something on sale I grab it. I figure I can use it at the next occasion -- birthday, Christmas or no occasion at all. I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, have a social life, go on trips. I buy toys and books for my kid. And I like junk food. There are worse vices I could have I think.
Of all the things I gave Michelle she made the most fuss over a stuffed white cat. She has a LOT of stuffies. Many of them were mine before I ever knew I'd be having a daughter (yes even as a grown woman I collected stuffed cats and bears. I always had a weakness for cute things. Again, as vices go, not the worst. I don't do heroin for example.) Clutter can be an addiction however and the show Hoarders did used to terrify me but hopefully I never get to that point. I'm a bit of a maximalist (as opposed to a minimalist) but I have boundaries. Things have to be organized and in their place. The house has to be livable. No floor to ceiling piles of crap. Though if you saw a room after Michelle's been playing it looks like a bomb hit it. But things do go back in their place eventually. I'm trying to get her to at least HELP with tidying up her own mess but it is mostly Mama that does the tidying/cleaning/organizing. And admittedly it is my own fault for giving her so many toys.
One of the things Michelle had asked for was Pax my Poopin Pup. In a moment of weakness I bought it because it was on sale really cheap but I still think it's the fourth sign of the Apocalypse. I suppose it's better than having a real dog with real poop to clean up. I explained to Michelle that THAT ISN'T HAPPENING. We're a cat house. Cats are easier, more independent. So don't waste your wishes on a puppy because NEVER. NOT EVER. I'm not sure what Michelle wished for. But she was happy to have her family around her. And very happy to eat her Sponge Bob cake. She had no sympathy for him. "I want to eat the eye!"
Sometimes when Michelle stands next to the mirror, it's like there are two of her. <Shudders> I can't even imagine. Don't get me wrong. I ADORE my girl but she's a ball of energy. A force of nature. To have two of her would be overwhelming. Even just one of her is exhausting sometimes. She's very sweet and loving and affectionate and funny and bright. But she can also be moody and demanding and stubborn. She wants her way. RIGHT NOW! She is a Princess/Queen and she rules her castle. I try my best to keep up. She can be frustrating and some days I'm at my wit's end. But then she'll hug me and say "I love you Mama!" and I could forgive her for anything. I've never experienced a love like this, not quite like this, not in any previous relationship and not even with my family. There is no one else I have felt so devoted to that I would sacrifice anything for, give my life for. She comes first.
Of course I always have my camera and I snap about 100 or more photos every time we go. Many are blurry or awkward or not that great. Some are OK. Then once in a while you capture that perfect moment. This shot -- with the strangely dark/bright sky, clouds coming out of her head like a thought bubble, Michelle laughing, a seagull flying by her right at that moment -- is why I keep snapping. This is the perfect moment. A beautiful summer day at the beach summed up in one picture. As they say, a picture says a thousand words so I don't need to say anymore about this.

We heard that there was a sandy beach in Oakville so we decided to check it out with Grandma. It would be nice to have a beach so close. I wondered why we hadn't been to it before. Mom said we had but not for many years. It's sort of hidden off on a side road. It's not straight off of Lakeshore. Anyway, we found it and went. Unfortunately it wasn't the best day. Mom and Michelle were both complaining about how far we had to walk from the car, how much seaweed there was, how many flies were around.
Then Mom read later that it's also polluted with goose poop so we decided not to go back. There were quite a lot of geese/seagulls there now that I think back and the water was quite shallow. If the water is deep and there are a lot of waves then the lake has a chance to clean itself out but when the water is still and shallow, it's a recipe for disaster...
Sometimes it's better to just play in the sand. And sometimes the Princess is right and things really don't measure up...
It's good to know that it doesn't take much to make Michelle happy. I really wish I could afford a pool. I wish I could afford to go away on vacations. But even on a little backyard waterslide (a gift from Uncle Chris) Michelle can cool off and have a ball. Life is all about enjoying the simple pleasures. For Michelle it's running around and playing. For me, it's catching photos of her running around and playing! She doesn't really even fight me on it anymore. She used to let out an exasperated "Mama! That's enough pictures for now!" Now she just lets me snap away. She knows I'm going to do it anyway. She even enjoys posing for me now.
They said it was the hottest summer on record. With more days over 30 Celsius (and several over 40!) than ever before.
I'd wake up and check the forecast then ask: "What do you want to do today?"
"Go to the beach!"
"Let's go!"
Sometimes it was too crowded but usually we were lucky enough to grab our spot under one of the palm trees at Port Dover Beach. There's nothing like lying on the sand and looking up to see the palms against a blue sky overhead. It always feels like I'm somewhere tropical even though I'm right here in Ontario. Sometimes I'll overhear people coming to the beach for the first time and expressing wonder at seeing real palm trees in Canada. "Do they last through the winter?" some of them ask.
"No. They bring them back at the end of May each year."
Ta-daaaaaaaaa! Now that's a pose! Michelle actually enjoys getting her picture taken most of the time now and is happy to strike a pose. I like to have souvenirs of these perfect days -- When Michelle is smiling, the sun shining and not a cloud in the sky. This is my happy place. And when I'm having a dark day and need a mental vacation, this is where I go. Of course I also imagine actually LIVING by a beach someday and relaxing in a hammock under palm trees, but for now, this will certainly do. And it's within reach, at least for a few months of the year. I really did not want Summer to end. The thought of it was heartbreaking. August was bittersweet because September loomed and I knew it was going to go WAY too fast. Soon Michelle would be going to school. She was excited about it but I was depressed and anxious over it. My baby is growing up too fast and I wasn't ready to let go. I worried about her being away from me for hours. So far I had only ever left her with my Mom and Dad when I went to work.
For a change of scenery we went to Gulliver's Lake with Grandma and Auntie May. It's a nice peaceful spot to go swimming. Michelle LOVES being with Auntie May, cousin Shannon and Reggie and going swimming just makes it even more fun. I brought the inflatable dolphin and lion floating toys. Michelle loved them. The dolphin especially is a nuisance to blow up (even with a pump) so I just left him blown up. (I managed to squeeze him in the trunk. It was either that or put my Mom in the trunk & leave the dolphin in the seat but Grandma wasn't up for it! LOL

I love this picture she did of a waterlily. Michelle is constantly surprising me with what she can do at only four years old.
"I want to be just like you Mama," she said to me one day. "I want to be an artist and to write and sing and make songs and go to work and help people and everything just like you." It melted my heart but I almost wanted to tell her -- you can do better. You're stronger than me, more brave than me, you can do anything in the world you want to do. She doesn't have my doubts and fears to hold her back.
My Mom says Michelle is so much like me already. I think she's the new & much improved version!
I love this picture of a mermaid and flamingoes! Sometimes Michelle will ask me how to draw something so I'll do a quick drawing to give her an idea. Then she'll draw it and invariably her drawing is better than mine. More original. More interesting. More pure. Michelle gets frustrated with herself. "I can't draw as good as you can Mama!" I remind her that she's only 4 years old. I'm more than 10 times older than her. "Besides," I tell her, "art is subjective. And I like yours even better than mine." After my praise she usually stops being hard on herself. My Mom says I was always a perfectionist and hard on myself too.
It's always hard for me to leave Michelle when I have to go to work but she loves spending time with Grandma and Grandpa and I get to see them a little as well before (or after depending on the shift) work. It is our second home and I think it's good for Michelle to have some time away from me. It always makes her appreciate me more. I love hearing her exclaim "MAMA!" and running to hug me when I get back to my Mom's after work. It's like I've been gone a month instead of just a day. I wondered how she'd manage going to school...
I remember my dad saying once "You can't get there from here!" and I told him at the time that that's silly, that you can get anywhere from anywhere but sometimes you almost can't. Or it's awfully confusing anyway. I remember once I had an audition in Toronto and had such a hard time finding the place it's almost what made me give up acting because I thought I just can't go through that stress again! Between one way streets and streetcar tracks and bridges and pedestrian traffic and strange signs that say you can't go left or right or straight or park there, driving in Toronto is sort of horrifying. Not to mention that auditions were scary too... And endless rejection isn't fun.
Better late than never. If Mom had her way we would have just turned around and gone home after getting lost but I was committed to a day at the beach and didn't want to disappoint Michelle. It wound up being worth it in the end and I was glad we went. I was cursing the construction though but it seems unavoidable wherever you go. They tear up the road and take months (years?) to finish it. I don't understand why it takes so long. It's very frustrating though. So no more trips to Burlington Beach for us this year.
And there's always the sprinkler, after mowing the lawn in the scorching heat I was as anxious to run through the sprinkler to cool off as Michelle was. She wanted to help me mow the lawn so she pushed her bubble mower. She always wants to help me with everything. She has her own little kitchen with a sink so she can pretend to do dishes like Mama (I never did get my dishwasher fixed.) She has a little toy vacuum and broom to pretend to clean the floor. And she loves when I let her help me with dusting and cleaning (I only let her use organic cleaners without chemicals). She also loves helping me cook and I try to let her feel involved. I know my Mom always just told us to stay out of the way and didn't let us help with anything. It's partly my instinct to do that too but I consciously make the effort to let Michelle help because it makes her happy. Even though sometimes she's more of a hindrance than a help. It's fun for her and that's what matters. I can always redo it (properly!) after. Yes I'm a control freak...
Nerd alert: yes, I got us matching shirts. I'd always dreamed of finding Mother-Daughter matching outfits but it didn't seem to exist. Then I was in a Justice (girl's clothing store) and found these tanks on sale in a size 6 and a size (girl's) 16! Perfect! Michelle was excited we were dressed the same. My Mom says Michelle is a mini-me anyway so dressed alike she really is like a younger version. People may have looked at us strangely when we went to the beach but I don't care. To me, it's cute. It's a good photo op too and I can't resist those. The only thing that would make me more excited would be to find matching dresses but that may not happen. Maybe one day. Most women probably wouldn't want to wear children's wear but I'm still a kid at heart anyway. And this "Shine on!" shirt would be suitable for any age and was perfect for the beach I thought.
Port Dover Beach became our second (or third after my Mom's place!) home during the summer Michelle and I were there so often.
Each time was a new adventure. Sometimes we'd mostly play in the sand, other times we'd go in the water and still others we'd stroll around, go to the little shops, get an ice cream. I loved all of it. Of course my favourite part is always sitting under the palm trees, watching Michelle play, taking a million (or at least a hundred) photos, enjoying the sand, the sun, the sound of seagulls and the waves. It is my Zen, my happy place. Michelle always loved it too. The best things in life are free. A day at the beach with my girl was proof of that. One of my favourite things in the world.
This photo sums up the beach and the Summer for me. Michelle running, with her arms out, like she's going to fly and a seagull flying by at just the right moment. You snap a bunch of photos and half of them are blurry or mediocre and then once in a while you get that perfect moment. I love that. And that's why I keep doing it. At least more people seem to take pictures now but most of them are doing it on their phones. I'm the only one I see pulling out my old school Nikon. Most of the ones I see on the beach (usually young women) are taking selfies with their phones. I take some pics on my phone but to me it's not the same.

Sometimes someone offers to take our picture which is very nice. I used to always say no thanks when strangers would ask because I had someone accidentally break my camera once by dropping it (back in Montreal many years ago when I was with Paul. They broke my Canon and it broke my heart!) But on the beach I figure, it's sand, and the camera would be OK anyway. Plus there isn't always a good spot to sit the camera to set up the self-timer. My camera is a little knocked up from over-use. The lens is actually scratched but it doesn't affect most shots. You see a little ghosting when the sun shines on it or when I use the flash but I've gotten used to it. I'm so attached to my Nikon I don't want to part with it (it was a gift from my sister before Michelle was born because my other Nikon wore out and she knew my having a baby was the BIGGEST PHOTO OP EVER! LOL) Yes, for me, a camera is definitely a necessity!
Michelle always has a ball running around the backyard at Grandma's house. With so much beautiful weather we spent a lot of time outside. I loved sitting on the garden swing talking with my Mom and watching Michelle play. It was another one of my favourite summer rituals.
I'm glad I get to see my Mom and my sister so often. I wish I lived closer to them. I talk to my Mom every day and visit with my sister at least a couple of times a month.
We made another trip to Gulliver's Lake before September when the kids would be starting school. It was a perfect day. I thought how much I'm going to miss this, about how I didn't want the summer to end. This summer most of all. I always have a hard time with Fall because I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and the lack of sunlight affects my mood, energy -- everything. But this year would be even harder because Fall meant school and having to let Michelle go. How would I cope with that?!
I knew that Michelle would love school because she'd get to meet so many kids her own age. Every time we went to the beach or the park she was always making new friends. She's not shy. She'll talk to anyone. Before I knew it she'd have a new little friend to play with. I envied her that. I was a shy child and even shy as an adult. It's always been tough for me to meet new people. It seems to come naturally to Michelle. She is friendly, outgoing and brimming with confidence.
One thing that would be a HUGE adjustment for both Michelle and I was getting up early for school. Michelle was a bit of a night owl. I had a hard time getting her to settle down at night. I didn't mind so much because I'm a night owl myself and half the time I work nightshift so I just rolled with it. But now we were going to have to get up early for school so I started gradually getting her to bed earlier and setting the alarm to get her up earlier and earlier each day until school started. I discovered that it is almost impossible to wake Michelle up! I would call her name, shake her, even put a massive bear on her and still nothing. I was dreading her going to school. It was a good thing I started practicing a week ahead.

Another beautiful day and I couldn't resist another trip to the beach. Each time thinking this may be our last one this year (but then it wasn't.) I was hoping the warm weather would last even through September and October. I'd be happy if Fall and Winter never came. Of course I knew that was too much to hope for. This is Canada and you have to expect four seasons. Even if you're miserable during two of them. I try to look at the bright side and make the best of it for Michelle. I told her there is always something to look forward to in every season. Fall has Halloween at least and Winter has Christmas.
We went to see the Princess Margaret Dream Home with my Mom. It's a ritual. We always go to see them. They're always beautifully decorated. We can never resist buying a ticket. It's a good cause. The money goes to cancer research. And it buys a dream for a little while. I always think how wonderful it would be to win the home. Michelle loved it too. "Can we live here?!" she asked. "If we win!" I explained.
When I saw that the house had a yoga room and a music room (complete with guitars etc) I thought this house was made for me! So maybe it's a sign that I'm going to win! (Sure, could happen!) Michelle was impressed too. I overheard other people complaining about various things and saying that it wasn't "practical." Practical shmactical! I wanted to say. This is MY house anyway. You shouldn't win it if you don't even like it! I LOVED it!
It even had a pool! Michelle asked if we could go swimming in it. "No!" I said "not until/unless we win!" After I filled out the information to buy a ticket she asked "NOW CAN WE GO SWIMMING?!" The women working there laughed. I explained
that just buying the ticket didn't automatically mean you won, it was just a remote chance, like any other lottery. "We can swim in it next summer, if we win!" I promised. Plus we hadn't even brought our bathing suits.
September, the day before Michelle would start Kindergarten we made one last trip to the beach (well it didn't end up being our last but it was the last one before school anyway!) I had to fight back tears for a while. It was like our final goodbye. To the beach, to the summer, to the past four years, to the days when I had my little girl all to myself and she didn't have to go to school. It was a beautiful day but bittersweet. Michelle was excited to be starting school the next day though she did say she was going to miss her. I would miss her terribly.
Michelle was ready for school. I had a little trouble waking her up but once she realized "It's the first day of school!" she was like an excited puppy. I got her ready. She wanted to bring a stuffie along. For some reason she chose a stuffed bat. Of course I had to get a bunch of souvenir photos of her very first day of kindergarten (and would continue to take photos just about every day afterward!)
I heard of other Moms taking a photo with their child holding a sign or blackboard that said 1st day of kindergarten so I used the little blackboard May had given me. I'll continue it each year so I can look back at Kindergarten, Senior Kindergarten, Grade One etc and see how she changes each year. I can't believe how much she's growing up. She looks like a little girl now, not my baby anymore. She prefers her hair in a ponytail to pigtails but I love the pigs. I managed to persuade her. "The pigtails are SO CUTE! You have the rest of your life to wear a ponytail. You can wear a ponytail even as an adult but you can really only get away with wearing pigtails when you're a little girl, so enjoy being a little girl while you can!" So she reluctantly agreed. At least for her first day.
I gave up trying to get Ali to look for a photo. We had to leave or we'd be late for school on the first day and that wouldn't be good (especially if I had to explain that we were late because my cat wouldn't cooperate and look at the camera for the photos...) At least I got Michelle laughing at Ali as Ali turned away from me. Even my silly noises weren't helping. Ali was like, "Nope. Not doing it. You can't make me look no matter WHAT you do!" Even my "Psss-wsss-wsss Bubba!" noises weren't working and that stuff is usually gold for some reason. (It's something my Aunt Janet used to say to her cats and somehow it always got their attention.)
I managed to hold it together when I dropped Michelle off at school but then I came home and cried. It hit me that this was the first time I had been alone in about 4 years. "What now?" I have my work schedule built around being there to take Michelle to and from school (because I can't bring myself to leave her with a stranger) so while she's at school during the day I'm home. I realized it was the first time since I was pregnant that I was actually ALONE during the day. Without Michelle, without work, what would I do? I went and got an iced cappuccino to treat myself/cheer myself up and recorded a video of myself having a mini-breakdown. I wasn't going to post in Youtube. But for some reason I thought what the heck and did. Here it is on Youtube:
After that first day though, I quickly realized that it's actually not that much time. It's only 6 hours that she's in school, not even a full day. There's so much to do around the house, so many things that I've been putting off that it's good to have time to myself to get things done. I've also started writing and illustrating a children's book (an idea I'd been toying with for a year but never got around to) and I plan to write a novel as well. I started playing guitar and singing again. Creativity was always such a big part of my life but when Michelle was home I usually never found the time or energy for it. Now with her in school I could find myself and my passions again. Even with this time I still didn't get finished my blog in October as planned. We're into November and I'm obviously still working on it. Chipping away at it a bit at a time.

With time to myself again I found myself picking up my guitar and looking through old songs. I found a song that I'd written about Michelle's father. I'd almost forgotten about it. After he left I tried to avoid writing or singing about him. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction (if he did snoop online to see what I was up to after he disappeared leaving me 4 months pregnant.) So all my songs were about Michelle. Now, all these years later, seeing this song I thought it's time to post it. I don't know if he checks out my blog, my Youtube, Twitter. I don't know if he's mildly curious or if he's forgotten all about us. But I hope he is haunted sometimes by what he's done, thinks about the life he left behind, feels some kind of remorse for the cowardly way he made his exit (without any apology or goodbye.) The song is called "Haunted." Here's the link to the video on Youtube:
Michelle's artwork always puts a smile on my face. And she puts a smile on everything -- every animal, even the sun, even the flowers. It's a happy world. I am glad that Michelle is a happy girl most of the time. She has her moments when she's overtired and cranky and then she can be sad/angry but overall she is enthusiastic, full of energy, confident, happy, strong. Everything that I wish I was. She has started saying recently that she wants to be just like me when I grow up but the truth is that I wish I was more like her. I never have that sort of energy (I don't know if I ever did, even as a kid.) I don't think I ever had anywhere close to her confidence and strength. I was always a little timid and shy, plagued with self doubt. I'd like to take some of the credit at least for her high self esteem because I've always showered her in attention and praise. I just hope I didn't go TOO far.
We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went for a bike ride after school. Michelle loves riding her bike. I'm not sure when I'll be brave enough to take the training wheels off (maybe next year.) I'm going to be a nervous wreck when I do. It's hard enough to let go figuratively. When I have to let go literally and watch her wobble and possibly fall and get hurt as she finds her balance and rides her bike alone for the first time -- it will kill me. But I know I have to do it. And she will find her balance and it will be empowering. It's an amazing feeling when you master a new task, when you become independent and find that you really can do something on your own. Of course I haven't even ridden a bike myself in several years. The last time I attempted as an adult I found that it is true, you never do forget. But I was a little rusty!

I worried how Michelle would be in school. She wasn't used to being with other kids her own age. Would she get along with them? Would she share? I was pleased to find that she did. And she had a best friend, almost from the first day although she didn't know her name. (She kept calling her buddy. I found out the name from her teacher.) Apparently Michelle is terrible with names. She may get that from me because I've never been able to remember names either.
Michelle and I both love the warm weather and thankfully it continued through most of September. We went to the park as often as we could, both at our place and near Grandma's when we were there. Michelle loves going on the swing and can swing high all by herself. She was happy to run into an old friend at the park as well and had a race with her. Michelle didn't go easy on her because she was younger. Michelle won by a landslide. She doesn't quite get the concept of giving someone smaller a head start or letting them win. I used to let Michelle win when we'd run a race but she got so fast that now she can pretty much outrun me on her own!
And of course I always have my camera on me. Even when we're just going to the park because if I keep snapping I might catch one of her perfect smiles... Mission accomplished!
And then, halfway through September, it was a really hot day on the weekend and I thought "BEACH DAY!" I told Michelle that this time it really was the last time we'd be at the beach this year. We made the most of the day. Somehow it's even sweeter when it feels like you're stealing a little summer in the middle of Fall. There weren't many people there. And it was a little cooler by the water. Too cold to swim but we had fun playing in the sand.

When we got to her class Michelle just kept going on about wanting to show me the gym. "The gym? Why the gym? This is supposed to be a tour of your CLASS!" Still, Michelle insisted so we wandered through the school until we found it (Michelle didn't actually know the way because she'd always been led there by the teacher.) Once we got inside the big empty gymnasium I understood the attraction. Michelle ran and ran around the gym. Blissfully running in the open space and burning off all that energy. Michelle LOVES to run. Her favourite thing is playing in the gym. So she ran around, even in a dress. Having all that room to herself seemed especially fun. Eventually I told her we really should get back so I could see her class and formally meet her teacher (though I'd seen her teacher in passing every day when I dropped Michelle off and picked her up.) She has two teachers actually and they're both very nice.

Michelle runs and falls A LOT. It's like she can't keep still. She's so rambunctious. She loves to run outside. She even tries to run inside and sometimes it just doesn't work. Especially if there are things all over the floor. Sometimes I will have just warned her "Don't run!" or "Don't leave things on the floor to slip on!" then she'll fall and get hurt right after. Those are usually the times she doesn't cry because she's too embarrassed to admit I was right. She'll just dust herself off and say "I'm OK!" As a parent sometimes I feel like all I do is nag: "Be careful! Watch out! Don't do that!" but it's to protect her. The bottom line though is that I can't protect her from everything. She will have fumbles and scrapes whether I'm there or not. And being able to dust herself off and say "I'm OK!" is a life skill. A few bruises here and there will make her stronger than if she just sat still and never ran amok.

Aaack! Please excuse mistakes/shoddy editing and whatnot. I think I just give up! This has been pieced together like Frankenstein's monster and I don't even know if the pieces fit together. If I wind up posting this it will be a sheer miracle! I was about to post it when I realized that several of the photos which were previously in the right spot were suddenly off kilter, inexplicably, and I couldn't seem to get them into the right spots! I can't even begin to describe how frustrating it is. You click on a photo to drag and drop it and it simply DOESN'T LET YOU. It won't budge. Then it goes where you don't want it to. And you go through that with EVERY PHOTO. So something that should take a minute takes an hour and your fingers are sore. It's enough to drive you STARK STARING MAD! LOL And I don't know if it's because I'm using an antiquated template so the settings aren't right (I get an error message when I log in to my blog but I keep going anyway.) or if it's because it wants me to update to Google Chrome or some nonsense? I am NOT a fan of change or technology. I don't have apps. I don't play Pokémon Go. Sometimes I feel like I'm in the wrong century. I wish there weren't so many errors and glitches with my blog but I'm afraid if I change the template/layout settings then all my previous posts will be messed up (photos askew etc.) Sigh. Sometimes I wonder why I even put myself through this. It's not like I'm getting paid to do it. (Well there are some ads on the site but I only make a few pennies off of them.) I don't even know who is reading this (although when I check my stats and see that people around the world actually are reading it is the coolest thing ever! So thank you if you are!) But it's something I feel like I have to do, for myself. It's become a habit, a part of my life since pregnancy and I don't want to stop. Even when I get INCREDIBLY discouraged!
The Summer went by in the blink of an eye. Even October seemed to last like 5 minutes and I find myself in November still trying to finish a blog about August and September! I should try to do shorter posts. Just a little blurb with one or two photos just to say hey but when I look back at all the pictures I can never decide which to choose so I wind up using so many of them and creating such a long post that it becomes almost impossible to finish. But this is what I do. It's what I've done since March of 2012 when I found myself alone and pregnant. Now I find myself the mother of a 4 year old girl who is getting more grown up every day. And somehow I need this. Even if it isn't easy. Even if no one reads it. It's for me. Because this is my journey with my girl. This is our history and I want to record and share it. And if somewhere out there there's a single Mom who feels less alone because of my posts, then it's all worth it.