Time keeps going by at warp speed! I'm always saying it but it's always true. April and May absolutely FLEW BY! I can't BELIEVE we're through June already! (Actually I'm still working on this and it's mid-July! I'm always running behind.) It's crazy. Of course there were so many special occasions and with my insane work schedule now life has gotten so hectic there's barely time to check the calendar and see that a month has somehow disappeared.
But amid the rush sometimes you have to take a moment to breathe, enjoy the sunshine and hug your little girl. Michelle is my happy place and I am grateful for every moment with her. Having time away from her just makes me appreciate her even more.
Spending time outside together is my favourite thing. And it's official. Spring is here! (Actually Summer is here now! But this is a post about April and May...)
The obligatory self-timed picture by the movie poster, because I'm a camera-carrying photoholic! As evidenced by our winter garb it was still on the cold side out but livable.
I was reluctant to remove my snow tires because they were still calling for snow now and then and if I switched to the Spring tires and then got stuck in a snowstorm I'd be FURIOUS! Eventually however it seemed we were out of the woods and I had the tires changed. I really can't recommend snow tires enough for the peace of mind/feeling of safety. I used to risk it many years ago on my own but with Michelle I don't want to take any chances and I do so much commuting now that I really didn't have a choice (especially after that terrifying night I got stuck in a brutal snowstorm pre-snow-tires. I NEVER want to experience that again!)
When you're a photoholic you make the effort! It's all about the pictures! And if you're going to look at butterflies you might as well dress the part! People often remark on our outfits "Isn't that cute? You're both wearing butterflies!" I'm sure there are also people who glance and roll their eyes thinking "What a loser! Bad enough she dresses her kid in theme but herself? LAME!"
I can't help it. I gotta be me!
Most of the butterflies are pretty shy/skittish but sometimes you get lucky and find a friendly one who will sit on your finger or arm for a moment or two for a photo. I always remind Michelle NEVER to touch a butterfly's wings or you could hurt them. I cringe when I see other kids (usually in a large group like a school trip or with a family) grabbing at the butterflies, trying to pick them up by their wings... I want to tell them off but of course it's not my place. I try to be gentle about it "Careful sweetie... don't touch their wings!" meanwhile shooting daggers at the parent/teacher whoever is oblivious to the kid about to murder one of the most beautiful creatures in existence. Yes it's ironic that I have a phobia of/hatred for certain insects (the ugly ones! Centipedes, earwigs, spiders -- though I'm learning to respect spiders for killing other bugs) I'm fiercely protective of other ones, the beautiful ones, like butterflies. It's kind of like my feeling on dandelions vs wildflowers.
And then sometimes a butterfly just lands on your dress like a well placed accessory/broche!
I never tire of snapping pictures of Michelle. My happiest moments are going on outings with her and taking pictures. It's like I get to enjoy it twice (or endless times actually!) All of my favourite beautiful/adorable moments forever frozen in an image that I can go back and look at whenever I want. It's a sort of magic that just never gets old for me. From the old school Polaroids that you could see instantly to the prints you used to have to pick up at the PhotoLab (remember that?! FILM cameras?!) to digital cameras where you see the images right away on the screen and can upload them to your computer (and eventually, hopefully actually print your favourites and get caught up on your baby books for the past 5 years!) I have been in awe of photography for several years. I love it. Life is made up of moments. Taking a photo lets you capture and keep it. That is everything to me.
I love Michelle's expression when the butterflies were flying at her and got too close to her face -- that slightly freaked out yet amused grin, backing up to stay out of their way... So cute and funny! I managed to capture a few of these moments. While we were there we saw one girl, about twice Michelle's age who was screaming and running away, freaking out at the butterflies. Apparently she was afraid of butterflies. I wondered why her sadistic parents would have dragged her there if she had a phobia of them or under what circumstances she came to be there. I wanted to ask how she could possibly be afraid of something so beautiful. I mean, I'm afraid of ugly bugs (scorpions, earwigs, centipedes -- creepy, evil alien looking monsters with pincers and too many legs and God knows what) but how can you be afraid of something beautiful and that can't possibly hurt you? But then there are people with phobias of puppets and pickles so it's not something you can rationalize. Still. If you know you have a phobia of butterflies., WHY WOULD YOU GO TO THE BUTTERFLY CONSERVATORY?! Just saying...
I always have to get into a couple of pictures just to show that yes, I was there too. I'd be lost without the self-timer. Well, I just wouldn't be in any pictures. I'd just be the invisible mom behind the camera. This is the selfie generation now and everyone does it. I never see anyone else setting up a timer with their old school camera like me though. I just feel like the i-phone selfies are too close up. (And I can't use my phone camera anymore anyway. Apparently the i-phone 4, though it's a modern gadget to me, has been rendered all but obsolete. But I'll save that tale for later...)
Butterfly on my finger. A blue morpho no less, my favourite. Unfortunately she wouldn't cooperate by displaying her stunning iridescent blue wings. We just got to enjoy the brown side with their fake eyes. The morphos are very elusive. The hardest butterfly to get close to. Once in a while we get lucky...
She flew away before I could take any more photos. I still felt privileged to have gotten even this close for a moment.
Happiness is like a butterfly. Sometimes it eludes you. And other times you find it or it finds you when you least expect it. So you just enjoy the moment and be grateful for it, however long it lasts (even if it's only a few seconds before it flutters away...)
When Michelle was younger (and much less cooperative) I dreamed that one day I'd actually get a picture of her smiling and looking at the camera, with a butterfly. Now she indulges me all the time! She understands about posing. I'm glad that she loves going to beautiful places as much as I do, of course for different reasons. For Michelle she loves the adventure of running around and discovering things. For me, the best part of anywhere we go or anything we do is being able to TAKE PHOTOS! When Michelle asks to go somewhere I usually say "Yes!" but counter it with "as long as you let me take photos!" because I will take hundreds. Eventually she does lose patience and roll her eyes or say "No more pictures, Mama!" but I usually get 100 photos in before that happens...
Michelle is a good sport. Big smile for the selfie with Mama and butterfly! I love Michelle's smile. These are the happy moments I hold on to when I'm going through a rough time. And to me, you can never take too many pictures. When she's older (and she's growing more every day!) I'll be glad that I captured these moments and these smiles. These experiences that Michelle and I share mean so much to me. I know I don't remember a lot (or anything) about my childhood under the age of 5. There aren't a lot of photos either. These photos are tangible memories that she can look back on. Even if she didn't remember she could relive these times through the pictures and I get to look back and enjoy them. One day when I get around to it (I've been procrastinating the project for years!) I will collect my favourite photos and put them in albums. So far I don't have photo albums of Michelle since she was a newborn.
Michelle loves dropping a coin in this donation receptacle. It spins around the large funnel gradually until it gets to the small hole in the centre where it spins faster and faster. She wanted to keep doing it over and over but I ran out of change. I rarely have actual money on me. I use my credit card everywhere (even to get my iced capps at Tim Hortons! Even the Dollar Stores are taking credit cards now! Woo hoo!) And any time I do have a bit of change in my purse, somehow Michelle ends up with it. She's amassed quite a collection of (my!) coins in her piggy (actually Sponge Bob) bank. At least she sometimes pays for her own ice cream when the truck comes down the street!
I love these photos with the rainbow lollipop and colourful painting in the background. I'm a sucker for colour. It's hard to believe when I was younger I dressed in nothing but black because now I LOVE colour. The more colourful the better! (Though I do still wear black occasionally.) Especially for photos and paintings I love colours. Turquoise, pinks and purples are my faves. Michelle's favourite colours are pink and purple and she wants to paint her room pink and purple. I told her we will try to do it someday though I shudder to think of the all the furniture I have to move away from the wall! I don't even know how I'm going to do it! I actually like painting (walls & canvases!) It's the prep work (moving furniture, putting down drop clothes, taping etc) that I CAN'T STAND! I wish I could just twitch my nose and it would be done. Then again I wish all housework was like that! Oh to be like Samantha in Bewitched!
This is Michelle and her (rather realistic looking!) leopard (one of her MANY stuffed animals.) Michelle always has to have a stuffy with her -- to go to school, on car trips etc. I'm glad that she's so affectionate and loves to cuddle. She's always asking me for hugs as well and I'm always more than happy to oblige. When I can't be there (in the backseat with her in the car and at school), she has her stuffy to cuddle with. I'm hoping it's something she'll outgrow, like a security blanket. So far I haven't denied her when she's wanted to bring a toy with her though I draw the line at her bringing them into a store (they might not realize you came in with it!) and draw the line at her bringing several!
Michelle had a ball making her masks and then wanted us to try them on/have a fashion show. Of course I'm a photoholic and have to document everything so here it is. The masks are prettier when they're not on your face. Admittedly there are some feathery beaded Venetian masks which are sort of pretty but even they sort of creep me out. I just always think the person wearing a mask is pure evil. I tried putting a mask on Ali (our cat) but she wasn't having it. Not for an instant. The stuffies were much more cooperative.
I try to spend a little time with Michelle in the backyard at my Mom's when it's a nice day either before work (when I'm on nightshift) or after work (when I'm on dayshift.) It's good to get some fresh air and relax on the garden swing with her, play catch or hide and seek with Michelle. She also has a ball running around Grandma's big backyard. After a long dark cold winter it's a treat to get outside and get some sunshine whenever you can. It had reached the point where you didn't need a coat but you still needed a sweater.
An impromptu family portrait of Michelle, Ali and me! Michelle usually sits on the stairs to put on her shoes. When Ali comes to join her I say "Let's get a photo!" Usually Ali doesn't look but sometimes we get lucky and she looks right at the camera.
With the cellphone because you can actually see the screen (and know what you're taking) when you take a selfie, we could see Ali's face and it made Michelle laugh which made for an even cuter photo! "Say cheese!" The quality of the i-phone pics was never very good but it was great for taking selfies, when I could still use it as a camera but that came to an end in May....I'll get to that story a little later...
A beautiful day to head to the park! Michelle was thrilled. Now that she can swing on her own (though she still likes a starting push from me) she likes to go on the "big girl swing." I love how animated she is, how excited she gets over the simplest things. I wish I got that excited or happy about anything! Everything is an adventure. Everything is magical. It never gets old.
"I'm FLYING MAMA!" I see other kids who seem relatively calm/unexpressive while Michelle is over the top thrilled and I'm glad that I have such a happy girl. Though sometimes it makes me feel like a gloomy Gus/Eeyore in comparison. In my defense it's tough to be too enthusiastic when you're sleep deprived and zombie-like (as I am most of the time!)
My other girl, Ali, gets somewhat neglected since Michelle has been around the last few years (let's face it, my daughter comes first!) but she's still my baby too and she's always happy when she has my full attention (when I'm home and Michelle is in school.) My favourite photos of Ali are always in natural light. The sun was streaming in one day and I managed to get a selfie (or two!) of the two of us under the table. I love her expression here and how she's staring right at the camera, as though she could see her own image. Cats are so beautiful. I especially love their eyes.
Another day at the park, this time the park near Grandma's house. It had been a long day and I was beyond exhausted but Michelle asked if we could go to the park and I couldn't say no. Anything to make her happy, regardless of what it might do to me! Seeing her happy is worth it. So, ready to drop, I walk to the park pulling Michelle in the wagon. I couldn't help but think how nice it would be to have someone pull ME in a wagon! How nice it is to be little and have no responsibilities -- to have nothing to do but play and have fun and to have someone to take care of you, to indulge your every whim (not that my Mom indulged my every whim as a child or even ANY whim! Everything was no-no-no. I try to say yes to Michelle as much as possible if only to contrast what I lived through!) Of course, being the grown up and a single Mom at that, it's all me and there's no help. So I'm the one pulling the wagon, paying the bills, doing it all. Even when I'm really REALLY tired. (So always...)
I do enjoy watching Michelle play at the park though --when she actually allows me to just sit on the sidelines, that is. Often she wants a push on the swing or wants me to play "pirates" etc with her.
I must be getting older because lately it seems there's always something hurting -- I keep throwing my back out, hurting my shoulder, etc. I try to explain to her that sometimes Mama can't pick her up/give piggybacks, pull the wagon etc. The hardest thing is lifting her out of the car and carrying her up to bed when she falls asleep in the car. That nearly kills me. She's under 50 lbs but she feels like 100 when she's asleep! Sometimes I REALLY wish I had help! Heavy lifting is one of those times! I'm also not a big fan of mowing the lawn, putting out garbage etc. But at the rate I'm going I may not date again so it looks like I'll be doing all the heavy lifting and outdoor chores myself for the rest of my life!
Hanging out in Grandma's backyard is one of my favourite things. After a long day it's nice to just sit on the swing and get some fresh air and de-stress. As I've mentioned many times before I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder so I was very happy to see the winter end and to break out my sandals again! I waited until the last minute to remove my snow tires because we still got a random snowstorm here and there and I didn't want to be caught without them (especially after that time I got caught in a blizzard pre-snow tires and barely made it home alive! NEVER AGAIN!) My snow tires are safely tucked away in my garage until next year now. I am grateful they got me through the winter.
Michelle and I went to see the Smurfs. I wasn't overly keen on going to see it but I did wind up enjoying it. I even got a little teary at the end (without ruining it for you if you planned on seeing it, there is a bit of an incident with Smurfette, the one female Smurf in the village...) Michelle loved it. It was cute. Pretty much any animated film you see has some humour that will appeal to adults (since the filmmakers realize grown ups will have to sit through the movie with their kids, it might as well be entertaining to all ages!)
I had watched the Smurfs on TV when I was a kid. The movie, like the show, featured the little blue creatures (smurfs) and their nemesis, the evil wizard Gargamel and his cat Azrael. Michelle didn't know anything about these characters and hadn't seen them before but saw a preview for the movie and that was enough. The twist with this movie is that they come across a village of warrior female smurfs. Michelle talked me into getting her a stuffed one. We also picked up some of the collectible smurf houses in McDonalds' Happy Meals. With kids' movies it's all about the merchandising!
Michelle was excited for Easter coming up. While she knew that it's about Jesus rising from the dead (they teach the kids some version of that in kindergarten) she was mostly psyched about the chocolate, bunnies and egg hunt. I wound up giving her a couple of her bunnies ahead of time (and she already had quite a collection of bunnies -- they almost seem to multiply like rabbits!) I have always loved stuffed animals (even before I had a child!) and now that I have a good excuse to buy toys my sales resistance is even lower. If I see something adorable and inexpensive, I basically have no choice!
We went for a visit at Auntie May's. Shane had been working on renovating their Lego room and now it was done it looked beautiful! It's adorable seeing a whole little town made of Lego! I can't believe the details in the pieces. They really think of everything! Michelle loves the room of course. She wanted to play with the Lego. They do still have some loose pieces to build with. She knows not to tamper with the finished pieces! Heaven knows how long it took to put them all together. At least it's a hobby Shane can share with the kids. They all love it. I guess I'm not the only one who's a kid at heart and loves toys!
I was dressed in almost the same shade of blue so I couldn't resist getting a photo next to the wall! I love this picture of Michelle and I. She looks so sweet. Seeing rooms freshly painted in pretty colorus makes me want to paint my own house but as I mentioned before I hate the prep work and it's a bit of an overwhelming task, especially on your own. One of these days I'd definitely like to paint Michelle's room (anything that would make her want to FINALLY sleep in her own room!), possibly my room, the bathrooms etc. There are a few areas that need touch-ups as well from nail pops etc.
The kids in bunny ears! Total photo op! They were excited for Easter too. My Mom never did Easter egg hunts with us that I can remember but May and I do them with our kids (Mom also never allowed us to believe in Santa Claus. She told us it was when Jesus was born and that's the end of it. I just don't see the harm in letting kids enjoy all the magic and fun of each holiday. Michelle is familiar with both the religious and pagan versions of each holiday. Although we didn't have egg hunts we usually got a chocolate bunny for Easter. I always wanted the pretty ones with the fancy candy eye but Mom said the solid chocolate ones were a better value. It always took so long to eat and I always started feet first.

We played with the apps on Shannon's i-phone and they had some special Easter themed ones. Michelle as a chocolate bunny was just too adorable for words! I love this picture!
Michelle and I always love visiting Auntie May. We both have a ball. Michelle enjoys playing with her cousin Reggie and I love catching up with my sister and my niece. Somehow May always has me in stitches laughing. Sometimes I barely make it to the washroom in time nearly wetting myself laughing so hard. Laughter really is the best medicine. With health issues that come and go and ongoing stress/lack of sleep it's a treat to be able to let loose and laugh your head off once in a while. I can always count on May for that. No one shares my sense of humour the way she does. The snapchat snaps are always good for a laugh too.
We were home for Easter, Michelle had a great time on her Easter egg hunt and collected a lot of eggs. She was especially excited about the ones with something inside (Play Doh etc). She loves collecting eggs and sometimes asks me to hide them so she can look even when it's not Easter.
"You're getting warmer...You're getting colder..."
It's tricky though because my memory is so bad I often forget where I even hid them! So we just come across one at a later date in some random spot (like inside a boot or something!) The Easter bunny did a better job of hiding them where they could be found without too much trouble. I got a set of ears for Michelle to wear. I even had a set for Ali and I though I think Ali sported hers for approximately 10 seconds before she shook it off in disgust.
It was too much to hope for that Ali would keep the ears on AND look at the camera. This was as good as it was going to get. You just set the self timer and hope for the best.
You can't really see in the photos but even Michelle's dress had a bunny on it. As evidenced by photos at the Butterfly Conservatory etc I am very into "themed" dressing because I'm a total nerd and truly it's ALL ABOUT THE PHOTOS! We dress for the occasion no matter what it may be. I didn't have a bunny shirt for me or I would have worn it! I had to settle for pastel hearts that sort of reminded me of Easter candy. H&M makes the most adorable dresses for girls but they neglect to make them in adult sizes so I could have one to match. And yes I would wear dresses with butterflies and bunnies on them. Hell to the yes! LOL
Pink ears, pink bunny, pink bunny dress. Pink overload because why not? We are unapologetic girly girls! Michelle knew that she'd better give me a smile so I'd be satisfied and stop taking photos and she could open her presents.
When I was a kid I was lucky if I got a chocolate bunny. That was it. No presents, no stuffies, no egg hunts. Michelle gets it all. As I've said before my parenting style tends to be saying yes to all my mother's nos -- giving Michelle all the things that I didn't get to have. Also because I'm a single Mom Michelle gets all of my love, attention and focus and it's pretty hard not to spoil her with cute things which I enjoy almost as much as she does. It's like Christmas for every occasion. Actually some kids wouldn't get this much for Christmas! I usually don't plan to get so much. It just kind of happens. I'll pick up a couple of things here and there over time and by the time the date rolls around, I've amassed a motherlode of gifts. (Mind you a lot of them are from the dollar store so it's not a lot of $$$!)

It was exciting when our little "Penguala" (like a penguin fused with a koala I guess?) hatched. It was a pretty cool concept so kudos to Spin Master for the whole experience though I was still a little bitter about the whole Christmas thing. I mean HOW DO YOU MISS THE CHRISTMAS MARKET?!?! Anyway, being an egg and all it did seem like the perfect Easter gift! But on top of everything else obviously Michelle was SUPER SPOILED. Again, I can't help it. As a kid I felt like I never got ANYTHING I wanted. So I try to give Michelle EVERYTHING she wants. If I can afford it.
We had pancakes for brunch. Michelle didn't like pancakes at first but now she loves them and when we're home on the weekend I try to make them. She felt quite grown up eating with a knife and fork (it's a special cutlery set for kids so it's not too sharp.) She had several pancakes. I always give myself the crappy first batch of misshapen fugly hotcakes and save the perfect rounded ones for her (for some reason the first set NEVER work out. Maybe it's too much butter on the pan or something? Or maybe I'm just a really bad cook -- hint -- yes I am!) I love when we can just stay at home and relax and not have to worry about rushing anywhere. Somehow between work and school and everything else it seems like more often than not we are rushing to go somewhere and don't get to just chill at home and have brunch and play. There's no place like home. Especially when you don't get to be there often.
Michelle also loves playing in the backyard. Though our yard isn't quite as big as Grandma's (it's about 1/3 of the size) it's still plenty of room to run amok, play ball, chase bubbles or whatever.
Michelle is very vocal. Sometimes I ask her to tone it down. As some parents say "use your inside voice!" but I don't know if Michelle HAS an inside voice. She sings, yells, plays all at the top of her lungs. No matter where we are. At home. In the park At the store. She's an extrovert and I'm an introvert. While she's trying to get the attention of the whole world I'm just quietly trying to go about my business inconspicuously. I'm glad she's happy/having fun but sometimes she embarrasses me. Sometimes she gives me a headache. Or both. When we're outside I warn her that some people may have their windows open and she may be causing a disturbance!
Ali loves to be outside as well though I have to keep an eye on her/make sure she doesn't wander off. She's mostly pretty good because she knows if she leaves the yard I will scoop her up and put her in the house but if she just chills out in the backyard she can enjoy the sunshine longer. The only problem is that she loves to eat grass and then often throws up inside. I don't know why she does this or whether all cats do it but it's a bit of a nuisance.
Michelle gets a kick out of having Ali outside, as you can see. Sometimes she chases a bug which is quite amusing to watch. She may be huge and round but it doesn't slow her down. Ali can run like a jack rabbit, scampering across the grass in record time.
Somebunny was in our backyard eating clover. I wanted to tell him to help himself to as much as he wanted because it saves me mowing it! I actually don't mind clover because at least it's green and seems to grow better than grass.
I managed to get a decent photo of our bunny friend by zooming in. He didn't seem to notice me with my camera through the patio door. He also had an audience of Michelle and Ali. "Michelle look! Bunny!"
"Awwwwww!" I couldn't resist getting a picture of them watching him.
Nothing says Spring like a bunny in your backyard. I guess if I was growing vegetables I might be annoyed at him nibbling but he's just so darn cute!
Michelle drew a couple of bunnies and a puppy that were very cute. I love her drawings and how meticulous she is about colouring them in. I save all of her artwork and am accumulating quite a massive pile that has to be sorted through. I was labeling her work and putting it into file folders but I'm about a year or two behind now so I'll have to go back and organize them at some point. I just keep adding to the huge pile which is now in the guest room waiting for me to find the time to do something with it. Of course since she's been in school there is even more work collecting. I remember one woman I used to work with who threw out her kids' artwork (! I can't even imagine! But she wasn't the sentimental type like me and couldn't stand clutter.)
And then the weather warmed up even more and it seemed to go from Spring to Summer. I love when you don't need to wear a jacket anymore. I love when the sun is shining again and the flowers bloom and it's not so dark and bleak anymore! Spring was here to stay and we enjoyed it in Grandma's backyard. For a little bit anyway until I had to go to work nightshift.
It was crazy hair day at school and I had just put Michelle's hair in a ponytail on top of her head but her teacher added some pipe cleaners and ribbons.
We went to visit Auntie May one day and it was such a nice day we all went to the park.
It's a great park with rubber ground so it doesn't hurt as much if you fall (which is brilliant and a huge improvement over gravel or wood chips which get stuck in your shoes but I guess it's somewhat cost prohibitive.) Michelle loved climbing on the dragon sculpture. A friend of May's at the park offered to take a picture of all of us. I always love getting group shots and there isn't always a handy place to sit the camera for the self timer.
Even with the rubber ground somehow Michelle managed to fall and get hurt THREE TIMES! She didn't want to leave (we offered). She still picked herself back up and wanted to play. One time she slipped and fell running. Another time she misjudged the rungs of a ladder and fell through. Another time she fell off the slide. I tried to watch her every moment but even as a hoverer I missed a couple of times. I always ran to comfort her as fast as I could. When she fell through the ladder I was worried she might have hurt her leg but a nurse that happened to be there assured me she was OK. Before I knew it she was running and laughing and playing again.
It's constant stress having a kid though. They fall and get hurt ALL THE TIME. Usually a kiss from Mama is enough to cure her/stop her from crying.
In spite of the Coyote warning signs we decided to brave a walk through the woods. We didn't come across any coyotes during our stroll. I hear you can always drop an anvil on them anyway ("Beep! Beep!" If you're not a Looney Tunes fan or loony just ignore this...) We were hoping to see a deer (apparently many had been spotted in the area -- get it? Spotted deer? OK I'll stop!) but we didn't find any of them either. I couldn't resist grabbing a selfie (or a few!) of us. This one that turned out the best, with all of us in it, the others were a bit off with someone blocked and/or making a face.
Then the kids wanted to have a race. Maniac that I am, I decided to join in. I wound up overtaking everyone and winning (I often let Michelle win races but this was a race against multiple opponents and my competitive nature kicked in!) but not without collapsing at the end of it, completely red-faced and out of breath with every part of me aching. I can really push myself when I have to (as I did last year for the Fitness Test where I got 99/100! That still blows my mind!) but it takes a lot out of me. And I shouldn't push myself because I usually pay for it later. Especially lifting Michelle. I keep aggravating old back/shoulder injuries.

Who could resist the opportunity to be a fennec fox? Not me! How adorable are they?!
I always love playing with the silly snaps on Shannon's i-phone. It's always good for a laugh. And I'm a photoholic so any photo op is welcome! The sillier the better!
May and Shannon ALWAYS make me laugh. Michelle always has a ball too. Visiting at Auntie May's is one of our favourite things to do! We go there as often as we can. No matter what is going on in my life, now matter how tired or stressed I feel, going to May's always makes me feel better. No one gets me like May and no one makes me laugh the way she does. I wish I could see her every day!

Michelle went on a school trip with her class and got to make a planter. I was surprised they'd let the kids use a hammer and nails on their own but she did pretty well! She was anxious to plant something in it so I got some soil and flower seeds and she planted them. There's something magical about planting a seed in the earth and seeing it transform into a living, growing thing. Michelle kept checking and watering and was very excited when it started to sprout and continue to grow. I think it's a good experience for kids to learn to plant things. Michelle has a green thumb already!
My niece had been borrowing my keyboard until she got her own then she gave mine back. I set it up in my room and Michelle has been playing with it. I want to get her piano lessons at some point. She's already started making little tunes and WRITING HER OWN SONGS! I love her lyrics. So cute and creative. I loved her line "My heart is breaking up with you." I found it a clever turn of phrase. Instead of a heart breaking it's "breaking up" with you! Michelle never ceases to amaze me. A songwriter at 4 years old! Of course it's in our blood. I've written about 1000 songs.
A beautiful day for a slide! Michelle insisted on going face first. It's sort of symbolic of her approach to life -- to just dive in headfirst, full of enthusiasm. Meanwhile I'm the more cautious one, waiting in the wings, worrying, warning her that she could get hurt. I try to step back a bit and let Michelle be Michelle. She's the opposite of me in so many ways -- so full of energy and joy, so friendly and full of life, an extrovert who wants to be friends with everyone. I'm more reserved and withdrawn. While Michelle is hooting and hollering, running amok and having a ball, I'm usually sitting quietly, slightly embarassed, with my head in my hands, trying to stifle my impulse to say "Shhh! Settle down!" And sometimes I do say it when she's really over the top. But mostly I let her have fun because she might as well. I'm more than uptight enough for the both of us!

"Excuse me, Sir?" I begin.
No response.
"Excuse me..." a bit louder.
I manage to pierce his bubble this time. He looks at me like I have three heads. Everyone looks at me like I'm from outer space. And maybe I am but I've gotta be me!
"Uh...Could you possibly turn down the volume on your tablet? It's just a little loud."
He looks dumbfounded. "Oh. Sorry."
He does something with the tablet but apparently not the right thing because he then returns to his game and it's JUST AS LOUD. SWISH. SWISH. Now my eye is twitching.
Michelle was thrilled when the seeds she planted in her little planter started to sprout. She was pretty good about watering it every day (I always did anyway even if she forgot.) It's a good experience for her to feel like she's growing something and it's pretty cool that she even built the planter all by herself. We also planted some seeds outside. I don't have a lot of money (read -- any!) for landscaping. So I try to get things that are cheap and cheerful. Seeds fit the bill and then Michelle gets to watch them grow. We planted a little garden in the backyard where there's a bare patch near the house.
And then one day, for some insane reason, I tried to book a dental appointment. Because apparently I'm a glutton for punishment and surgery hadn't been quite enough. Basically now that I had benefits I thought I might as well be using them. It had been quite a while since I'd gone to a dentist. I figured I should have one in town because I do so much driving I might as well save myself an hour's drive where I can. Plus it would be handy to go to the dentist while Michelle is in school. So I took a chance and went to a new office in my area (there was a flyer in the paper and they were 1 minute from my house. So convenient!) I sat and filled out a mountain of paperwork in the waiting room.
The hygienist was a sweet, pretty East Indian girl. Unfortunately she inadvertently whacked me in the head with a machine... She led me into a room for a "360 X-ray" which I'd never heard of and frankly gave me the willlies. She started to lower the machine without warning me or asking me to move over and it bonked me in the head. After being whacked with a heavy metal machine I thought "I'm not off to the best start in this new office!" A bit startled but alive I was then lead to stand still while this creepy rotating machine spun around my head. I was pretty freaked out, unsure if I was going to be hit again. The girl seemed a little bit confused/inexperienced/disorganized but she was so kind and sweet that I almost forgave her. Then after all that the x-ray didn't even work. She asked if I wanted to do it again (?) I said oh hell no. So she just made do with the regular x-rays. Because I hadn't been to the dentist for several years (when I didn't have benefits. I don't like going to the dentist when it's free so I SURE wouldn't pay for it!) my teeth took a long time to clean. She had to book another appointment to get the rest of the scaling done. At least it wasn't so bad. She told me to raise my hand if the pain was too bad and I never had to raise my hand. Normally I'm a nervous wreck at the dentist but after going through the biopsy this was a cakewalk! She was a pleasant young woman and talked to me about her son's birthday party etc. The office seemed rather disorganized but I figured it was because they had just opened.
Then the dentist came in. He was decidedly less than pleasant. He was a stern looking, insensitive Middle Eastern man with dark eyes and an inability to smile. I don't know if he said two words to me. He seemed a bit annoyed the 360 x-ray hadn't worked and assured me my insurance company wouldn't be charged for it. My first impression of him as not very nice turned out to be accurate. He was a monster. When he looked at my teeth, rather than gently asking me to turn my head to the left or right (as every other NORMAL dentist does) he forcibly pushed my face back and forth, up and down, poking at my cheeks like I was a cadaver or a doll. I was totally creeped out. I thought maybe I'm just being too sensitive but I ran the story by a couple of other people who said no that's really weird. I never wanted to see Dr. Insensitive Psycho again. Unfortunately I had an appointment booked for a couple of small fillings. Maybe I'd get lucky and it would be a different dentist. I called the office to ask. No it was going to be the same one. Yikes. No way Jose! I told them I never wanted to see him again and why. So they rescheduled the appointment with another dentist in the office.
"Ok. When would you like to reschedule...?" the secretary asked, obliviously. (After all how could she know what I had been through? Well she knew I didn't like Dr. Psycho pushy face but not my latest encounter.)
"Umm. Never actually. I'm not coming back to your office."
I would have let it go at that but she pressed me.
"There were just a lot of RED FLAGS," I offered, dismissively.
She had to know. So when she asked "Like what?" I let the floodgates open.
"Ok. If you really want to know..."
She listened to my tirade and then I could hear her bristling. I had offended her office. She was very defensive and had an explanation of sorts for everything -- the dental assistant was pregnant and distracted, the plastic drawers were for root canal tools to be moved to different rooms and this and that. I think I even forgot to mention the dirty seat. Dang. I wonder what excuse she would have had for that? The bumbling prego assistant? I told her it didn't matter anyway. There was literally nothing on earth she could possibly say that would lead to me setting foot in that gong show of a dental office EVER AGAIN.
"There were just a lot of RED FLAGS," I offered, dismissively.
She had to know. So when she asked "Like what?" I let the floodgates open.
"Ok. If you really want to know..."
She listened to my tirade and then I could hear her bristling. I had offended her office. She was very defensive and had an explanation of sorts for everything -- the dental assistant was pregnant and distracted, the plastic drawers were for root canal tools to be moved to different rooms and this and that. I think I even forgot to mention the dirty seat. Dang. I wonder what excuse she would have had for that? The bumbling prego assistant? I told her it didn't matter anyway. There was literally nothing on earth she could possibly say that would lead to me setting foot in that gong show of a dental office EVER AGAIN.
"How long have you been in business anyway? A couple of months?" I asked.
"7 years," she said.
"Yikes." Somehow that made everything even worse. You've been in business almost a decade and you're a trainwreck? Wow. I wondered idly if others had suffered the same fate as I had (or worse.)
At least it was an adventure and I got some laughs out of it telling May my whole sordid tale. It's almost worth going through bad experiences when you get an amusing anecdote out of it... As May and I used to say when we went through a bad experience "See a few things, LEARN a few things..."
Yes we made yet another trip to the Butterfly Conservatory because we both love it and it's our happy place.
This time Michelle got up close and personal with something other than butterflies. Yes, Michelle is far more brave than I am. Clearly. She was willing to touch this massive and utterly terrifying leaf bug or whatever the devil it was. I wasn't going near the thing. I stood at a distance and zoomed in to take a photo. The way it moved with it's creepy legs was nothing short of sinister. I was certain he would kill us all. I imagined being under a tree and having a leaf suddenly start moving and I literally couldn't even.
It was somewhat crowded but we managed to circumvent the crowd long enough to snap a photo (or two) of the two of us in a corner. Because as you know, I'm a photoholic and I like having the self timer to show that I was actually there too! I'm not just a disembodied photographer behind the lens all the time! I am sharing these adventures with Michelle!
Yes it's an obsession/addiction but compared to some addictions/obsessions I think I could do a lot worse! Besides, being a photoholic is almost in vogue now! Everyone's doing it!
Michelle and I with butterfly. The only way it could have been better would be if Michelle had been smiling, but hey, you can't have everything! I'll take what I can get!
This must have been a newborn (recently hatched) butterfly because he didn't seem to fly very much. We put him on an orange slice to eat afterward. I didn't want him to be stepped on or picked up by some careless/rough kid. I'm protective of the butterflies. I don't like to see kids handling them roughly, grabbing at them. It stresses me out.
You're not supposed to touch the butterflies at all actually. Michelle is always very gentle and careful with them. She knows to never touch their wings and to just let them sit on her finger/arm.
I've never killed a bee. Let them BEE!
We walked through the museum area afterward and Michelle had a ball playing with a little girl she met. They wanted to keep playing for the rest of the day but her Mom had to go and we had a bit of a drive back home as well. I love that Michelle makes friends so easily everywhere we go (completely the opposite of me!) She's very outgoing and friendly and will talk to anyone (also the opposite of me!) Sometimes I worry that she's too friendly, especially with older adults -- complete strangers. She knows she's safe when I'm there but even so I don't always feel comfortable with her making conversation with strangers. I want to teach her to be cautious. I grew up with a very fearful mother. I don't want to be that sheltering but I want Michelle to have some boundaries anyway and to stay safe.
A parting selfie with a butterfly, the Idea Leuconoe, the large tree nymph (also known as paper kite or rice paper.) They are silvery white with black spots and come from Southeast Asia, Northern Australia and Southern Taiwan. I still find it amazing that we get to enjoy these beautiful creatures in a tropical jungle here in Ontario.
These tree nymphs seem to be the friendliest/most accessible of the butterflies in the conservatory. Or at least they're the ones that land on us the most often and don't immediately fly away. We're always grateful when they stop and spend some time with us!
This is a harder shot to get without being photobombed. The walkways are really never clear and especially when you have to set the timer and count.
At least no one walked directly into the shot. I love Michelle's pose here with her hand on her hip. My Mom says Michelle will be a handful as a teenager. She's already got a bit of the teenage attitude! I'm sure when she's a teenager though she won't even go with me to excursions like this, much less be willing to pose with Mama for photos. She would probably be too embarrassed. Or maybe she will stay close to me and be my best friend as she gets older? I can hope! In any event I have to cherish this time that I have with her while she still thinks hanging out with Mama is fun!
We found this Egyptian mummy in one of the museum rooms at the conservatory. I wasn't entirely sure what mummies had to do with Butterflies (I didn't bother to read the write-up next to the display case) but Mother's Day was coming up so maybe it was a Mummies for Mommies display? We got a selfie with it anyway. It was just a replica of an actual mummy sarcophagus from Egypt.
I've always been fascinated by Egyptians and their beautiful art/sculpture/jewelry/architecture/hieroglyphics. These were people that really appreciated beauty. Plus they worshiped cats so I can completely relate to them! Their obsession with death was a tad morbid but at least they got to die in style! Beautiful mummies encased in gold and housed in a pyramid! (Mind you I think that was just for royalty...)
Michelle loves to draw. It has to be her idea though. If you ask her to draw or colour something she'll protest. If you pester her long enough she'll grudgingly do it but make a halfhearted effort -- stick figures scribbled and not coloured in.
If it's her own idea however she will draw and colour an entire page until her hand is sore. This adorable picture was her idea and I love it! A panda, a parrot, a cat, a bunny and a mouse. I'm not sure what inspired her to suddenly draw this menagerie but I'm grateful. Her artwork always makes me smile. I try to keep all of it. I still have to organize it in files. I'm several months (a year?) behind on labeling and filing things. It's one of the many projects on my someday "to do" list that never gets done...
I was happy that Michelle made me a Mother's Day card without any coaxing but then she makes me "I love you cards" all the time for no occasion.
I also never have to coax Michelle to dress up. She LOVES wearing dresses. She's always happy to have an excuse to get dolled up. After we were dressed I couldn't resist getting a few photos of us...
One last photo (or two) before heading off to my Mom's and my sister's place for a Mother's Day celebration. I was hoping to get Ali in the photo as well (she sometimes joins us on the stairs for a pic) but she wasn't having it.
Michelle picked out her turquoise dress and hairband to match. I can't remember where I found this navy dress (it was either Walmart or Giant Tiger) but it was a great deal and very comfortable. I love wearing dresses in the Summer. It's just so easy and comfortable. It's almost like wearing a nightgown all day. Might as well! Technically it was still Spring (Summer doesn't officially start until June) but the weather was warm and it felt like Summer! Good enough for me!
The obligatory group photo at May's place. My brothers had plans and couldn't make it for Mother's Day so they gave my Mom her gift ahead of time.
Michelle had learned a little Mother's Day song in school: "Moms are special. Moms are nice..." She sang it for me. She was going to sing it for the whole group at my sister's but she got stage fright and only wanted to perform it for me. I recorded a video of her singing it so I could show everyone. I put it on Youtube. Here's the video below:
It was a beautiful day so we ventured outside for a while and got a group picture in the sunlight. I should have been a little more cognizant of having people lined up by height. You can barely see my dad's poor little head peeking out between my Mom and Shannon from the back row. At least everyone is actually looking at the camera, so there's that. I look like I'm in the middle of saying something but I may have just been doing the countdown (I always have to set the timer and run counting down from 10. I usually make it but sometimes I count too fast/slow.)

We got a couple of silly snaps on Shannon's i-phone with the fancy filters. My Mom wanted flowers in her hair. May and I had to take turns since it only allows two flowers girls at one time. Why my Mom insisted on having this overly serious face I'm not sure. Something about "smiling causing wrinkles." I still think wrinkles from smiling are preferable to, say, looking like a serial killer posing for a mugshot...but that's just me!
I always wind up laughing at May's place. It's one of my favourite places to be. It's always a treat to be there. I was grateful that May agreed to host Mother's Day and even offered to host my birthday at her place. My Mom's place is much more crowded. Of course Michelle always loves going to Auntie May's as well. It's the best!
It was a beautiful Summery day and Michelle wanted to go to the park after school. I'm always happy to watch her play and I figure the more exercise she gets running around outside the more likely she is to sleep well at night.
I love this picture of Michelle on the swing. She's so happy. It never gets old -- the joy of swinging, touching the sky. "I'm FLYING MAMA!" She loves it. Especially now that she can swing on her own like a big girl. She always wants a push from me to get her started. The tough part is when she wants off the swing because she's not quite big enough to get down herself and when I go to stop her, lift her off sometimes she jumps and pulls on me, putting a strain on my back. Lately I've had to be more careful because I keep aggravating old back/shoulder injuries, mostly by lifting Michelle. I still carry her in when she falls asleep in the car and I sometimes get talked into giving her piggyback rides. I'll think I'm OK and all of a sudden "AAAACK! My BACK!"
One good thing about birthdays is getting to spend time with family. I was extremely grateful that May offered to host my birthday party at her house.
Michelle and I got dressed up and got a few photos at home before heading out. Her panda had to get in the picture of course. She goes through phases with her stuffies. Panda was Number #1 during May and she had to take him EVERYWHERE. To school, in the car, to Grandma's etc. I drew the line at letting her take him into stores with us. Even if it was a store that didn't carry pandas.
I'm glad that Michelle is a girly girl. It's fun sharing girly things with her, like going shopping and trying on dresses (one of my personal faves!) I don't have to twist her arm to try things on. She LOVES it. She was even happy to pose for pictures. I wound up getting a couple of things for myself and a few dresses for her.
Michelle has a LOT of dresses. I can't help it. I love dressing her up. I was buying her dresses before she was even born! As soon as I found out I was going to be having a girl I bought her a frilly dress to celebrate! You can see it in the post "It's a girl!" from 2012 when I went for an ultrasound and got the good news. One of the best days of my life. Don't get me wrong. I would have loved a boy too but it would have been different. There would have been a lot of things I wouldn't have been able to share with him. Trying on dresses is one of them!
My brothers missed Mother's Day and couldn't make it to my birthday either but I'd be seeing them at my place for May's birthday and they'd be bringing my gifts then. The reality is most families don't get together half as much as we do. Most people think we're nuts when they hear how we get together for every occasion. Some only see their extended family once a year, if that. We tend to be the exception rather than the rule. I'm grateful to have a close knit family. These days I don't have a social life to speak of so my family is basically it! My sister is my best friend and I'm always happy to spend time with her. My family and Michelle especially are the greatest gift and I'm so lucky to have them!

I love Michelle as a mouse! It suits her. The big eyes, the ears, the cute little nose! She loved being a mouse too. She wanted to see the photos on Shannon's camera. If she had her way she'd have taken 100 selfies with all the different filters. I can't imagine when she finally has a cellphone of her own! (It will be quite a while since as I've mentioned, even Mama is behind on technology. If I won't purchase a new cell for myself I sure as Hell am not buying one for my 4 year old!) I think kids are exposed to technology too young and get addicted to their gadgets. There's a real world out there to explore. I'd rather she draw on old school paper and use her imagination playing outside in the real world than being hooked on video games on a little device. Still, I'm a photoholic myself so I TOTALLY get the whole selfie thing. Lately there has been a disturbing trend in the news where more people are getting injured/killed taking dangerous selfies. Come on people! I appreciate a good photo op more than just about anyone but it's NOT WORTH YOUR LIFE! Step away from the cliff edge (though having said this I got a photo of myself sitting on the edge of the cliff at Rattlesnake Point back in the day! I was somewhat more reckless back then...And that was before it was even in vogue! I also got a selfie with a tiger and a moose with her baby so I'm a bit of a hypocrite here!)

Michelle hadn't seen Sesame Street in a while (it's only on in the wee hours of the morning and we usually don't make it to the TV at that time) but you never forget Cookie Monster! I was expecting there to be some kind of display, a plate of cookies, a new Sesame Street book or something to explain the presence of a giant blue monster but it just seemed to be a random presence on an ordinary day. I'm always happy for a photo op whatever the reason!
Sometimes I think Michelle is happy it's a rainy day so she has a good excuse to go to the indoor playground (when it's a nice day I tell her we can just go to the park.) In the winter the indoor playground was one of her favourite places. She loves running amok there. Sometimes she's up and down on the slides, other times she prefers to swing on the rope. She also enjoys playing table hockey with whoever will play with her (random kids who come by or me, failing that.) She gets so excited when she scores a goal but she kind of rubs it in. I didn't even realize it was a motorized table until a stranger came by and turned a switch on under the table that made the table vibrate slightly. That made it easier to get the puck (when the table isn't on the puck sometimes gets stuck in the middle of the table and you have to lean over to reach it.)
"Thank you!" I told the guy "I didn't even know there was a switch to turn it on!"
And I always try to get in at least one shot even though it's always a challenge to set up the self-timer in a crowded place without getting photobombed by the many kids running by! I got lucky and it snapped just before a kid ran right in front of the camera blocking us. Timing is everything. For some reason Michelle always jumps up and clings to me (like a monkey!) at the last moment as the camera snaps, almost knocking me over. It's murder on my back as well having 48 lbs hanging off my neck unexpectedly all of a sudden. I've told her not to do it but she seems to forget every time. I guess it's my own fault for asking her to pose for the photo. She sometimes jumps up on my parents and I've told Michelle never to do that because Grandma and Grandpa are older, more fragile and she might BREAK THEM! She's just so full of energy she forgets sometimes that we're older and not quite as limber as she is.
It's hard to get a shot of Michelle coming out of the tunnel slide. She either gets stuck in a line up of kids and takes forever and I wind up snapping a picture of the wrong kid. Or I'm too late on the draw and just miss her. Once in a while I get lucky and catch her just in time and she almost has a smile on her face. The slides used to be her favourite thing but now she mostly plays on the ropes, with table hockey or the other games on the back wall that she took no notice of before. I just enjoy watching her play. I'm not a fan of when she's in the upper level and I can't see her. I get that moment of panic/sick feeling in my gut when I can't see her. Of course she's safe but I'm a worrier/hoverer so it's hard to let go. I almost wish I could be blase like other parents who spend the whole time on their phones and never even look up to check on their kids. Almost.
Sometimes I'm having a bad day and I'm beyond exhausted and I don't know how I'll get through but then Michelle gives me a card that says "I love you Mama! You are the best!" and it's all worth it. I love that she's a little heart and I'm a big heart with teeth and everything! Her artwork makes me so happy! She's always hugging and kissing and telling me she loves me too. I'm glad she's so affectionate. I am too. I know that some people aren't demonstrative with their kids. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I can't imagine being any other way!
I've been working a lot more this year which means Michelle is at my Mom's place a lot more. She loves running around and playing in Grandma's big backyard. I don't like leaving Michelle but I'm glad when I can at least spend a little time with her in the backyard before I have to go in to work (or after I get home if I'm on dayshift.) In the nice weather we like to sit on the garden swing and relax for a bit (or my Mom and I do anyway. Michelle prefers running amok or putting on a show for us. "Welcome to the Michelle show!" which involves her doing acrobatic moves, singing and shouting at the top of her lungs.
Michelle picked out this sparkly gold sequined and peach flower dress and the matching head band. She also came with me to pick out balloons for the party. May asked Michelle if the rainbow unicorn made her think of Auntie May. Michelle responded with stunned silence (the truth was she just wanted the unicorn for herself. I was pretty sure May would let her keep it!) I picked out some flower balloons as well. I was hoping for one that said "May" on it but I guess that was too much to hope for. I was glad to find flowers at least...
A group shot before all of the guests had arrived. I wasn't sure that everyone would actually fit in my tiny kitchen/dining room.
Thankfully it was a beautiful day so we could all congregate in the backyard where there's a lot more room (which is what we did once my brothers and their entourage arrived...) We are a very big gang when everyone is there! A lot of people to fit in my little house!
I got a couple of extra lawn chairs trying to have a place for everyone to sit. I didn't get to sit very much between getting snacks and drinks for everyone and getting things ready for dinner. At least I didn't have to cook (I usually order in!) Chris offered to BBQ so I got burgers and hot dogs to put on the barbecue (Chris brought his own small portable one.) I love BBQ food in the Summer! It's my fave. I'm a little nervous of using a BBQ myself so I don't have one but I was grateful to Chris for bringing his and making dinner for us!
Michelle and her panda having a ball at the party. Yes she had her stuffed panda bear with her outside. She only put him down occasionally to play catch. Michelle loves having the whole family around. She was all smiles and giggles. I love this picture of her grinning ear to ear.
I made sure to cover her in sunscreen so my little ginger girl wouldn't burn being outside for hours. And I always make her wear sunglasses. I'm always surprised when I drop off and pick up Michelle from school that most people (like 95%) don't put sunglasses on their kids, even though the parents are wearing sunglasses themselves. Don't they know it's important to protect their kids' eyes?! I'm just more anal than the average bear but then I was the ginger kid who was left outside to rot and got severe blistering sunburns... (Mom plays it off like they hadn't INVENTED sunscreen yet. Sure, Mom. Still they invented SHADE!) I tend to be on the overly cautious side so she doesn't suffer the same fate.
When the kids were playing downstairs for a long time I was almost afraid to check on them and see what they were up to. I had visions of toys all pulled off the shelves and all over the floor and just sheer anarchy. I was pleasantly surprised to find most things undisturbed though they were sitting on beach toys for some inexplicable reason. They wanted to watch the movie "Trolls." Kayla and Evie hadn't seen it yet. Reggie saw it at school but missed the end of it and Michelle loves it and will watch it over and over. I pretty much pick up every new animated film when they come out because that's basically all we watch. Trolls became her new favourite in May and she watched it a million times!
Somehow we did manage to fit all of us in the dining room for a group shot with the cake but it wasn't easy! I ran in at the last minute, as always. At least most of us are looking and/or smiling (Evie is lying on the table for some reason and Kayla and James are preoccupied/looking away but hey you can't have everything.) At least my dad isn't hidden in the background but he always looks somewhat bewildered when the camera clicks. My dad DOES smile. But unfortunately NOT for the camera.
I think the shirts were inspired by the live action Cinderella where "Have Courage and Be Kind," was the catchphrase/advice her mother gave her before she passed away. It's a beautiful motto Cinderella admirably lives by showing superhuman patience and kindness to her cruel selfish stepmother and stepsisters. Eventually, she gets her happy ending and gets to be a Princess and live the life she deserves but her life seemed pretty bleak up until then. It wasn't bad enough the poor girl loses both her parents but then she gets bullied by her idiot stepfamily! It was amazing that Cinderella could remain kind to those who were so mean to her (mind you it is a fairytale!) So you could say Cinderella was an example of a REALLY good Christian. A saint really. Unbelievably kind and always turning the other cheek. I'm not quite there. Not by a long shot. I probably would have told the stepsisters & stepmom to go F%^$ themselves and get their lazy, ugly butts out of my parents' house...But that's just me. Hey, even Jesus lost his temper once (when sleazy salesmen were turning his father's house into a "den of thieves.") I wonder if Jesus would have lost his temper in traffic... Jesus take the wheel...
So, with Michelle in the backseat and my "kind" shirt on I set off to Grandma's house an hour away and hoped for the best. It was tough. Every time someone annoyed me I felt a twinge in my gut and had to bite my tongue to keep from lashing out in anger. Trying to restrain myself from saying something snarky to bad drivers proved even more painful than restraining myself from taking a photo when I see something cute. It's a knee jerk response. Very hard to override! But I made a conscious effort. It was a pretty silent drive. Nothing but the radio. "Kill them with kindness" came on the radio and I thought "If only!" I remembered the saying "If you can't say something nice, say nothing." Of course if I lived by that I would never speak when I drove! But when I'm alone in the car and driving long distances, blowing off steam by expressing my exasperation keeps my head from exploding.
Of course being kind doesn't just mean to other people. It is just as important to be kind to ourselves. We need to cut ourselves a little slack. We can be very hard on ourselves. Self-critical, beating ourselves up, stressing ourselves out with "shoulds," often trying to be and do everything (women are especially guilty of this I believe! At the risk of generalizing, I would say men usually have an easier time cutting themselves slack and not trying to do too much!) I tend to be pretty self critical. I'm not always very kind to myself. A lot of us also (men and women) don't take care of ourselves. We need to eat healthy foods, get enough rest, exercise etc (and not poison ourselves with toxic substances) or we're going to feel like crap. Feeling terrible on the outside makes you feel bad inside as well. Again, it's easier said than done! I'm thankful that at least I don't smoke/drink/do drugs but I still have my own, less severe, addictions -- sugar, caffeine. Insomnia is an ongoing problem for me especially because I work shiftwork and am constantly changing from days to nights. It's hard to flip from one schedule to its opposite. And sometimes (on nightshifts when Michelle is in school) I only have a 3 hour window to grab sleep as it is. It's simply not enough to function. Sometimes even when I'm tired I just lay there and can't sleep because my mind is too active and doesn't come with an off button. I worry, make endless to do lists, etc. Even when I'm so tired I could collapse I still lay there and lay there, staring at the clock. Sometimes I finally get up and read/watch TV/go on Twitter. That usually doesn't help to relax me either!
If only everyone could be kind. We could live in peace and harmony and love each other, recognizing we are all part of the same (very large and dysfunctional!) family -- humanKIND. What a beautiful world it would be...But as they say "BE the change you want to see in the world." So I could start by not yelling/swearing at other drivers. To be more forgiving, patient, courteous. Even when I'm not wearing my "Be kind" shirt...