I ain gone lie, 2017 was like a wake up call or sumn... this year sucked..— me (@RDM_15) November 29, 2017
On a personal level it was a rough year for me too. Stress and anxiety (over my own life and the world in general), sleep deprivation, long hours running on empty, trips to the hospital etc. A terrible bout of pneumonia that began in late 2016 continued into 2017. For that I blame Trump (and the Russians!) for the traumatising American election! (And I'm CANADIAN! I can't imagine how horrifying it must have been for Americans!) Anyway, I barely slept a wink after November 9 2016! It was like a living nightmare. This could NOT be happening, could it?! Is this the world now?! Is this what we've come to?! Admittedly I'm not ordinarily very political but the election came as a shock to me. It sickened me, literally and figuratively. I watched in expectation of seeing the first female President! A historic event. Instead it went the other way. Toxic masculinity triumphed. Trump becoming President was an abomination. A man who BOASTED about grabbing women by their genitals, who couldn't be more racist if he was wearing a pointy white hood, a liar con artist fool that defrauded thousands of students with a bogus university was now somehow the leader of the Free World. A real life Idiocracy. It was tragic and I feared the consequences for the US and the world would be catastrophic. I tweeted this and I wasn't even exaggerating. Trump being elected seemed like a sign of the Apocalypse and there would be many further signs to come...
— Ann Marie Pincivero (@ampincivero) November 9, 2016
I wrote a song about Trump as well: "Dark Days: Trump as President." I was hoping the Electoral College would correct their mistake and get him out but they failed to. Then I was hoping Trump would be impeached but it's taking a lot longer than expected. He managed to make it through 2017, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake...
Here is a link to the video on Youtube:
Here is a link to the video on Youtube:
This blog is normally about my daughter and I/my journey as a single Mom but I thought I'd make an exception and dedicate a post to one of the most harrowing, insane years that I can remember. A year that broke records and broke hearts. A year where every day in the news was like a cross between a hilarious SNL skit and a disturbing horror movie -- too awful, too absurd to be true, except it WAS...
Through the tragedies and trials, somehow we still got through 2017! Yay! Look at us go! It's DECEMBER already! They say that time flies when you're having fun but lately it seems that it flies even when you're going through Hell on Earth! So let's pat ourselves on the back for getting through this rough patch and let's hope that 2018 will be better. If what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, we must be like Hercules by now![concert]— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) May 9, 2017
SINGER: hows everyone doin tonight
CROWD: woo
ME (from the back in a normal speaking voice): it's actually been a tough few months
Humour is a survival mechanism. Sometimes you have to laugh or you'll cry...
Not really how I imagined the second coming pic.twitter.com/dFQe1AlD5l— Add your name (@Sturrfridge) January 14, 2017
President Trump despite winning the election (thanks to an antiquated and grossly unfair Electoral College system) was already butt-hurt that he lost the popular vote by 3 million to Hillary Clinton. #ImStillWithHer My heart broke for Hillary Clinton, for America and the world. I cried my way through her book "What Happened" -- it's brilliant, inspiring and heart-breaking. As she says in her book, rather than looking back in regret we need to move onward together. Resist! Insist! Persist! Enlist!
A lot of "what happened" to affect the election (the collusion with Russia, those damned emails etc) I knew. What I didn't know much about (and learned from her book) was voter suppression -- which is diabolical and INFURIATING! Why is this allowed?! How is that a democracy?! Even with all that Hillary had thrown at her she still won the popular vote by more than 3 million. She should have been the first female President! Instead the glass ceiling remained intact and a racist, narcissist, misogynist imbecile was elected. Trump is a small man. Small-minded, selfish, simple. He could never measure up to the great leader Obama was (or that Clinton would have been.) Then, to deflate his fragile ego even further Trump's inauguration was, like his hands and his brain, a little on the small side...SAD!
A lot of "what happened" to affect the election (the collusion with Russia, those damned emails etc) I knew. What I didn't know much about (and learned from her book) was voter suppression -- which is diabolical and INFURIATING! Why is this allowed?! How is that a democracy?! Even with all that Hillary had thrown at her she still won the popular vote by more than 3 million. She should have been the first female President! Instead the glass ceiling remained intact and a racist, narcissist, misogynist imbecile was elected. Trump is a small man. Small-minded, selfish, simple. He could never measure up to the great leader Obama was (or that Clinton would have been.) Then, to deflate his fragile ego even further Trump's inauguration was, like his hands and his brain, a little on the small side...SAD!
The crowd size comparison, from 2009 and today. pic.twitter.com/iMYZy9PRK8— Matt Viser (@mviser) January 20, 2017
Trump already hated Obama as evidenced by his constant criticisms, the Birther Conspiracy etc. The hatred no doubt grows out of envy. Clearly Obama is everything that Trump is NOT: attractive, competent, intelligent, kind, honorable. Also, Trump is a White Supremacist. He just couldn't accept a black President. He had to attempt (feebly) to delegitimize him. The greatest irony is that Trump was constantly criticizing Obama for playing golf and Trump has been golfing more than any President EVER.i need to see a birth certificate to be sure Donald Trump was born and not summoned— Ziwe (@ziwe) January 8, 2017
Trump is the classic example of the pot calling the kettle black. He is a pathological liar and a hypocrite. He constantly criticizes others (usually wrongfully) for the things he's actually guilty of himself. He insults the media calling them #FakeNews when he is the KING of fake news. Most of what he says is either inaccurate, misleading, propagandic or just outright absurd.Trump has now spent 1 in 4 days as president at a Trump golf club. Here’s a reminder of how he attacked Obama for golfing (Obama played golf far less often). pic.twitter.com/xpKlaaVYRP— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) November 26, 2017
This Canadian journalist, every single day in the Toronto Star, lists all the lies that Donald Trump spoke that day. Shames the US media. https://t.co/Plb9wjKfbF— Michael Moore (@MMFlint) September 21, 2016
So of course Trump caught wind of this and blocked Daniel Dale.
The president of the United States has blocked me on Twitter pic.twitter.com/l1L2ElYAOB— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) October 3, 2017
Let's face it, Trump is an abomination. Most sane, rational citizens in America and around the world were shocked and horrified that Trump was actually THE PRESIDENT. It was like a bad joke, a surreal SNL skit gone horribly awry (incidentally Alec Baldwin is BRILLIANT in his scathing impressions of Trump -- so accurate that it enraged Trump to no end!)
Just tried watching Saturday Night Live - unwatchable! Totally biased, not funny and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get any worse. Sad— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2016

Fairly staggering difference in crowd numbers between #Inauguration and #WomensMarch pic.twitter.com/cqmG36XNCe— David Mack (@davidmackau) January 21, 2017
Crowd scientists say Women’s March in Washington had 3 times as many people as Donald Trump’s inauguration https://t.co/uQhrvqeYD0— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 22, 2017
So what did Trump do? He used a picture of the Women's March and hung it up in the White House as an "Inauguration Day" photo. Even though the photographer's date at the bottom shows it as January 21st rather than 20th. For real. Just another of Trump's endless lies/illusions/fake news. Look how many people came to my inauguration! All wearing PINK! LOL
In addition to all the hot air Trump was blowing, strong winds were whipping through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia with a terrible tornado outbreak in January. This would be a prelude to many storms to come in 2017.
In addition to all the hot air Trump was blowing, strong winds were whipping through Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia with a terrible tornado outbreak in January. This would be a prelude to many storms to come in 2017.
January 21-23, 2017 Tornado Outbreak One of Largest Winter Outbreaks on Record in U.S. https://t.co/2QhcQmuNUk pic.twitter.com/80OSxZOXCS— Weather Underground (@wunderground) January 26, 2017
Trump started showing his racist, xenophobic colors early in the year with a despicable "Muslim ban." It certainly seemed to be the opposite of the American sentiment on the Statue of Liberty: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these the homeless tempest tossed to me. I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Trump made it abundantly clear that no one was welcome in his Divided States of America except ignorant White Supremacists like himself. He wanted to build a wall around Mexico to keep out what he called "bad hombres" (and make them pay for it. As if. Yeah, Mexico pretty much told him to go f*&% himself. So Americans would have to foot the bill. Trump quickly realized that was impossible. Yeah, math is hard. $20 billion for a 2000 mile wall along the Mexico-US border is a little cost prohibitive. Just another of Trump's delusions.) Trump wanted to stop new refugees/immigrants from coming in to the US and even deport immigrants that were already here. What a sweetheart. I guess he forgot his own wife is an immigrant and that (aside from Aboriginal people) America is a melting pot of people from all over the world... He supposedly wanted to reduce the threat of terrorism. Curiously the countries actual terrorists came from (the monsters responsible for 9/11 etc) were not even included in the ban ie Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE. Of course Trump couldn't ban countries that he does business with! Profit comes first after all!
Donald Trump’s Muslim Ban Is Cowardly and Dangerous, via @nytimes— John Lithgow (@JohnLithgow) January 29, 2017
Read this. https://t.co/1gVCTQA2Xi
When snowflakes create a blizzard. ❤️❄️ #NoBanNoWall pic.twitter.com/aiUFPWPiM7— Ricky Davila 🇵🇷 (@TheRickyDavila) January 29, 2017
Trump certainly made it all too easy for comics to mock him. He's a walking joke. Late Night talk show hosts didn't even have to exaggerate. They could literally read a Trump statement verbatim and it would elicit laughter. Because it was just that ridiculous. And when you're going through tough times, laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you have to laugh or you'll cry (or scream or have nightmares.) Someone on Twitter decided to make light of Trump's ludicrous orders with some creative artwork. "Trump Draws" mocks his executive orders with a series of videos/gifs depicting infantile drawings and misspellings (Trump's inability to spell isn't even an exaggeration. To err is human but when you're the PRESIDENT you'd think you might SPELL CHECK before sending out tweets...)
The Gong Show that was Trump's administration gave satirists SOOOO much to work with. Queen of alternative facts (aka Fake News) bumbling, co-dependent Counselor to the President, Kellyanne Conway went so far as to invent a massacre to justify Trump's travel ban. It had simply never happened. Seriously. She claimed that she just misspoke when she called it the "Bowling Green Massacre" during an interview (when really it was just a couple of refugees who were arrested in Kentucky in 2011 because of possible ties to terrorism.) This fictitious massacre naturally became fodder for Twitter humour:
Finding these Bowling Green Massacre jokes to be a little too soon. Out of respect, we should wait until it takes place.— Justin Shanes (@justinshanes) February 3, 2017
Here are all the names of the people that perished in the Bowling Green Massacre. May they Rest In Peace pic.twitter.com/vB3k6vNz2y— Sam Z Comedy (@SamZComedy) February 3, 2017
— Alex Backes 🎅🏻🎄☃️ (@alex_backes) February 3, 2017
Very grateful no one seriously hurt in the Louvre attack ...or the (completely fake) Bowling Green Massacre. Please don't make up attacks.— Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) February 3, 2017
I love that Chelsea Clinton called Conway out on this alternative fact! Incidentally the Louvre attack was an ISIS terrorist with machetes attacking soldiers outside the art museum in Paris, France. Luckily no one was badly hurt because he didn't have a gun. He shouted "Allahu akbar!" as ISIS tends to do. And yes God IS great but you are horrible ISIS! Stop attacking innocent people in God's name you imbeciles. God is love. You are serving Satan and you will go to Hell!
So while the Bowling Green Massacre was amusing it was also kind of scary. What's truly frightening about Trump supporters (who tend to be ignorant/delusional -- hence their support of a madman) is that they fall for these fictional/alternative facts. They believe the propaganda. They drink the Kool-Aid. They don't fact check. Pro-Trump media like Fox News and Breitbart would keep the lies coming. Trump would call REAL news media such as CNN and the New York Times "Fake media." So up was down and dogs were cats. And if you were one of the white rural uneducated "MAGA" red-hat-wearing racist xenophobic Trump voters, you ate it up. Trump would speak and you'd believe him. As Trump had boasted he could "stand on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose voters." Because that's the sort of hateful trigger-happy folk that voted him in. They hated Obama. They hated immigrants. And Trump, the white billionaire, was going to save them from it all.
So while the Bowling Green Massacre was amusing it was also kind of scary. What's truly frightening about Trump supporters (who tend to be ignorant/delusional -- hence their support of a madman) is that they fall for these fictional/alternative facts. They believe the propaganda. They drink the Kool-Aid. They don't fact check. Pro-Trump media like Fox News and Breitbart would keep the lies coming. Trump would call REAL news media such as CNN and the New York Times "Fake media." So up was down and dogs were cats. And if you were one of the white rural uneducated "MAGA" red-hat-wearing racist xenophobic Trump voters, you ate it up. Trump would speak and you'd believe him. As Trump had boasted he could "stand on Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and not lose voters." Because that's the sort of hateful trigger-happy folk that voted him in. They hated Obama. They hated immigrants. And Trump, the white billionaire, was going to save them from it all.
Trump's cabinet picks were, not surprisingly, ogres as odious as himself. Of course they met with resistance. When he appointed racist Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, Senator Elizabeth Warren had something to say about it. She read aloud from a letter by Martin Luther King Jr's widow, Coretta Scott King opposing Sessions' appointment as a judge. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ordered Warren to sit and be silent. McConnell said that Warren had been warned but "nevertheless she persisted." This phrase became a feminist battle cry inspiring others to speak up and stand up for what's right. #ShePersisted trended on Twitter. Chelsea Clinton even wrote a children's book about it.
By silencing Elizabeth Warren, the GOP gave women around the world a rallying cry. #ShePersisted #LetLizSpeak pic.twitter.com/uH6WIngHaL— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) February 8, 2017
"She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted."— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 8, 2017
So must we all.https://t.co/JXROGHPNkH
Heroes like Elizabeth Warren gave us hope. Trump and his monsters could try to destroy America and the world but they would meet with #Resistance.
In his rambling, ridiculous press conference in February, Trump revealed just how clueless (and mentally unstable) he was.
Up until an hour ago, the scariest thing I'd ever watched was Psycho. #TrumpPresser— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) February 16, 2017
"He should do this with a therapist, not on live television." -- GOP senator to @JohnKingCNN in reaction to Trump's press conference— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) February 16, 2017
The story ISN'T the press conference. It isn't his attack on the press. It's that Trump has no problem w/ Flynn talking sanctions w/ Russia.— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) February 16, 2017
Yup. We're sitting in Europe just thinking, what the hell is going on over there? pic.twitter.com/1F5Mc9zAyV— TheSavannaLady (@TheSavannaLady) February 16, 2017
Clearly when a lunatic is the leader of the Free World, we've gone off the rails!
Mother Nature was also having a meltdown with a number of storms throughout the year. In February Cyclone Dineo ripped through Mozambique. Only 55 were injured but 100,000 people were displaced.
2017 would turn out to be a record-breaking year for tropical storms. Climate change was clearly wreaking havoc on the planet and we could not ignore it (though some may try...) The one saving grace was that with our modern technology we are able to predict and track storms faster than ever so people can be evacuated to safety preventing fatalities. The storms were still devastating leaving many homeless.
Fires, floods and famine would ravage several areas around the globe for much of 2017.Mother Nature was also having a meltdown with a number of storms throughout the year. In February Cyclone Dineo ripped through Mozambique. Only 55 were injured but 100,000 people were displaced.
2017 would turn out to be a record-breaking year for tropical storms. Climate change was clearly wreaking havoc on the planet and we could not ignore it (though some may try...) The one saving grace was that with our modern technology we are able to predict and track storms faster than ever so people can be evacuated to safety preventing fatalities. The storms were still devastating leaving many homeless.
The trail of destruction left by cyclone #Dineo in Inhambane Mozambique. Pictures courtesy of TV Mozambique. #sabcnews pic.twitter.com/f5yjIKfHke— Mweli Masilela (@mwelimasilela) February 16, 2017
Meanwhile not surprisingly Trump's "Muslim ban" or "Immigration ban" was under fire...
Everybody is arguing whether or not it is a BAN. Call it what you want, it is about keeping bad people (with bad intentions) out of country!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 1, 2017
Luckily people on the street weren't the only ones protesting the ban. The Supreme Court overturned Trump's xenophobic, unconstitutional Muslim ban. Trump responded in characteristic spoiled brat not-getting-his-way fashion. Over the years Trump used Twitter as his own personal rant page. One would have thought this might change once he became President because it's unprofessional and unpresidential to constantly insult people on Twitter but Trump changed nothing. If anything he became MORE offensive once he took office.
Because the ban was lifted by a judge, many very bad and dangerous people may be pouring into our country. A terrible decision— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 4, 2017
The Divided States of America (Trump supporting racists and xenophobes vs sane rational citizens who respect diversity and all that the country was supposed to stand for) wasn't the only nation in turmoil. The United Kingdom was also pretty divided about whether they should have left the European Union.
One person summed it up with a tweet:
An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman went to a bar.— Jordan Tracey (@JordanTracey17) June 26, 2016
They all had to leave because the Englishman wanted to go.
'Real fight starts now': Jeremy Corbyn's Brexit tweet prompts bruising response https://t.co/19qFIyFGep— The Guardian (@guardian) February 9, 2017
This feels a bit like Monty Python & The Holy Grail when the Black Knight has all his limbs cut off & says: "Alright, we'll call it a draw". https://t.co/krVgTNTntH— Stewart Wood (@StewartWood) February 8, 2017
Everyone knew that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to get Trump elected so it was no surprise when Trump's National Security Adviser resigned in February.
Michael Flynn resigns as President Trump's national security adviser amid controversy over Russia contacts https://t.co/CueKOgEQ0C pic.twitter.com/Q7RSNu6rO3— CNN (@CNN) February 14, 2017
The irony is delicious: Michael Flynn led cheer of "Lock her up" at RNC and now he's begging for immunity so he doesn't get locked up— (((DeanObeidallah))) (@Deanofcomedy) March 30, 2017
Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt (excuse for big election loss), by media & Dems, of historic proportion!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 31, 2017
A year of embarassing blunders, even the Oscars messed up royally. Best Picture was accidentally awarded to La La Land when it was meant for Moonlight...
well at least for the rest of my life when i make a mistake i'll think "at least i didn't fuck up as hard as the 2017 oscars envelope guy"— Daniel Howell (@danielhowell) February 27, 2017
not only did Moonlight win, but we got to watch La La Land actually have it taken out of their hands what a time to be alive— kreayshawn carter (@FranziaMom) February 27, 2017
Then in March Trump, who made a habit of saying something unbearably stupid/insane every single day (if not several times a day) went on a rant accusing Obama of wiretapping him. Because why not?!
I guess the guilt of Trump's collusion with Russia was getting to him and he was becoming paranoid delusional? Either that or Trump just wanted to create more fake news as part of his "smoke and mirrors" magic show/circus to take attention from the real (and quite terrifying) things that were actually taking place in his insane administration. How do you, as a President, and with virtually NO EVIDENCE accuse a former president of wiretapping? It's NUTS. Of course his supporters, delusional Obama-haters, would eat it up. Everyone else laughed their heads off.
I guess the guilt of Trump's collusion with Russia was getting to him and he was becoming paranoid delusional? Either that or Trump just wanted to create more fake news as part of his "smoke and mirrors" magic show/circus to take attention from the real (and quite terrifying) things that were actually taking place in his insane administration. How do you, as a President, and with virtually NO EVIDENCE accuse a former president of wiretapping? It's NUTS. Of course his supporters, delusional Obama-haters, would eat it up. Everyone else laughed their heads off.
Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017
Kellyanne Conway, Trump's bumbling, codependent Presidential counselor, then played along with this insane paranoid delusion telling the press that there really are "microwave cameras" out there. Naturally, hilarious tweets ensued...
The Trump adminiistration was just so easy to mock...Welcome to #KellyanneConway neurotic nightmares... pic.twitter.com/DZaZrf07u4— MudNHoney (@Mud_N_Honey) March 13, 2017
What happens when you wear a green tie on TV! 😂#PressBriefing— The Hummingbird 🐦 (@SaysHummingbird) March 16, 2017
(via @McJesse) pic.twitter.com/wOD2XDcSEW
In 2017 even talking about the weather was stressful. Clearly we have done damage to the planet and Mother Earth is fighting back. Though climate change seems like something you really couldn't argue (like the Earth being round) not everyone is a fan of science...
Because he was an idiot long LONG before he became President, Trump tweeted in 2012:
The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 6, 2012
Being a climate change denier is convenient when you prize profits over people. Then you can justify polluting, raping and pillaging the environment without accountability. Climate change is real and undeniable. Science has proven that temperatures are rising and the devastating consequences for our planet and ourselves. As expected, as soon as he was in office Trump began dismantling the EPA. He even wanted to bring back COAL. Coal, people! Trump doesn't give a damn about carbon emissions. Trump is in his 70s and knows he won't be around in the future anyway. He's too selfish to actually worry about the future of the world for his children and grandchildren, and the rest of the world.
President Trump dramatically changes the US approach to climate change https://t.co/pNKLybArjd pic.twitter.com/4IDI5w2QbH— CNN (@CNN) March 28, 2017
This is like the Surgeon General saying cigarettes don't cause cancer, or head of NASA saying the Earth is flat.https://t.co/rBUAqtezyL— Peter Gleick (@PeterGleick) March 9, 2017
On a lighter note, this little girl stole the show during Daddy's live press conference...
This guest managed to keep his composure when his children interrupted his live @BBCWorld TV interview pic.twitter.com/3x5tgsVR8R— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) March 10, 2017
Trump was a fan of saying that he won the election "by a landslide." He clearly doesn't know what the word means. He had a meagre victory through the Electoral College and LOST the popular vote by over 3 million. He kept having self-congratulatory rallies to celebrate his "YUGE" victory (incidentally the only leader to have done such a thing since Hitler. The comparisons between Trump and Hitler are many -- Narcissistic nationalists with bad hair choices -- but I digress...) Meanwhile in Colombia, an actual landslide killed hundreds. Mother Nature was not happy in 2017. Not that Trump would acknowledge climate change.
To protest Trump's anti-environment anti-Science nonsense (he even forbade the term "Climate change" from being used. Seriously. "I deny climate change and I don't even want to HEAR the term!") a March for Science (also for Reality, Common Sense and The Obvious) was organized. Rallies and marches were held in Washington and 600 other cities around the globe on Earth Day April 22. Scientists wanted to express their concern over a government ignoring Science and thereby endangering the world. Sounds about right!
This strangely prophetic tweet NAILED IT. Reality really is stranger than fiction:
This strangely prophetic tweet NAILED IT. Reality really is stranger than fiction:
Plot idea: 97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires & oil companies.— Scott Westerfeld (@ScottWesterfeld) March 21, 2014
Trump: How do I flex my military muscles with a good excuse?— The Hummingbird 🐦 (@SaysHummingbird) April 13, 2017
Advisor: Drop a MOAB bomb in Afghanistan & say you hit ISIS.
Trump: Done.
Of course anyone who was paying attention was not buying Trump's hero act. Not by a LONG shot.
If Donald Trump truly cared about Syria he would help the refugees.— Tony Posnanski (@tonyposnanski) April 7, 2017
Not take 50 missiles and miss the target.
With the world falling apart before our very eyes, you might be tempted to get away from it all and go on vacation. But in 2017 even flying was a drag, LITERALLY! It was a PR nightmare too surreal to be believed but in keeping with the Bizarro world we were living in: In April, United Airlines forcibly removed a passenger (a doctor no less!) when he refused to volunteer his seat for an employee who needed it last minute. It boggles the mind! Is this what we've come to? No longer a civilized society but a bunch of barbarians who can literally drag a human beings by his legs when his only crime is SITTING IN A SEAT WHICH HE PAID FOR! It was ABOMINABLE. The poor man was not violent. He was not a criminal. He was a doctor who didn't want to give up his seat. Maybe he needed to get home to PERFORM A SURGERY or something. But some spoiled brat, entitled UA employee just HAD to have his seat. Maybe you shouldn't overbook then! At least you'll never have that problem again United because who the Hell would fly your horrid airline now?! Welcome to 2017! Cruelty & insanity are the new normal! At least it was caught on video/in photos. Like most things in 2017, you had to laugh or you'd cry...
United Airlines is pleased to announce new seating on all domestic flights- in addition to United First and Economy Plus we introduce.... pic.twitter.com/KQjPClU2d2— McNeil (@Reflog_18) April 10, 2017
This person NAILED it!
Breaking: #United CEO is seen walking with a friend on the beach. @united pic.twitter.com/ock01bM64o— Shada Escapee (@ShomahKhoobi) April 11, 2017
Even Merriam Webster couldn't resist throwing some epic shade at United Airlines with this tweet...
📈'Volunteer' means “someone who does something without being forced to do it.” https://t.co/qNAcMyplhZ— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) April 11, 2017
#2017InANutshell -- Unbelievably odious behaviour, (by government, corporations etc) usually captured on video, is then followed by mocking on Twitter... Usually within minutes...
At least there was this if you needed a laugh...Happy Easter!
My favourite part of this is the caption saying the President (left)— James Doleman (@jamesdoleman) April 17, 2017
This too -- vehicle break-ins by giant rodents...
Good morning. Another day, another 5ft squirrel trying to break into my car. pic.twitter.com/8Er21o3wla— Paul Bronks (@BoringEnormous) April 28, 2017
Oh the irony. Head of the FBI James Comey, who in his own way helped to get Trump elected (by blowing Hillary's email gaffe WAY out of proportion just before the election) was now investigating Trump's collusion with Russia. So of course Trump fires Comey. Nothing to see here... Trump said the real reason he let Comey go was his unfair treatment of Hillary Clinton?! I know, right?! I literally can't even. "Yeah I thought I'd fire you because you helped me get elected. It has nothing to do with the fact that you're investigating me now." Mmmm K.
Also kudos to USA Today for their alliteration! That's a lot of Fs! Of course there are other F words they could have used but that's probably not allowed. Like WTF?
At least France learned from America's mistake and did NOT vote in the Nationalist with an alt-right xenophobic agenda. Emmanuel Macron won the election over Marine Le Pen.
This is the first time the French version of anything has had a happier ending.— Kumail Nanjiani (@kumailn) May 7, 2017
Just so unfair pic.twitter.com/GWntjs0MeI— Jon Lovett (@jonlovett) May 7, 2017
Just when you thought Trump couldn't be a bigger bonehead he would outdo himself. One night he accidentally posted a typo "covfefe" when trying to type the phrase "negative press coverage." He didn't catch the mistake for hours then posted this tweet as a childish "I meant to do that!" It was hilarious but also sort of horrifying. A bumbling fool is the leader of the Free World and no one is even babysitting him! He tweets from his golden throne, mistakes and all. There has never been a President like this. Nor should there be! Honestly, dude. You made a typo. It happens. Just OWN IT instead of trying to cover up like a psycho!
Who can figure out the true meaning of "covfefe" ??? Enjoy!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2017
— Jacob Oller (@JacobOller) May 31, 2017
what makes me saddest is that I know I'll never write anything funnier than #covfefe— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) May 31, 2017
This is the way the world ends.— Mike Drucker (@MikeDrucker) May 31, 2017
This is the way the world ends.
This is the way the world ends.
Not with a bang but a covfefe.
-T.S. Eliot
The world had gone insane and you never knew what would happen next. Then disaster struck with a despicable act of terror in Manchester, UK -- a bombing at an Ariana Grande concert. Twenty three were killed (including the suicide bomber), more than five hundred were injured and the whole world was heartbroken. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. It's a whole new level of evil when terrorists target CHILDREN. It boggles the mind.
broken.— Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) May 23, 2017
from the bottom of my heart, i am so so sorry. i don't have words.
No words can describe how I feel about what happened in Manchester. I don't wanna believe that the world we live in could be so cruel.— Bruno Mars (@BrunoMars) May 23, 2017
If ever there was an "ugly American" Trump is it -- rude, brash, selfish, boorish, ignorant, immature. Never was this demonstrated more clearly than when he pushes past the Prime Minister of Montenegro in the famous video at the NATO Summit. The video summed up everything you need to know about Trump. He doesn't care about anyone but himself. He's too clueless to care about optics. He will just blunder through anyone or anything that gets in his way so HE can be at the front of the line. It's pathetic. Somehow you almost feel sorry for him as he tugs at his jacket lapels... (Almost.)
You tiny, tiny, tiny little man.— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 25, 2017
It boggles the mind. (STILL not impeached...)
CNN -- Trump shared classified info with RussiansIf true, this is a slap in the face to the intel community. Risking sources & methods is inexcusable, particularly with the Russians. https://t.co/CRiSC024F7— Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) May 15, 2017
These photos of Trump-Russia meetings are courtesy solely of Russian MFA because no US press allowed in. pic.twitter.com/PI4cSPIqvG— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) May 10, 2017
And then because they're not the brightest, the Trump administration proposes a budget with a $2 trillion accounting error. Math is hard. (Actually for Trump spelling is hard too...) When called on it they said "We meant to do that." Because this is the typical Republican response when they make a YUGE error and it just makes them look even more incompetent and ridiculous. Actually if you MEANT to do it then it's actually a lie, rather than an error, which is even worse....
President Trump's budget includes a $2 trillion math mistake https://t.co/ksprBzeNol— TIME (@TIME) May 24, 2017
Trump's budget chief confirms out loud that they made their giant math error on purpose - a lie, not a mistake. https://t.co/LMue66QHuf pic.twitter.com/asJMbRGdLg— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) May 24, 2017
This appears to be the most egregious accounting error in a Presidential budget in the nearly 40 years I have been tracking them.— Lawrence H. Summers (@LHSummers) May 23, 2017
(For Republican readers, FYI egregious means SHOCKINGLY BAD! LOL)
Meanwhile Mother Earth continued to create chaos around the world. Floods and mudslides in Sri Lanka killed 150 people and left half a million homeless. The worst flood in over a decade, it left some towns under 18 feet of water. EIGHTEEN FEET!
Floods in Sri Lanka displace half a million - @tingilye @nytimes https://t.co/KxbpuC4Dcc #climatedisruption #ActOnClimate pic.twitter.com/TbfmFUrRk7— climatehawk1 (@climatehawk1) May 30, 2017
One million people were in danger as Cyclone Mora made landfall in Bangladesh. #2017InANutshell: All Apocalyptic. All the time.
New York Times article -- Trump will withdraw US from Paris Agreement

No matter what, Trump was certainly not going to soften and take in any refugees. He's as inhumane and undiplomatic as they come...If anything he wanted to build a wall to keep people out and deport the immigrants already living in the U.S.
At least there was some good news. It seemed Trump's days were numbered. Comey testified before Congress that he was fired for the Russia investigation.
At least there was some good news. It seemed Trump's days were numbered. Comey testified before Congress that he was fired for the Russia investigation.
Trump can never resist lashing out at whoever dares to contradict him, even though inevitably it just makes him look worse:
James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 12, 2017
"Lordy, I hope there are tapes" #ComeyTestimony pic.twitter.com/8F0FoEK4yi— The Late Show (@colbertlateshow) June 8, 2017
Maxine Waters, who had been heroically rallying for Trump's impeachment for a number of reasons, couldn't resist getting a dig in at Trump:
So Comey told Jeff Sessions he didn't want to be alone with Trump. Women across the country can relate.— Maxine Waters (@RepMaxineWaters) June 7, 2017
Tragedies continued to strike throughout 2017 and often those in poverty were the hardest hit. The rich get richer, the poor get dead. The only thing worse than a tragedy is a preventable one. In one incident, apathy, greed and criminal neglect in low income housing led to numerous deaths. You don't cut corners when it comes to safety and deliberately endanger people! 79 people died in the Grenfell Tower fire because their lives weren't deemed valuable enough to protect. The building was renovated with cheap cladding that failed safety tests. That is what caused the blaze to spread so quickly. The whole building went up like a box of matches. This wasn't just an accident. This was NEGLIGENCE CAUSING DEATH. Unconscionable. Profit was put before people. People died so that the wealthy could save a couple of bucks.
You would wonder how people could be so callous and cruel. But in America, Trump was busy dreaming up ways to give tax cuts to the rich while slashing health care and services for the poor. One of the saddest aspects of Trump winning the election was that he conned his supporters into thinking he cared about them. Unlike the "elite" he was going to stand up for the working man. How Trump supporters could be delusional enough to think a billionaire cared about them is beyond me.
Then in July Trump and Putin met for the first time (nudge nudge wink wink) at the G20 Summit...People couldn't resist commenting on it.
Putin: Great to see you agai--— Mike P Williams 🌹 (@Mike_P_Williams) July 7, 2017
Trump: --no, we've never met...
Putin: lol k pic.twitter.com/mMi236soG4
Find somebody that looks at you like Trump looks at Putin pic.twitter.com/dVFSXre5iC— Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) July 7, 2017
Don Jr. has been accused of colluding with Russians. To defend himself he released the emails proving it.— Chelsea Handler (@chelseahandler) July 11, 2017
LA Times article: Rep Brad Sherman introduces Articles of ImpeachmentDon Jr Transparency:— Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) July 11, 2017
I never met with Russians.
I met with Russians on adoptions.
I met with them to get damaging Clinton info.
Love it. https://t.co/7fkHKrqzkI
And then there's the health care debacle...
The senate rejected legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Republican snakes try to squeak through a "skinny repeal' that would still screw 15 million Americans out of health care insurance. Luckily it was rejected. Republicans are ruthless. They were willing to kill millions of people (or at least let them die without health care they need) if it would save them some money.
Shameful day. Democracy is in cardiac arrest. https://t.co/3fCY2RxZqQ— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) July 25, 2017
Let's save feeling defeated for when Trump is signing a bill.— Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) July 25, 2017
For now, keep fighting. Only option that can lead to killing this thing.
Trump, who hated Obama and wanted to do whatever he could to destroy his legacy, was hell bent on repealing and replacing Obamacare even though he couldn't offer anything to replace it. Trumpcare = Trump doesn't care. Basically slashing health care for those who need it most. Understandably Trump didn't want his name attached to his shameful creation so he balked at the term "Trumpcare" and called it the "American Health Care Act" instead.
This tweet sums it up perfectly:
Live look at Paul Ryan talking about Trumpcare. #AHCA pic.twitter.com/mEK4MJzEIp— Denizcan James (@MrFilmkritik) May 4, 2017
After voting to destroy the lives of millions of Americans, House Republicans plan to get drunk and celebrate with Trump at the White House. https://t.co/pqxnA7WsRa— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) May 4, 2017
They don't call them "Deplorables" for nothing....
House Republicans just took healthcare away from American children with cancer but it's ok because they're so pro-life. #obamacare— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) May 4, 2017
Kudos to Fugelsang (and others) for calling Republicans out on their obvious hypocrisy claiming to be pro-life on one hand but signing a bill that would basically kill countless children on the other.
Speaking of despicable killers, OJ, who literally got away with murder, was paroled in July. Of course he was. This is 2017! The monsters are running the country so why not walking the streets in their ill-fitting gloves!
1995: "If that glove don't fit, you must acquit!"— Jonathan Gumble (@STOP_Gumbytime) July 20, 2017
2017: "If the case is old, you must be paroled!"#OJSimpsonParole
Dear @SeanSpicer Please write a book. Immediately.— Jimmy Kimmel (@jimmykimmel) July 21, 2017
Melissa McCarthy was BRILLIANT as Sean Spicer! I will definitely miss that. She and Alec Baldwin need to get together and make a comedy film about Trump!But can we keep Melissa McCarthy as Sean Spicer 😭 pic.twitter.com/5lwBNhw0Jr— Christian J. (@dtxErgaOmnes) July 21, 2017
And then, because each day he dreamed up new ways to be a giant a-hole, testing the boundaries of deplorability -- coward, draft-dodger and cruel bigot Trump then decided to ban transgender people from the military. For real. He's like a cartoon villain. Like you can't believe someone is actually that awful without trying to hide it. Especially when they're supposed to be a President. Obviously people had a few things to say about the decision...
15,000+ transgender Americans are already bravely serving our country. By attacking them, @realdonaldtrump is undermining our military. pic.twitter.com/8rLa5iEU8R— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) July 26, 2017
And then, the mic drop....
transgender people show more courage when they leave their fucking houses in the morning than donald trump has shown his entire life— Matt Bellassai (@MattBellassai) July 26, 2017
The bad news kept coming -- In 115 years 200 species have had populations decrease by 80%. The change is exacerbated by widespread destruction of animal habitats and increasing global temperatures. Earth is 4 billion years old and has sustained life for 3 billion. Human beings are only 200,000 years old and yet we have impacted the planet to such an extent that scientists are calling our period in Earth's history Anthropocene -- the age of Humans. Humans are "super-predators" -- over-hunting, over-fishing, over-consuming meat, depleting the world's resources. Really hoping we don't wind up like the dinosaurs but it looks pretty grim. The changes we have made to the Earth have threatened its ability to sustain us. We're killing our planet. 7 billion of us squeezing the life out of it.
Species are reaching extinction 100 times faster because of us. We need to own that sh$#. Since 1970 the human population has doubled and the animal population has been cut in half. We're losing biodiversity. This isn't just a tragedy for the animals, it has far-reaching consequences for us too. Only 5 times in Earth's history has so much biodiversity been wiped out. The 5th time was when dinosaurs became extinct...
Industry, agriculture and fossil fuel use have raised carbon dioxide to the highest level in millions of years. As temperatures continue to rise, disaster ensues. Global warming causes glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, species to go extinct and natural disasters -- fires, floods, droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes -- to increase. In 200 years the population has exploded from 1 billion to 7.6. We place extraordinary demands on the planet and if it can't meet them, we will perish. What can we do? As individuals, we can reduce, reuse, recycle. Make greener choices where possible. Try to control our consumption etc. (And yes I do feel guilty for my shopaholicism! Spell check is saying that's not a word but it should be! I also feel bad for all the commuting I do. Hoping to find an alternative to that this year for many reasons. I recycle though!) On a larger scale corporations and countries can commit to implementing changes to reduce pollution, to save resources, to protect the environment. Of course most countries ARE doing this but Trump dropped out of that commitment. It's like Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" but in real life. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It's not." Trump doesn't care at all.
Species are reaching extinction 100 times faster because of us. We need to own that sh$#. Since 1970 the human population has doubled and the animal population has been cut in half. We're losing biodiversity. This isn't just a tragedy for the animals, it has far-reaching consequences for us too. Only 5 times in Earth's history has so much biodiversity been wiped out. The 5th time was when dinosaurs became extinct...
Industry, agriculture and fossil fuel use have raised carbon dioxide to the highest level in millions of years. As temperatures continue to rise, disaster ensues. Global warming causes glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, species to go extinct and natural disasters -- fires, floods, droughts, hurricanes, earthquakes -- to increase. In 200 years the population has exploded from 1 billion to 7.6. We place extraordinary demands on the planet and if it can't meet them, we will perish. What can we do? As individuals, we can reduce, reuse, recycle. Make greener choices where possible. Try to control our consumption etc. (And yes I do feel guilty for my shopaholicism! Spell check is saying that's not a word but it should be! I also feel bad for all the commuting I do. Hoping to find an alternative to that this year for many reasons. I recycle though!) On a larger scale corporations and countries can commit to implementing changes to reduce pollution, to save resources, to protect the environment. Of course most countries ARE doing this but Trump dropped out of that commitment. It's like Dr. Seuss' "The Lorax" but in real life. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It's not." Trump doesn't care at all.
Billions of populations of animals have been lost in recent decades. This is beyond heart-breaking.
Mother Nature's wrath continued with disasters in South China.
AUGUSTHundreds of thousands evacuated in South China floods https://t.co/gO2Ugiobgf pic.twitter.com/v7XwMV6NPP— euronews (@euronews) July 3, 2017
Aside from the threat of Nature, there was the threat of terror. In Barcelona ISIS terrorists claimed 13 lives and injured more than 100 people in the one of the most violent days in Spain's history.
'I am not afraid': Barcelona holds peace march after terror attacks https://t.co/96ydZpHwDR pic.twitter.com/wDU4kC7aXV— CNN (@CNN) August 27, 2017
It was a year of tragedies. One of the most heartbreaking was the #GorakhpurTragedy where dozens of babies died from lack of oxygen. Oxygen supplies were cut over unpaid bills. It is horrifying to think anyone could be so callous as to allow children to die. It's criminal negligence. My heart went out to the helpless parents. I only hope they can find peace and justice. In a country of horrendous inequality the government spends 1% GDP on health care (the world's lowest.) Health issues like encephalitis have killed thousands of children over the last two decades.
Guardian -- Spate of child deaths linked to oxygen shortages
Guardian -- Spate of child deaths linked to oxygen shortages
And if there wasn't enough nightmare fuel already there was always the threat of nuclear war...
New York Times: North Korea fires missile over Japan
Trump continued to disappoint...
New York Times: North Korea fires missile over Japan
Trump continued to disappoint...
.@POTUS' new #immigration plan: The Statue of Liberty weeps as she watches Trump flush America's moral leadership down the toilet.— Anne Frank Center (@AnneFrankCenter) August 2, 2017
At least Mueller was coming for him...
Special Counsel Robert Mueller convenes criminal grand jury for Russia probe https://t.co/eBYCrilLku pic.twitter.com/i0gPROu4dg— Los Angeles Times (@latimes) August 4, 2017
You don't impanel a grand jury if you only have smoke. Mueller must be seeing fire. @realDonaldTrump and/or his associates in bigly trouble. https://t.co/psPwRKK4q6— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) August 3, 2017
Meanwhile Narcissistic dictators Trump and Kim Jong Un hurled insults and nuclear threats back and forth...
Trump referred to Kim Jong Un as "Rocket Man." Kim Jong Un retorted with "Dotard Trump." A dotard, for those not familiar with the archaic word, is a senile person with declining mental faculties. Nailed it. It would be funny if the two lunatics weren't flirting with nuclear holocaust. The irony is that while they are at odds, they have everything in common. Both grew up wealthy and spoiled. Both are Narcissists who crave attention and admiration. Both have HUGE yet completely fragile egos. Both are immature hotheads who lack empathy. Unfortunately they're not just schoolyard bullies. They're in a position to actually blow up the world.
Trump referred to Kim Jong Un as "Rocket Man." Kim Jong Un retorted with "Dotard Trump." A dotard, for those not familiar with the archaic word, is a senile person with declining mental faculties. Nailed it. It would be funny if the two lunatics weren't flirting with nuclear holocaust. The irony is that while they are at odds, they have everything in common. Both grew up wealthy and spoiled. Both are Narcissists who crave attention and admiration. Both have HUGE yet completely fragile egos. Both are immature hotheads who lack empathy. Unfortunately they're not just schoolyard bullies. They're in a position to actually blow up the world.
No joke: I read Trump's statement on North Korea and thought it was a North Korean statement on Trump.— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) August 8, 2017
You know what would reduce the threat of nuclear war with North Korea? A fully-staffed State Department that actually cared about diplomacy.— Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) August 8, 2017
The world had become a horror movie... Filled with hatred. Filled with evil. It was inevitable given the political climate but it was still shocking to see....
This looks as if it's from some film but this is very real and quite frankly terrifying #Charlottesville pic.twitter.com/DJNgcuMwjd— Tom Taylor (@TomasTaylor4) August 12, 2017
Real life Nazis with torches. Welcome to 2017. This is Trump's America and he has blood on his hands. Having a racist President sets a HORRIBLE example. It emboldens the white supremacists and provokes acts of hatred. This photo looks like something out of a movie (the villagers with torches and pitchforks) unfortunately it's frighteningly real. This scene is from the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville -- a protest to the removal of racist Robert E. Lee's statue in Emancipation Park. (The statue naturally offended many in the community and was a symbol of hate.) The White Supremacists couldn't have this. In opposition to the lunatics on the right, sane, decent citizens on the left, came to protest the Nazi rally. The battle between good and evil has casualties. Unfortunately a beautiful activist with a passion for social justice, Heather Heyer died fighting for what she believed. An ignorant Nazi plowed his car into the crowd of peaceful protesters, killing her. As her heartbroken mother said, they did not silence her, they amplified her.
Trump, the KKK's darling, was in an awkward position. When there was an act of terror by ISIS it fit his agenda and he was all over it. But what could he say when a terrorist was one of his white supremacist supporters? His solution was to say that there was violence on "many sides." The right likes to make it sound like the left is just as violent. (No. Not by a LONG shot.) They refer to protesters against Fascism as "Antifa" (Anti-Fascist. As if that's a bad thing to be!) There aren't many sides. There are TWO sides: right and wrong, left vs right, decent human beings vs NAZIS. By not picking a side, by not blatantly condemning this attack, Trump was CONDONING it. The KKK noticed and praised him. The left noticed and rebuked him.
Trump, the KKK's darling, was in an awkward position. When there was an act of terror by ISIS it fit his agenda and he was all over it. But what could he say when a terrorist was one of his white supremacist supporters? His solution was to say that there was violence on "many sides." The right likes to make it sound like the left is just as violent. (No. Not by a LONG shot.) They refer to protesters against Fascism as "Antifa" (Anti-Fascist. As if that's a bad thing to be!) There aren't many sides. There are TWO sides: right and wrong, left vs right, decent human beings vs NAZIS. By not picking a side, by not blatantly condemning this attack, Trump was CONDONING it. The KKK noticed and praised him. The left noticed and rebuked him.
MANY SIDES?!? Ive typed and deleted at least 8 tweets. Words simply arent strong enough to accurately describe how I feel about Donald Trump— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans) August 12, 2017
Trump later backpedaled and posted a tweet condemning the attack but it was half-hearted and no one bought it.
Mr. President - we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism. https://t.co/PaPNiPPAoW— Cory Gardner (@SenCoryGardner) August 12, 2017
The white nationalist demonstration in #Charlottesville is a reprehensible display of racism and hatred that has no place in our society.— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) August 12, 2017
Barack Obama tweeted a beautiful response to the tragedy: That no one is born hating another person based on race/religion/culture. Hatred/racism/xenophobia is learned. And it needs to be unlearned. We are all from the same race --HUMAN -- and we need to show more humanity toward each other. Obama's tweet became one of the most popular ever. With close to 2 million likes...So maybe there IS still hope for humanity.
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion..." pic.twitter.com/InZ58zkoAm— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017
There was some fallout in the White (Supremacist) House at least after this disgusting racist incident. The real President (as some called him since he was the real brains behind the operation, if you can call it that), the puppet master, the sickening racist, misogynistic Grim Reaper Breitbart alt-right propaganda maker Steve Bannon was forced out... Good riddance!
Clearly Trump was trying to save face but it was too little too late. Bannon seemed a little bitter and went back to his rag, Breitbart. Surprise surprise. Trump's ship was sinking, like his approval rating, his corrupt cabinet members kept dropping like flies, resigning or getting fired. All the while we wondered when it would Trump's turn. How was he not impeached yet?!
The New York Times did an article on all the White House staff who had left. It was quite a list. It must have broken records for the most people fired or resigning in the first year. Then again Trump is pretty much the WORST PRESIDENT EVER.
People couldn't resist commenting on Twitter...
Steve Bannon is stepping down "to spend more time with his family." pic.twitter.com/pIkcJauSdP— Frank Lesser (@sadmonsters) August 18, 2017
I'm sure he wasn't stepping down so much as getting pushed out because after an innocent girl being MURDERED by a Trump-supporting racist it looked REALLY BAD to keep having a Nazi as your Chief Strategist.
Steve Bannon getting fired was a bit of happy news at least. And then, there was something else to make us smile/laugh: Trump, the imbecile, stared into an eclipse, even after repeated warnings about the damage to your eyes and despite the fact that he had special protective eyewear IN HIS HANDS! He took them off to look directly because why not? Because that's just who Trump is. He won't be told what to do, even when it's for his own good. Like Icarus, he will fly into (or at least stare into) the sun...
I LOVE this headline! The Daily News is my hero! This made me laugh out loud at a time when there wasn't much to laugh about. I guess for a man who doesn't believe in science, the eclipse would just be "fake news."
I LOVE this headline! The Daily News is my hero! This made me laugh out loud at a time when there wasn't much to laugh about. I guess for a man who doesn't believe in science, the eclipse would just be "fake news."
New York Daily News trolls Trump for staring at eclipse: "Not too bright!" https://t.co/zS0QHI6HDx pic.twitter.com/3L9pmTo7he— The Hill (@thehill) August 21, 2017
Aside from the political turmoil going on, chaos was brewing in the natural world as well. Hurricane Harvey began in the Caribbean and would be the first major hurricane of 2017. Unfortunately it would not be the last. The Category 4 storm made landfall near Rockport, Texas. It weakened to a tropical storm and then intensified again. It killed 90 people and became the costliest American natural disaster -- close to $200 billion.
280 miles wide with wind speeds of 130 mph Harvey broke records for rainfall from a single storm -- 51 inches of rain in Texas. In some cities it dumped 26 inches in a single day. By the weekend it had rained 27 trillion gallons in Texas. More than 80 people were killed and thousands left homeless. The devastation would last for months. Unfortunately Harvey was not alone. More storms, the worst ever, were on the way...
CNN -- Hurricane Harvey Slams Texas280 miles wide with wind speeds of 130 mph Harvey broke records for rainfall from a single storm -- 51 inches of rain in Texas. In some cities it dumped 26 inches in a single day. By the weekend it had rained 27 trillion gallons in Texas. More than 80 people were killed and thousands left homeless. The devastation would last for months. Unfortunately Harvey was not alone. More storms, the worst ever, were on the way...
As the Trump-Kim Jong Un war of words continued, you had to laugh or you'd cry...
Rocket man & Dotard meet in nambia to avoid another bowling green massacre, Obama tapes the entire thing via microwave #dotard— rjb (@RobinJOJO) September 22, 2017
Meanwhile, America was in flames...
There are 76 active wildfires burning across nine states right now pic.twitter.com/VV80axtdux— VICE News (@vicenews) September 7, 2017
While Texas was still reeling from hurricane and rain damage, the west coast was on fire. Thanks to dry, hot record-breaking temperatures sparks flew and ignited fires across eight states forcing thousands to evacuate, closing highways, destroying homes and clogging the air with smoke. In California the La Tuna fire near Burbank ravaged more than 7200 acres making it the largest fire ever in L.A. The scenes were terrifying and Apocalyptic. It was like a disaster movie but in real life.
Hurricanes Harvey - Irma - Jose - Katia - massive wildfires out west - & now this. Are the locusts far behind? https://t.co/9o4THnQ9Lr— Bret Baier (@BretBaier) September 8, 2017
Another day, another disaster. The hits kept coming. It certainly seemed like the Apocalypse. We thought Hurricane Harvey was bad. Then there was Hurricane Irma. A catastrophic Category 5 hurricane, Irma would break many records. Irma was the strongest Atlantic basin hurricane ever recorded outside the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. It spent THREE DAYS as a Category 5, making it the longest ever recorded. Irma maintained winds of 185 mph for 37 hours. It also caused the largest evacuation in the Bahamas' history and in the US.6.3 million people evacuated Florida (making it the largest evacuation in American history). The U.S. had never had two category 4 storms make landfall in the same year. Barbuda was all but obliterated with 95% of its buildings damaged.
And Irma had siblings -- her little brother and sister Category 3 storms Jose and Katia.
People couldn't help but mention the Apocalypse. This was not normal. Hurricanes, fires and floods, this many of them, back to back with record breaking ferocity were NOT NORMAL. It certainly looked like the end of the world.
Some people were a little more blase about Armageddon. Why let it ruin your golf game? If the a-hole President can golf every other day why shouldn't every a-hole with money to burn?
And Irma had siblings -- her little brother and sister Category 3 storms Jose and Katia.
People couldn't help but mention the Apocalypse. This was not normal. Hurricanes, fires and floods, this many of them, back to back with record breaking ferocity were NOT NORMAL. It certainly looked like the end of the world.
Some people were a little more blase about Armageddon. Why let it ruin your golf game? If the a-hole President can golf every other day why shouldn't every a-hole with money to burn?
Holy moly, this apocalyptic image of people playing golf in Oregon as a wildfire burns is real. I assumed fake. https://t.co/Qs6CjXS7YP pic.twitter.com/LAoozju9oK— Steve Silberman (@stevesilberman) September 7, 2017
In the pantheon of visual metaphors for America today, this is the money shot. pic.twitter.com/09COuDutBC— David Simon (@AoDespair) September 7, 2017
#2017InaNutshell -- Snapshots of the Apocalypse. Dudes golfing by a wildfire.
not to be dramatic or anything but the world is ending— Lauren Giraldo (@LaurenGiraldo) September 8, 2017
It wasn't an exaggeration. This was not normal. Hurricane Irma was a holy hell, record-breaking, end of the world type storm. A Category 5 with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph for 37 hours -- the longest EVER in the satellite era. Longer than all other Atlantic hurricanes. It was BAD.
At least one person, an infant, died in Irma's wrath in Barbuda, a government official said https://t.co/JaQYJXXDR7 pic.twitter.com/7QeqIjjfEQ— CNN (@CNN) September 6, 2017
Irma was the greatest (as in the WORST) Atlantic hurricane to pass beyond the Caribbean. Widespread devastation hit Florida.
Hurricane #Irma, an "apocalyptic" Category 5 storm, slams into Caribbean islands. https://t.co/yHXVsV7T2D (Photo: @NASA) pic.twitter.com/K8zbruBVH8— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) September 6, 2017
Tonight, far too many people in #Irma’s path and in its wake. pic.twitter.com/bWQMxae9GV— Randy Bresnik (@AstroKomrade) September 8, 2017
The line-up of Hurricanes #Katia, #Irma & #Jose brewing today was seen by @NASAEarth-observing satellites: https://t.co/zsxJ4SwGVV pic.twitter.com/D8qzRwsMqJ— NASA (@NASA) September 9, 2017
I tried to warn them...I wasn't kidding either. Nostradamus may have been vague and poetic but he's been right about everything.
Nostradamus predicted the Anti-Christ would bring the end of the world. Trump is it. #ImpeachTrump before he triggers the Apocalypse...— Ann Marie Pincivero (@ampincivero) September 7, 2017
After all this, surely people thought, things couldn't get any worse. Then there was Hurricane Maria. How do you solve a problem like Maria? Another Category 5 Hurricane it was the worst natural disaster EVER in Dominica and Puerto Rico and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide. Maria wreaked havoc and created a humanitarian crisis. The death toll in Puerto Rico, originally estimated at under 100 is now believed to be closer to 1000 with so many missing. Dominica, once a tropical paradise, was completely destroyed. Total losses are estimated over $100 billion U.S., mostly in Puerto Rico. The storm passed but the devastation will linger for months if not years as they struggle to rebuild from the wreckage. Millions are still without power and basic necessities.
In Dominica, the Prime Minister, after having the roof torn off his own home by the merciless storm, went on Facebook saying how they had lost all that money can buy. It was heart-wrenching. Paradise lost. Some of the most beautiful places in the world torn apart. Everything was destroyed. Their homes and all their possessions just GONE.
In Dominica, the Prime Minister, after having the roof torn off his own home by the merciless storm, went on Facebook saying how they had lost all that money can buy. It was heart-wrenching. Paradise lost. Some of the most beautiful places in the world torn apart. Everything was destroyed. Their homes and all their possessions just GONE.
Dominica has suffered "widespread damage" in Hurricane Maria, PM says, adding: "We have lost all that money can buy" https://t.co/vxFkXyzmHz— BBC Breaking News (@BBCBreaking) September 19, 2017
Instead of offering heartfelt condolences for their losses (like a compassionate, decent leader would do), Trump, being the clueless callous a-hole bully that he is, decided to take the opportunity to kick them while they were down and insulted Puerto Rico, blaming them for being in a mess.
Texas & Florida are doing great but Puerto Rico, which was already suffering from broken infrastructure & massive debt, is in deep trouble..— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 26, 2017
As if this weren't tone deaf and insensitive enough, Trump threw paper towels at hurricane victims when he visited Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Seriously. You can't make this stuff up. They got it on video. Ironically Trump was angry at NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem as a silent protest but didn't think it was offensive to hurl paper towels at hurricane victims.
Republicans: Kneeling for the National Anthem is offensive.— Full Frontal (@FullFrontalSamB) October 3, 2017
Trump: What if I throw paper towels at hurricane survivors? pic.twitter.com/p8aofglDIc
Trump in Puerto Rico— Tom Namako (@TomNamako) October 3, 2017
—Diminished storm’s impact
—Taunted island’s bankruptcy
—Ignored San Juan mayor
—Basketball shot paper towels to crowd
And then, because Mother Nature still had a few things to say (screaming at the top of her lungs because somehow we still weren't getting her wake up call) -- earthquakes in Mexico. A terrible 8.2 magnitude quake off the southern coast near Chiapas, generating a tsunami with waves close to 6 feet. A 7.1 earthquake in Central Mexico followed... 40 buildings collapsed. 370 people were killed. 6000 were injured. In an eerie coincidence (yeah no there are no coincidences...this was a SIGN...) the quake happened on the anniversary of the 1985 Mexico City quake which killed 10,000 people.
La fuerza de la naturaleza puede ser devastadora,pero la fuerza de la unidad y la solidaridad de los mexicanos es mucho mayor. #FuerzaMéxico pic.twitter.com/OVYfdgWKav— Enrique Peña Nieto (@EPN) September 8, 2017
Destruction in Mexico City after a 7.1-magnitude earthquake strikes central Mexico https://t.co/VyY1WsoLzd https://t.co/SSpY5I7yWY— CNN (@CNN) September 20, 2017
BIGGEST IN A CENTURY: Massive Earthquake in Mexico kills at least five, two of them children https://t.co/SqNzODmdWt pic.twitter.com/XMmMz2MAFf— New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) September 8, 2017
Every time I logged on to Twitter I was afraid of what I might see. There were always thoughts and prayers going out to someone for something, some new tragedy, some fresh disaster. I'd glimpse at the trends and think "Oh God. What's happened now?" I didn't want to know but I had to know. Some people on Twitter chose to bury their heads in the sand, to keep posting the minutiae of their lives, to keep posting positive affirmations, to focus on the good. While I can see the reasoning behind it, I also felt that we couldn't just bury our heads in the sand and pretend it wasn't happening. The world was severely messed up and it was our doing. We had to take notice. We had to speak up.My thoughts & prayers go out to our neighbors after the Magnitude-8 earthquake hits south Mexico#earthquake #mexico pic.twitter.com/Kv7Wr50mib— Red T Raccoon (@RedTRaccoon) September 8, 2017
October opened with a gunman opening fire on concert goers on the Las Vegas strip in the deadliest mass shooting in the United States, leaving 58 dead, 546 injured. A deranged 64 year old white male fired more than 1000 shots from his suite in the Mandalay Bay hotel before turning a gun on himself. His motives were unknown but the male was clearly unstable -- an alcoholic and addictive gambler, the son of a psychotic bank robber who had been on the FBI's most wanted list. And one thing was clear: America HAD to enforce gun control. Knowing his history, would ANYONE with a brain stem and/or a conscience have sold this male a gun?! A thorough background check and mental health assessment should be MANDATORY to purchase a weapon. Gun dealers and manufacturers should be held accountable. This tragedy (like so many others) was COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE. Why was a mentally unstable person able to get his hands on a semi-automatic weapon? Turns out the assailant had actually stockpiled an arsenal of weapons. (23 firearms, ammo and high capacity magazines.) HOW IS THIS OK?! WHY IS THIS ALLOWED?! The NRA and other trigger-happy Mericans like to say that "Guns don't kill people. People kill people." But the reality is that guns make it FAR TOO EASY for cowards, terrorists and mentally unstable people to take lives. If someone is a danger to himself or others he should NEVER have access to weapons. Period. It's a no brainer. Protecting human life has to come first. Unfortunately many people value their guns more than human lives. The NRA and Trump are among them. They had blood on their hands, again.
Sheriff says 59 dead, 527 injured in Las Vegas shooting; guns, ammunition, explosives found at shooter's home. https://t.co/RdHTyqsEd9— The Associated Press (@AP) October 2, 2017
Death toll in #LasVegas makes it the deadliest shooting in US history.— Anup Kaphle (@AnupKaphle) October 2, 2017
Other major shootings:
Orlando: 49
Virginia Tech: 32
Sandy Hook: 27
Around the globe,the nightmares continued. Murder and mayhem was a common theme for 2017.Pray for Vegas!! 🤦🏾♂️. What the hell is going on people!?!? My prayers sent to the heavens above for all the families 🙏🏾 pic.twitter.com/wDpwZ7g4Pz— LeBron James (@KingJames) October 2, 2017
Somalia suffered the worst terror attack ever with 500 casualties.
And what Apocalypse would be complete without a plague?
Natural disasters, violence and plagues. Yes 2017 had all the ingredients for a blockbuster sci-fi film about Armageddon. Meanwhile Hollywood was suffering its own Apocalypse...'It is a dangerous moment': Madagascar plague death toll reaches 74 https://t.co/stx9FfolYO— The Guardian (@guardian) October 19, 2017
In early October the New York Times published a story outlining decades of sexual harassment allegations against Harvey Weinstein with Rose McGowan and Ashley Judd among the victims who spoke out. Weinstein issued an apology and took a leave of absence. He was later fired. Then more and more women began coming forward with allegations against Weinstein.
Harvey Weinstein: a list of the women who have accused him https://t.co/gKSmvuP6HP— The Guardian (@guardian) October 21, 2017
Pandora's Box had been opened. Some called it the #WeinsteinEffect. Inspired by the brave Silence Breakers, more victims of sexual harassment and assault spoke out and male celebrities were dropping like flies. Resigning or being fired from projects/companies as a result. Even some of the most talented and respected actors in Hollywood (including Kevin Spacey and Dustin Hoffman). Ironically, the President, who had numerous sexual assault allegations against him and was even heard BOASTING on tape about grabbing women by the genitals, still hadn't been fired! He never should have been elected. We have to hope he's impeached soon!
With so many victims coming forward two things were becoming depressingly obvious:
a) this had happened way too often
b) most of the victims had remained silent

If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet. pic.twitter.com/k2oeCiUf9n— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 15, 2017
The Weinstein ripple effect: Famous men accused of sexual harassment and assault https://t.co/n2KjIgUFL3— CNBC (@CNBC) October 26, 2017
If it wasn't already abundantly clear that the world had gone to Hell in a hand basket in every conceivable way, there was another terrorist -- small but sinister, a toxic, merciless monster -- killing people across North America. Its name: Fentanyl. Fentanyl was largely to blame for a massive spike in overdose deaths. Fentanyl is 100 times more powerful than morphine. It's more dangerous than heroin because it's stronger and cheaper. A highly addictive opioid, as a controlled prescription medication in hospitals it can help chronic pain sufferers. Unfortunately because of its potency it is attractive to drug dealers and labs began making and selling cheap fentanyl, lacing it with other products to increase profits. 1 kilogram of Chinese fentanyl that costs $12,000 can be made into pills worth $80 million. Illicit drugs are unregulated. There is no quality control. Fentanyl was cut into other drugs without users knowing, leading to overdoses. The analogue carfentanil is 10,000 times more powerful than morphine. It was developed for animals (such as elephants) not humans. Heroin is expensive. Fentanyl was cheap and plentiful. But deadly. Over 2017 there has been an explosion in fentanyl overdoses. A fentanyl overdose has the same symptoms as other opioid ODs except the onset is faster. Luckily a fentanyl OD can be treated with receptor blocking drug Naloxone and CPR. Naloxone is available as an injection or a spray. Unfortunately it's often too late. Police, fire, ambulance and hospitals are flooded with overdose calls EVERY SINGLE DAY. 80% are accidental. The irony is that to save/make money despicable drug dealers are cutting with fentanyl but they're killing off their client base. It's not sustainable. In the U.S. the fentanyl death toll rose by 540% in three years. That's only up to 2016. They don't even have the stats yet for 2017 when it became worse than ever in the U.S. and Canada.142 Americans die from fentanyl overdoses EVERY DAY.
Even Trump had to acknowledge the problem. (Of course he would use it to justify his xenophobic policies and desire to build a wall to keep out "Bad hombres" -- as though all immigrants are drug dealers.)
President Trump declares the opioid epidemic a national public health emergency https://t.co/ODQNuRH6rS pic.twitter.com/xMr3eSRdb4— CNN (@CNN) October 27, 2017
It would be wrong to consider Trump's focus on the opioid epidemic as a sign of genuine concern for the lives of Americans however. Trump only paid attention to health issues if they somehow supported his agenda. He just wanted to foster hatred to justify his proposed wall, immigration policies etc. The truth was that Trump didn't give a damn about the health of Americans. His proposed health care (Trumpcare = Trump DOESN'T care) would essentially be cutting off the people who needed it most -- the poor, sick, elderly and female. It was a plan designed by a selfish, unscrupulous ogre who was willing to let people die to line his own pockets.
Obamacare taxed the rich to help pay for the poor to have health care. A typical Robin Hood. The money has to come from somewhere. Getting health care to those who need it most -- the sick, elderly etc -- was the top priority. With this coverage, 14 million Americans who needed help were covered. This only makes sense, logically and morally. Those who can afford to help those who can not afford it. Trumpcare does the opposite. It rewards the rich and takes away from the poor. He would boast about Americans saving on healthcare but it was the wealthy who would be saving. Those in poverty would be left with nothing. If Ebenezer Scrooge were President...

As if Puerto Rico hadn't been through enough already it was hit by a mudslide in October. The paper towels probably weren't going to be much help...
Mudslide hits Puerto Rico neighborhood that President Trump visited https://t.co/9d8AXCClF9 pic.twitter.com/w8BY6mwFMX— CNN (@CNN) October 17, 2017
In better news: It was Mueller Time! #MuellerTime Charges were brought against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.
Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos are the only the beginning. Hell is about to comb over.— Randi Mayem Singer (@rmayemsinger) October 30, 2017
An epic video of the FBI raiding the Trump administration began to circulate... #MuellerTime From Russia with Love. You HAVE to watch it! It made my day when I saw it!Paul Manafort just agreed to turn himself in to the FBI. What should we report on?— Roberto Ferdman (@robferdman) October 30, 2017
CNN: Manafort
MSNBC: Manafort
Fox News: Hamburger emoji pic.twitter.com/Wjsvkb2coW
God the detail on this https://t.co/WCYx5UhutB pic.twitter.com/S3qoU3QpLO— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 28, 2017
Meanwhile there was a political crisis in Spain as Catalonia made a bid for independence..
What happens in #Catalonia is not an internal, but a European affair. Share this #video and #helpCatalonia https://t.co/b3wvLaQhxW— Help Catalonia (@HelpCatalonia) October 17, 2017
Vox article -- Catalonia's ill-fated bid for independenceThe Spanish dictatorial government, has just proposed the cessation of the entire government democratically elected by people of Catalonia pic.twitter.com/t3oj4y5sry— Ricard Faura Homedes (@ricardfaura) October 21, 2017
2017 was a year of unrest and division around the world. The issue in Catalonia is still not resolved. The battle between democracy and dictatorship continues...
The Catalonia independence movement is not going away. Spain is staring at a long-term conflict in a deeply divided region. https://t.co/XB8CKACw7t— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 23, 2017
Sadly October began and ended with horror. On Halloween October 31st an ISIS terrorist rented a Home Depot pickup truck and plowed into cyclists and runners on the bike path at Hudson River Park in Lower Manhattan, New York City killing 8 and injuring 11. After crashing into a school bus the driver ran out wielding two guns and was shot/arrested by police.
Eight people killed in New York 'act of terror' after truck drives on to bike path https://t.co/P5NqZlojSN— The Guardian (@guardian) October 31, 2017
One article suggested it's far too easy for anyone to rent a truck. Sadly it's just as easy for someone in the U.S. to buy a GUN. Maybe any time you are selling something that may be used as a weapon there should be some sort of process/waiting period/background check to prevent incidents like this. Again the more tragedies you can prevent, the better.
Compared with what was going on in the rest of the world (the political insanity in America and natural disasters around the world), Canada is a relatively safe place to live and I have never been more proud or grateful to live here! Canada turned 150 this year! Happy Birthday Canada! We still have our problems of course -- the Retail Apocalypse has hit a number of stores -- Sears is going out of business (which makes me sad. I'm going to miss the Christmas Wish Book!) We still have violent crime (though nowhere near as bad as in the US). Like the US we also have an opioid crisis (though thankfully we had some MAJOR drug busts this year which will hopefully make a dent in the problem) and mental health crisis. 2017 was the year when anything could happen and human error/negligence could be deadly. In November, near Barrie Ontario, a distracted truck driver caused an apocalyptic 14 car pile up including two fuel tankers and several transport trucks and killed 3 people.
UPDATED: At least three dead after massive crash and 'apocalyptic' fire on Hwy. 400, OPP say https://t.co/xwZg6pQ7OS pic.twitter.com/8oOgnm6Qxx— CP24 (@CP24) November 1, 2017
Distracted drivers are dangerous, truck drivers even more so. The OPP told reporters they responded to more than 5000 transport truck-related collisions in 2017, 56 of which resulted in 67 deaths.
We need to pay more attention.
It should go without saying that we have to protect that planet that sustains us but we have managed to pollute it to the point where climate change was wreaking havoc around the planet with record-breaking natural disasters becoming the norm.
It should go without saying that we have to protect that planet that sustains us but we have managed to pollute it to the point where climate change was wreaking havoc around the planet with record-breaking natural disasters becoming the norm.
In Delhi the pollution levels and smog were so bad that doctors declared an emergency. The level of airborne pollutants in India's capital were so harmful they were the equivalent of smoking 50 cigarettes a day!
Delhi doctors declare pollution emergency as smog chokes city https://t.co/2nnqRd4mSz— The Guardian (@guardian) November 7, 2017
In 2017 the world had become a living horror movie. #TexasChurchMassacre showed just how insane and horrific it could be. At a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas 26 people were killed and 20 injured when a 26 year old male dressed in black and armed with an assault rifle opened fire on parishioners on a Sunday morning. He then fled and shot himself in the head. Obviously unstable and with a history of domestic violence, he NEVER should have been able to buy a gun. This incident, like all the others (and sadly there are many in American history) shows just how crucial #GunControl is. There have to be laws in place to prevent tragedies like this from happening again. Gun dealers need to be held accountable. It should not be easy for a madman to buy a weapon to kill innocent people. Of all the places that people should feel safe, a church would have to be near the top of the list. Trigger-happy gun aficionados suggested people should start carrying guns everywhere to protect themselves. The solution to gun violence isn't MORE guns. It is less. And it is most importantly KEEPING GUNS OUT OF THE WRONG HANDS. Anyone with a history of violence and mental health issues, anyone who is a danger to himself and others should not be allowed to own a gun. Doesn't that make sense? Not to Trump. He actually repealed one of Obama's gun control rules - the Social Security Administration no longer has to submit names of mental health benefit recipients to federal agencies conducting background checks. Seems to me that would have been a good rule to KEEP! Someone who is so mentally ill that they are unable to work SHOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BUY A GUN!!! Am I missing something here?! There is a mental health crisis AND a gun crisis. Making it easier for mentally ill people to obtain firearms is nothing short of criminal negligence. But this is how Trump runs the country (into the ground.) Once again there was blood on Trump's hands too.
At least 26 people were killed after church shooting in Sutherland Springs, Texas. Here’s how the incident unfolded https://t.co/9k3kQih5tt pic.twitter.com/vgkIuio80Z— CNN (@CNN) November 6, 2017
Prayers for #SanAntonio and all the families who are suffering the loss of loved ones. I’ll pray also for #GunControl— Lady Gaga (@ladygaga) November 5, 2017
May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) November 6, 2017
When a terrorist act was committed by a non-white assailant with ties to ISIS, Trump was all over it because that fit into his xenophobic agenda, supposedly justifying his Muslim ban etc. When the culprit was a white male however, Trump was conspicuously silent. He couldn't dare to admit that when you study the statistics it is clear that there are more acts of terror by White Supremacist terrorists, that most mass killings are committed by white American males. Even the media seems to treat white killers differently. They are described as a "lone wolf" or mentally ill as opposed to a terrorist. Some couldn't resist commenting on the hypocrisy. Trump refused to acknowledge that most mass killings are committed by white males.
Don't worry everybody.— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) November 5, 2017
It was a white man who slaughtered half of the church in Texas.
That means everything is just fine.
No terrorism
Gun control is one of the biggest issues but it became sadly apparent that many Americans prize their guns above human lives. It is FAR too easy to obtain a firearm in the United States. There should be thorough background checks and a waiting period. This may not prevent every violent crime but it would certainly have prevented many of the shootings that occurred. Someone who is unstable and a danger to himself and/or others should NOT have access to a firearm. Someone who is on the edge can do a lot less damage if they don't have a gun. The NRA and other trigger-happy morons will rant about their "constitutional right" to bear arms. How about the rights of innocent people NOT TO GET SHOT?! Shouldn't that trump everything else?!
Another shooting in California left 5 dead.
Meanwhile, climate change continued to wreak havoc around the world...
In a year of horrendous earthquakes, the deadliest was still to come...
A powerful 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck the Iran-Iraq border killing 452 people and injuring thousands.
To lose a child is every parent's worst nightmare. Loss of your homes and possessions is one thing but losing your loved ones is unbearable. My heart goes out to everyone in 2017 that lost a loved one in one of the many horrible tragedies throughout the year.
More earthquakes were to come, only hours later in Japan and Costa Rica.
Independent article: Costa Rica Earthquake latest today
A 6.5 earthquake hit Costa Rica causing panic in the streets and knocking out power lines but at least there was no major infrastructure damage.
Deadly flash floods caused "Biblical damage" in Athens. The deluge drowned streets in mud and debris, destroyed homes and businesses, killed at least fifteen people (many were missing so the death toll was hard to track) and injured dozens. Buildings collapsed and belongings were swept away in rivers of mud. Some argued that illegal construction over streams and riverbeds intensified the torrents. All year long Mother Nature gave us one warning and wake-up call after another -- destroy the Earth and she will destroy you. We have to commit to protecting the planet. For our own good.
Deadly flash floods caused "Biblical damage" in Athens. The deluge drowned streets in mud and debris, destroyed homes and businesses, killed at least fifteen people (many were missing so the death toll was hard to track) and injured dozens. Buildings collapsed and belongings were swept away in rivers of mud. Some argued that illegal construction over streams and riverbeds intensified the torrents. All year long Mother Nature gave us one warning and wake-up call after another -- destroy the Earth and she will destroy you. We have to commit to protecting the planet. For our own good.
Deadly flash floods cause 'biblical damage' in Athens https://t.co/weG4292J0L— The Guardian (@guardian) November 15, 2017
Even South Korea, which rarely experienced tremors, had an earthquake that left many injured and more than 1000 homeless.
Yet another earthquake, in South Korea, left 1500 homeless and dozens injured. There seemed to be no end to it. All year long it was one catastrophe after another. Earthquakes, hurricanes, fires, floods. The sheer volume and severity of natural disasters were of Biblical proportions. What else could happen? Don't ask.

this video taken from @madenagi Instagram. Timelapse mode. posted more less from 10 hrs ago. stay safe everyone🙏 pic.twitter.com/hlEta1n8u5— Lynn Marceau (@celynn88) November 27, 2017
A volcano spewing clouds of ash on the Indonesian island paradise of Bali has plunged one of the world's top tourist destinations into crisis https://t.co/LPul4oIugB pic.twitter.com/AzkY7KceCG— CNN (@CNN) November 28, 2017
The #Bali airport has re-opened after being shut down for two days due to the eruption of #MountAgung. Thousands of passengers have been stranded since Monday. The backlog of almost 90K passengers is being dealt with. pic.twitter.com/7W9dVMN7af— AMHQ (@AMHQ) November 30, 2017
In addition to the threat of a nuclear holocaust (with Trump and Jong Un bickering like idiots), natural disasters, plagues and of course the always possible "Zombie Apocalypse" apparently we can add a potential Robot Uprising to our list of nightmare-fuel science fiction turned fact Armageddon scenarios. The wizards at Hanson Robotics in Hong Kong created a robot so intelligent and life-like that she has even been granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia. The first robot to achieve such status. Now apparently she even wants to have a baby. What scares me is that Artificial Intelligence could make a pretty convincing argument that humans are running the planet into the ground and that they would do a better job than us. Sorry Sophia but you give me the creeps!
Even Stephen Hawking warned that AI pose a threat to civilization:
Hawking also warned we have only 100 years to leave Earth if we're to survive as a species.Stephen Hawking issues another dire warning about AI—it could "destroy" civilization https://t.co/xxsfpS5ChT pic.twitter.com/oykWdTV5sx— Newsweek (@Newsweek) November 8, 2017
BBC article: Sophia the Robot wants a baby
So, the Robot Apocalypse may be impending but we should try to keep our sense of humour. This made me laugh out loud:
Then Trump, who brings clueless to a whole new level, thoughtlessly retweeted UK anti-Muslim propaganda videos on his page. This is a President spreading hateful propaganda, oblivious (and/or wholly indifferent) to the repercussions of such an action. CNN article: http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/29/politics/donald-trump-retweet-jayda-fransen/index.html Trump retweets anti-Muslim videosSis should want a wig first but ok https://t.co/YoP7coHt8Q— BRATDOLL (@teyjayy) November 28, 2017
Former CIA Director Leon Panetta on Trump’s anti-Muslim retweets: “The President of the United States is playing with fire. He may not know it, but he’s playing with fire… This is a dangerous game to play, and the President, frankly, ought to know better” https://t.co/c8MI8aANj1 pic.twitter.com/GAisT3vfxJ— CNN (@CNN) November 30, 2017
As a leader in a democracy you have a responsibility to represent ALL of your citizens. To incite hatred (and make no mistake hate crimes against minorities increased with Trump in power) is beyond irresponsible. It is despicable.Trump sharing Britain First. Let that sink in. The President of the United States is promoting a fascist, racist, extremist hate group whose leaders have been arrested and convicted. He is no ally or friend of ours. @realDonaldTrump you are not welcome in my country and my city.— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) November 29, 2017
Atlantic article: Islamophobia No Longer Needs Terrorism as a Justification
Donald Trump's anti-Muslim tweets this morning feed Islamophobia & could incite violence and hate crimes against the Muslim community. They are absolutely disgraceful.— igorvolsky (@igorvolsky) November 29, 2017
Dear @BocaPolice,— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) December 22, 2017
I'm told this is in your town & that this young Muslim girl had been harassed for months before she was brutally assaulted here.
1. Why'd you allow this culture of Islamophobia to grow?
2. What are you going to do to hold those who assaulted her accountable? pic.twitter.com/feqJfNu2ki
Islamophobia in America today is akin to anti-Semitism in Europe in the early to mid-1930s. pic.twitter.com/OW4rjQ0pFP— CJ Werleman (@cjwerleman) December 23, 2017
things we should leave in 2017:— demi the wise (@gazebopiII) December 30, 2017
-jake paul
-team 10
-donald trump
Searches for the word "complicit" increased 300% in 2017. There was an 11,000% spike in the search after an interview with Ivanka Trump where she was asked whether she felt complicit in White House activities and answered that she didn't know what the word meant.There was also a spike in October when Republican Senator Jeff Flake said that would not run for re-election because he didn't want to be "complicit or silent." So, to save anyone looking -- complicit means to be involved with others in illegal activity/wrongdoing. The thing is, if you are NOT part of the #Resistance, if you are NOT speaking out against the horrible things people like Trump are doing, you are complicit. You are allowing it to happen. Trump is a monster, but he is not alone (though they do drop like flies in his administration). Anyone working with him could have and should have spoken up and tried to stop him. If they fail to, they are as bad as he is. And there is blood on their hands too.This year, the Word of the Year implicates millions of us. The word is “complicit.” 2017 is a year of reckoning. https://t.co/xrh4Usson8— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) November 29, 2017
And just as a reminder that lives hang in the balance as Trump goads Kim Jong Un into war...
CNN article: New missile test North Korea capable of hitting all US mainland
CNN article: New missile test shows North Korea capable of hitting all US mainland

Much of the hatred and violence throughout 2017 can be attributed to toxic masculinity. Men who disrespect or even hate women, who prize guns over human lives, who will step on anyone to get what they want. When these sorts of men are leaders of countries what kind of example does it set for other men? Unfortunately it emboldens other monsters to embrace the ugliest aspects of their sex.Venezuela's president, already mocked for gaining weight amid a hunger crisis, pulls out an empanada from his desk during a live TV address. pic.twitter.com/sPw63dbt83— Hannah Dreier (@hannahdreier) November 3, 2017
Truth dig article: Toxic masculinity is killing us in many ways
Luckily one positive thing to come out of 2017 was women beginning to take their power back and breaking their silence on sexual harassment and assault. #MeToo #WeinsteinEffect Another positive thing in November, Charles Manson died. Ordinarily you say "Rest In Peace" when someone passes away but in his case it's more like "Rot in Hell you A-hole!" Of course people had fun with the news. These tweets nailed it:
Can't believe Charles Manson died before Trump could give him a cabinet position— Lauren Duca (@laurenduca) November 20, 2017
This creepy weirdo cult leader has gone out of his way to try and incite an American race war.— Bryan Behar (@bryanbehar) November 20, 2017
But enough about Trump. Charles Manson just died.
And if you needed a laugh, there's always a cat...or two...
This cat looks like it's being interviewed by the NYT about Trump's broken promise to bring bodega cat jobs to its town. pic.twitter.com/oXKqIe4C7K— Brandi, #1 Heathcliff Investigative Journalist (@ItsTheBrandi) November 13, 2017
“SANDRA CAN YOU OPEN THIS FUCKING THING BIT OF A SITUATION HERE” pic.twitter.com/4WOwZn9LGK— Ash Warner (@AlsBoy) November 22, 2017
There was no question 2017 was a catastrophic year. @NatGeo The US suffered more than $300 billion worth of damage from 17 named storms during the season2017 will be remembered as the year when all the metaphors became literal. https://t.co/pGvBOesAc3— Martin Sherman-Marks (@flying_ghoti) December 1, 2017
The U.S. suffered more than $200 billion worth of damage from 17 named storms during the season https://t.co/N98nTUV7KO— National Geographic (@NatGeo) December 2, 2017
Figuratively Hollywood was burning with all the celebrities being accused of sexual assault. Literally, California was on fire. The Thomas Fire is the largest blaze in the state's history. It has burned 281,000 acres in Ventura and Santa Barbara. Nine hundred firefighters battling the fire since the month started now say it is mostly contained at the end of the month. But it isn't over yet. More than 1000 buildings have been destroyed, 3 people (including a firefighter) have been killed. This has been California's worst fire season ever. A heat wave, climate change mixed with a growing population created the perfect firestorm and can end it soon but as I type this it's still going.
The California wildfires are still raging, but this year’s fire season has already burned more acres than the average of the last five years.— Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) December 11, 2017
Now is the time to discuss climate change.
California wildfires have destroyed 1,000 structures ... and counting https://t.co/XopLCX0UTU pic.twitter.com/Q9u5n4omrA— CNN (@CNN) December 12, 2017
Mount Agung still has not had a major eruption but has caused a major disruption in Bali. Tens of thousands of residents have been displaced, and tourists are scared off. Considering 70% of its economy is linked to tourism, this will have a devastating impact financially on top of other damages and pollutionLive footage from car dashboard of #CaliforniaFires looks like a scene from Dante's Inferno #CaliforniaWildfires #Travel pic.twitter.com/Df3Y35IT3E— Britannia PR (@Britanniacomms) December 11, 2017
Mount Agung volcano spews volcanic ash in Indonesia. pic.twitter.com/qXLHbtIhbs— Life On Earth (@the_planetearth) December 12, 2017
Some good news at least: Michael Flynn plead guilty and cooperated in Mueller's Russia investigation. Once again we got our hopes up that Trump's impeachment would be soon. Still waiting on that one...
A Category 3 tropical cyclone, Cyclone Ockhi began in the Gulf of Thailand and ended in western India, leaving a trail of destruction in Sri Lanka, Lakshadweep, South India and Maldives and killing more than 245 people. A hundred fisherman are still missing so the death toll may be higher. A number of fisherman told the Indian Express newspaper that they weren't expecting the cyclone and it brought back haunting memories of the tsunami in 2004. Grieving families in Kerala told the media that authorities failed to warn them about the storm. Even after the storm hit, response was slow. No one realized the severity of it until it was too late. The Kerala government blamed the meteorological department for informing them too late about the danger of the cyclone.
Undoing decades of foreign policy and sparking rage and violence, Trump undermines America's position as peace mediator by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. Recognizes Jerusalem as Israels' capital. "Opening the gates of hell in US interests" according to terrorist group Hamas.Swept away https://t.co/2cd95mghZb— BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) December 11, 2017
As I said in parliament in the debate entitled Daniel in the lion’s den ( video on my Facebook with well over 1 Million views) the world is hopelessly ignorant of the importance of Jerusalem to 1.8 billion Muslims. Trump has opened the gates of hell #Jerusalem #AlQuds #Palestine— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) December 7, 2017
Way to go, Trump! They CANCELLED CHRISTMAS IN NAZARETH (as in the PLACE WHERE JESUS WAS BORN!!!)Trump's declaration of war against 1000s—billions—of Muslims & Christians alike has "opened the gates of hell" https://t.co/7wxfq8AW4w— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) December 6, 2017
At least an attempted terror attack in New York failed. If only they always failed.Jesus’s hometown Nazareth has CANCELLED Christmas celebrations, to protest Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital....The oldest Christian denominations Across the Middle East are outraged by US’s move. https://t.co/LOcpbptrdf— Rula Jebreal (@rulajebreal) December 15, 2017
After all the sexual abuse allegations against him everyone was happy to hear Roy Moore lost the Alabama US senate to Doug Jones. Everyone except Trump who was still supporting Moore. Because of course he was. Vultures of a feather flock together. Trump, being a Republican with sexual assault allegations against him as well couldn't very well condemn Moore. It was sickening that there seemed to be consequences for all sexual predators EXCEPT Trump. When would he lose his job?'Terror attack' in New York: Footage shows moment 'pipe bomb malfunctions and explodes prematurely, injuring ISIS-inspired suspect' https://t.co/h7ntzbuIqI pic.twitter.com/0IkQeZneqT— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) December 11, 2017
Editorial: Roy Moore Loses, Sanity Reigns https://t.co/dIT9D6q3Q8— The New York Times (@nytimes) December 13, 2017
UNICEF released a terrifying report: 17 million babies face brain development issues due to toxic air (toxicity 6x higher than what's safe.) South Asia has the largest population of babies in the worst affected areas -- 12.2 million babies. Ultrafine pollution particles can enter the bloodstream and travel to the brain causing neuro-inflammation, other pollution particles cause neuro-degenerative disease. Young children are especially vulnerable because they can be affected by a smaller dosage of chemicals than an adult. Because they breathe more rapidly and their physical defenses/immunities aren't developed they are extremely vulnerable to air pollution. This is tragic and stresses the importance of clean air, for everyone but especially children. Around the world we must commit to reducing air pollution, investing in clean, renewable energy sources, replace fossil fuel combustion, provide better waste management, prevent burning harmful chemicals.
And to remind us just how small we are in the grand scheme of things, Science discovers a distant supermassive black hole 13.1 billion light years away..@UNICEF warns that 17 million babies worldwide are breathing toxic air -- and it's not just a threat to their lungs https://t.co/P8RrGX2qq4— CBS News Health (@CBSHealth) December 6, 2017
Scientists have uncovered a rare relic from the early universe: the farthest known supermassive black hole https://t.co/ZXFYYWSQR7 pic.twitter.com/1sOGmnNNV2— NASA JPL (@NASAJPL) December 6, 2017
And to remind us of the difference between Democrats and Republicans: Accountability.
A 6.5 earthquake on the island of Java...Sen. Al Franken (D)— J. Dice 🎲 (@jdice03) December 7, 2017
👉 Accused by 8 women
👉 Forced him to resign
Rep. John Conyers (D)
👉 Accused by 6 women
👉 Forced him to resign
Donald Trump (R)
👉 Accused by 20 women
👉 Full GOP support
Roy Moore (R)
👉 Accused by 9 women
👉 Full GOP supporthttps://t.co/Nwv6aRF0sg
US statistics show an increase in drug overdoses:powerful #earthquake (#gempa) shakes Java, Indonesia 8 min ago. Effects derived from witnesses' reports: pic.twitter.com/MCMMWBTDO3— EMSC (@LastQuake) December 15, 2017
US News article: Drug overdose deaths continue to soar
And just when you thought 2017 couldn't get more weird, it snows in TEXAS...
A "Texas Christmas miracle"— CNN (@CNN) December 8, 2017
Snow in south Texas? Yes, you read that right https://t.co/eB68OEoewa pic.twitter.com/PhoiU9S3F2
Snow in Texas was not exactly a Christmas miracle, more like a sign of Climate Change and just how messed up things had become. The arctic was melting while places that were supposed to be hot were getting snow.
There was good news in December anyway, unlike the previous Person of the Year (Trump in 2016) this year's was courageous and inspiring. It wasn't just a person it was people -- women who bravely spoke up and spoke out against sexual harassment and assault. Time's Person of the Year was the Silence Breakers. They were pioneers in a Revolution, a reckoning where men who used their power to abuse women were FINALLY being held accountable. Women are taking their power back. Hollywood icons and moguls have fallen, CEOs have been fired. Some are even facing criminal charges. Yet somehow Trump, with numerous allegations against him, and even after the
Access Hollywood tape surfaced in October 2016 (where he boasts about grabbing women by the genitals. "When you're a star you can do ANYTHING!") suffered no consequences. He STILL got elected. He STILL hasn't been impeached.
Access Hollywood tape surfaced in October 2016 (where he boasts about grabbing women by the genitals. "When you're a star you can do ANYTHING!") suffered no consequences. He STILL got elected. He STILL hasn't been impeached.
Thank you to @TIME's Person of the Year- the SILENCE BREAKERS for your voices in this time of change. https://t.co/jUwITSW1qo— Emma Watson (@EmmaWatson) December 7, 2017
Until he's impeached, the Resistance will continue to fight Trump. He will be thwarted by anyone with the power and the decency to keep him in check...
US District Judge denies request to enforce ban on trans recruits
Alec Baldwin on Trump:
US District Judge denies request to enforce ban on trans recruits
And thankfully celebrities aren't shy about expressing their distaste for Trump and imploring people to take action to do something about it.Transgender people can enlist in military starting Jan. 1, judge rules, denying Trump administration request to delay order https://t.co/U1YHTfv9rf— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) December 11, 2017
Alec Baldwin on Trump:
But in an exclusive video op-ed for @Mic, @AlecBaldwin takes a break from comedy to get serious about what he views as Trump’s most egregious offenses towards the American people and the office of the presidency. https://t.co/r8jrbh5jv9 pic.twitter.com/6YMReD6Bas— Mic (@mic) December 8, 2017

One day, unbelievably, Trump accidentally confessed to obstruction of justice on Twitter. Yes. He's just that clueless! His tweet about Flynn didn't line up with his previously stated version of events...Basically he admitted that he knew Flynn had lied to the FBI and that's why he fired him. Asking Comey to go easy on Flynn and then firing Comey for continuing the investigation amounts to obstruction. Later realizing his gaffe, Trump tried to play it off like his lawyer wrote that tweet. As if. I think an attorney would know better. Otherwise I'd be firing him! Trump clearly writes all his own tweets. That's why they're so stupid. He's a hothead who needs to take a breath and count to 10 before he hate tweets something insane which will come back to bite him in the butt. He also needs to spell check!
I love the Daily News headlines about Trump. They always nail it!
Here's Trump's tweet (aka confession...)
Naturally Twitter had a field day with it...I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI. He has pled guilty to those lies. It is a shame because his actions during the transition were lawful. There was nothing to hide!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 2, 2017
MAJOR BREAKING NEWS: President Trump Accidentally Admits on Twitter to Committing Obstruction of Justice— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) December 2, 2017
(The dates and statements check out. This analysis from MSNBC is correct.) https://t.co/Rcd5Eb0gUD
THIS IS OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. @POTUS now admits he KNEW Michael Flynn lied to the FBI. Yet Trump tried to influence or stop the FBI investigation on #Flynn. https://t.co/8JqGBxgou0— Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) December 2, 2017
New York Daily News: Robert Mueller gets thousands of Trump transition emailsOh my god, he just admitted to obstruction of justice. If Trump knew Flynn lied to the FBI when he asked Comey to let it go, then there is your case. https://t.co/c6Wtd0TfzW— Matthew Miller (@matthewamiller) December 2, 2017
It would seem Robert Mueller has more than enough to impeach Trump at this point but we will have to wait and see. Maybe Trump will resign like Nixon to save what little dignity he has left (too late!) Trump is constantly bullying and berating everyone he disagrees with but he is particularly vicious and insulting with women he feels threatened by. Recently he had this to say about Senator Gillibrand:
Lightweight Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them), is now in the ring fighting against Trump. Very disloyal to Bill & Crooked-USED!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 12, 2017
Are you really trying to bully, intimidate and slut-shame @SenGillibrand? Do you know who you're picking a fight with? Good luck with that, @realDonaldTrump. Nevertheless, #shepersisted. https://t.co/mYJtBZfxiu— Elizabeth Warren (@SenWarren) December 12, 2017
Women are a force to be reckoned with. We won’t be silenced.— Kirsten Gillibrand (@SenGillibrand) December 13, 2017
“President Trump is wrong, he is a bully and he’s been attacking people across this country since he’s been president.”— NBC News (@NBCNews) December 13, 201
Sen. Gillibrand speaks exclusively to @TODAYshow. pic.twitter.com/yHyGAcP5sZ
In 2017 the only thing you could take for granted was that you shouldn't take anything for granted. Now the internet, which has always been free, soon may not be...
Globe and Mail article: What the net neutrality repeal means for Americans and Canadians
Twitter weighed in on the issue:
“You up?” #NetNeutrality pic.twitter.com/P3v0PhQI42— Javier (@TooChill_Javi) December 14, 2017
Hopefully the internet will still be free because I've become rather fond of sharing my thoughts here, on Twitter etc! But if they make us start paying for everything I just won't use it. I'll go off the grid for good! Don't think I won't! I'm still making do with an i-phone 4 and I don't have any apps on it (which is good because they wouldn't work anyway!)me deciding if my funny tweet is good enough to pay $2 to send #NetNeutrality pic.twitter.com/rduJni8Uxk— gifs (@GlF_reactions) December 14, 2017
There.— Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) December 18, 2017
EVERYTHING.#TaxScamBill edition.
Trump 2015: "We must reduce taxes for the middle class!"
Trump 2017: "We must pass a piece of legislation that taxes the middle class to death and call it "tax reform".#MondayMorning
h/t @MaverickofKain pic.twitter.com/2Nyw4AaEUV
At least Trump is consistent in being an odious a-hole who is only concerned about the interests of billionaires like himself and leaves everyone else to rot. He's like a reverse Robin Hood -- rob from the poor and give to the rich! Now he's released his tax reform (aka Trump Tax Scam) which -- surprise! Surprise! -- features tax cuts for the wealthy and screws everyone else over. Pretty much the opposite of what he promised the working and middle class when he was running for office. He conned them into thinking he would represent them. He was going to "drain the swamp." Instead he's filling it. But his few remaining supporters are so ignorant they probably haven't figured it out yet... They likely won't read the tax bill. If they can read at all. The only ones praising the tax bill are the wealthy donors who wanted cuts and got them. It's deplorable. But then that's their catchphrase isn't it? Trump is a liar, scam artist, snake oil salesman. He lied and cheated his way into the White House and he will continue to con the American people, rape and pillage the planet and flirt with annihilation as long as you let him. For the love of God, get him out! #ImpeachTrump Come on Mueller! You must have more than enough evidence of treason by now... #RussiaGate #Collusion
The Trump Train wasn't the only one going off the rails in Washington. On its first run, an Amtrak high speed train plunged off the tracks onto traffic below killing three people and injuring 100. They're still investigating the cause but speed was obviously a factor. The train careened around the curve at three times the speed limit. For some reason Positive Train Control -- the technology that's supposed to automatically slow down a speeding train -- wasn't activated. Somehow a speeding train plunging off the tracks is a tragic and perfect metaphor for 2017. Like many tragedies throughout the year, it shouldn't have happened. It was preventable on so many levels. Yet here we are.
Amtrak CEO calls fatal derailment a "wake up call." I've lost count of how many wake-up calls we had this year.
CNN article: Amtrak Derailment in Washington
We need to wake up. We need Positive Train Control, Positive Politics Control, Positive Climate Control. Gun control. We need to take control of our lives and stop being passive participants. We need more love and peace, less hatred and violence. We need more accountability, more honor, more humanity. We need to change. We have had so many wake up calls this year and yet somehow we still seem to be asleep. Yes some people are speaking up and demanding change. But others are shuffling around like zombies, living in a delusional bubble, wilfully ignoring the truth around them. We have become so bombarded with tragedy that we've grown accustomed to it, become desensitized to it. Some prefer to just bury their heads in the sand and pretend it's not happening. 2017 has not been normal. It's time to wake up, as a whole, to save ourselves and our planet. We need to learn from our mistakes, triumph over tragedy, know better and DO BETTER. Shootings keep happening, with no gun control. Disasters continue to strike with no real commitment to reduce pollution/reverse climate change. To err is human but there shouldn't be so many blunders, so much carelessness, recklessness and negligence. Especially when peoples' lives hang in the balance. For all of our resistance, we are still speeding toward destruction and we can't be surprised when it comes.
Bernie always tells it like it is. The tax bill is a disgrace. Trump is a disgrace. It's been this way all year. Can we just impeach him already?!Most Americans oppose tax bill. No economic theory backs huge tax cuts in a strong economy w/ high debt. It will explode the deficit.— Kurt Eichenwald (@kurteichenwald) December 19, 2017
Citizens United case gave billionaires power to make or break politicians. The donor class wants tax cuts. They'll get it.
That's America today.
Senate Republicans just passed their tax reform bill. What an utter disgrace. pic.twitter.com/GCnWnPW93H— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 20, 2017
The Trump Train wasn't the only one going off the rails in Washington. On its first run, an Amtrak high speed train plunged off the tracks onto traffic below killing three people and injuring 100. They're still investigating the cause but speed was obviously a factor. The train careened around the curve at three times the speed limit. For some reason Positive Train Control -- the technology that's supposed to automatically slow down a speeding train -- wasn't activated. Somehow a speeding train plunging off the tracks is a tragic and perfect metaphor for 2017. Like many tragedies throughout the year, it shouldn't have happened. It was preventable on so many levels. Yet here we are.
Federal officials confirm Amtrak train was 50 mph over speed limit when it careened off an overpass south of Seattle, killing 3. https://t.co/7QaBORgFoM— AP West Region (@APWestRegion) December 19, 2017
Amtrak CEO calls fatal derailment a "wake up call." I've lost count of how many wake-up calls we had this year.
CNN article: Amtrak Derailment in Washington

2017 has been Hell. And now Hell has frozen over. Climate change doesn't JUST mean global warming. It means that temperatures are messed up. Cold is hot. Hot is cold. Up is down. So the arctic is melting while places that are normally warm are getting snow. Here in North America there has been an Extreme Cold Warning for a week. The U.S. especially is experiencing record low temperatures. Even Niagara Falls has frozen over and sharks are freezing into sharkcicles...
Niagara falls FREEZES as wind chill drops as low as -89 DEGREES https://t.co/V6vuIShHS6 pic.twitter.com/gea3qNAMZh— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) December 30, 2017
Of course simpleton Trump couldn't resist using the cold snap as evidence against Global Warming/Climate Change:
Science, which Trump has never been a fan of, proves him wrong:
In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old Global Warming that our Country, but not other countries, was going to pay TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS to protect against. Bundle up!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 29, 2017
Science, which Trump has never been a fan of, proves him wrong:
1) There is a difference between #weather and #climate.— The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) December 29, 2017
2) Short-term #cold snaps will continue to occur in a warming climate.
3) 2017 will likely be a top three warmest year on record for the globe.
(Graphic: Univ. of Maine - Climate Change Institute) https://t.co/kzuugeXi80 pic.twitter.com/gueOsp4yvu
It has been a year of extremes -- record-breaking hot and cold temperatures, catastrophic fires and floods. It has been a year of conflict, division, anger, hatred and violence, racism, bigotry, cruelty, negligence and indifference. We need more humanity, more love, more peace, more oneness. Despite so many brushes with the Apocalypse this year, somehow we made it through. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Let's move onward together...
There is still some good in the world, in humanity, there is still love and beauty and art. There is still humour (which is truly a survival mechanism. We couldn't get through all this crap without it!) It was a great year for music at least, so there's that. It was a great year for breaking the silence, speaking up and speaking out. So many women showed courage this year and it's inspiring. We need to hold on to that and celebrate it. Even amidst so much ugliness and despair, we can find beauty and hope. We can never give up. In the face of tyranny and oppression, the Resistance lives on.
All across America people chose to get involved, get engaged and stand up. Each of us can make a difference, and all of us ought to try. So go keep changing the world in 2018.— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) December 29, 2017
OK, time to turn this year around— Bridger Winegar (@bridger_w) December 30, 2017
There is still some good in the world, in humanity, there is still love and beauty and art. There is still humour (which is truly a survival mechanism. We couldn't get through all this crap without it!) It was a great year for music at least, so there's that. It was a great year for breaking the silence, speaking up and speaking out. So many women showed courage this year and it's inspiring. We need to hold on to that and celebrate it. Even amidst so much ugliness and despair, we can find beauty and hope. We can never give up. In the face of tyranny and oppression, the Resistance lives on.
Without question 2017 sucked but 2018 is here and hopefully many positive changes ahead. My hope is that we can learn to be more kind to ourselves, each other and the planet. At the end of the day we are all in this together. We are one race -- human -- and it's in our best interests to work together and peacefully co-exist. I hope we can all strive to be better and do better. And when we see those doing wrong, that we can speak up, resist and demand change. Impeach Trump. Come on, Mueller!
"Dear 2017: Glad you're over now.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
It was a terrible year. Everything went wrong.
But they say what doesn't kill us makes us stronger so we must be strong. We must be strong now. We must be strong."
Thank you for reading this post! I put a lot into it. It wasn't easy to find time and I had several technical glitches to work through! It's taken me quite a while to compile (chipping away a bit at a time.) Not sure why I felt compelled to do this project but for some reason I did. As I mentioned earlier, this blog is usually more personal (about my daughter and I) and less global (natural disasters etc!) but 2017 was a BIZARRE year and I was constantly shocked by what I heard in the news (mostly on Twitter.) It was a lot to take in! Some of my friends told me I just shouldn't read the news because it stresses me out but I couldn't look away. I couldn't believe it was happening. Ignoring it was not an option. Writing a blog about it all is my way of processing it. As a single Mom sometimes it feels like you carry the weight of the world, (a dying world at that in 2017!) and it can be overwhelming. This has been a rough year for me for so many reasons. At the very least I needed to get all of this off of my chest! Writing is therapy! Now I can take a deep breath and go do yoga... Namaste...
Happy New Year! Best wishes for peace, love and happiness in 2018!
Happy New Year! Best wishes for peace, love and happiness in 2018!