The massage was great. It was very relaxing, although it too made me cry. The RMT was very understanding and had Kleenex on hand. He said it's natural. You hold tension in your body, physically, and loosening it can be emotional. I also wound up giving him the edited version of my life story when he asked for details about my stress. He was very nice and confided in me about his life struggles as well. It seemed that he too had been involved in a toxic relationship where he tried to rescue someone who was broken. I guess it's part of being a healer. You take the weight of the world on your shoulders.
Here are the lyrics:
Soundtrack to my breakdown – rap lyrics by Ann Marie Pincivero
Copyright October 2017
Can't carry the weight of a dying world...
Can't carry the weight of a dying world...
Holla from my amygdala – anger/fear fight or flight.
The tension’s relentless – it never lets me sleep at night.
Deep pressed, sinking, thinking, stressed out.
Wanna shout from the rooftops.
Can’t heal what I feel, the nightmares are real and they don’t stop!
I feel buried. It’s scary. Can’t carry the weight of a dying world.
Headstone leave me alone – let me live with my little girl.
I’m fretting, I’m sweating, I’m letting this shit get to me.
Chorus: The catastrophic state of society causes anxiety
Everyone’s scrambling, rambling, ambulance sirens are wailing.
He won’t go back to jail, if life is a test we’re failing.
I’m sick of being a sentinel to ODs on fentanyl –
Lost girls and boys like misfit toys addicted to poisons.
But booze & drugs can’t fill the void. Easy to be paranoid.
Who can you really trust in the wind when you’re made of dust?
I’m tired of the blindness of tyrants. Sick of the violence in silence.
Sick of bad guys winning while nice girls finish last.
Glass ceiling intact, at least the casting couch is getting flack…
Chorus: The catastrophic state of society causes anxiety
Too many assaults & domestics, coward bully abusers,
Cheaters, liars and users, predators with excuses.
I’m sick of fights and suicides, hurricanes and rising tides.
Destroying the planet and each other. Earth is one angry Mother --
She’s fighting back with a vengeance.
We need some repentance.
We turned the world toxic,
So dark and chaotic.
We turned the world toxic,
So dark and chaotic.
Can we end the confusion, pollution?
Solution: revolution!
Kick the monsters off their thrones -- the nuclear Narcissists,
Flirting with annihilation, need to leave this situation!
Their mistakes are prodigious – don’t need walls, we need bridges.
Don’t need nukes, need to fix this or we’re all in deep shit!
The road where we’re heading leads straight to Armaggedon…
Mental health is exploding, while the planet’s imploding
And the demons unloading bullets from rooftops like raindrops it’s got to stop!
These are preventable tragedies – stop selling weapons of terror please!
Stop the malice, the madness, the sadness, the badness.
Is there still goodness? Let’s find it! Put the evil behind us.
We need more heroes, less villains. More support for the victims.
More truth & more vision, more God, less religion.
The world’s gone to hell. We’re on fire, save ourselves.
The fires, the floods, the pain and the blood.
Asteroid’s grazing us. Everyone’s crazy now.
I don’t want to be in the front seat for the Apocalypse!
Insomniac, panic attack, gonna crack, I can’t do this!
It’s excessive, oppressive, no rest, it’s more than I can take.
I’m not OK, no way. I’m having a breakdown!
It figures these triggers are bigger than me, they’re digging me an early grave.
I’m a slave, not brave. I can’t breathe, I can’t sleep.
Can’t relax when the free world is run by a Nazi.
Doomed to repeating history, spreading hatred & misery.
There’s no place for racism in 2017 – all lives matter – black or white.
Do what’s right! I still share Martin’s dream…
Chorus: The catastrophic state of society causes anxiety
When we’re hopeless and helpless and breathless and desperate,
Inundated, frustrated with the mess we’ve created --
Let’s escape from this illness, find peace and love in the stillness.
I’m done – Imma stay away – I’m doing yoga now – Namaste.
I’m so tired of seething. I’m focusing on my breathing.
In the chaotic cacophony I’ll find calmness inside of me.
My hope is my little girl. I pray for a better world.
by Ann Marie Pincivero Copyright October 2017
Here is the video:
It's far from perfect but I was pleased with myself that I got through the whole song without forgetting anything or messing up too royally. I recorded it while Michelle was at school. I have profound respect for rap artists now having attempted it myself! It's SO HARD! It takes years of practice to get really good -- to develop your voice and be able to rap quickly. I didn't want to put on a phony rap voice, so it's just my voice with a bit of anger/attitude behind it. I did my best. I didn't have the luxury of doing 100 takes so I kind of had to settle. If nothing else it was extremely therapeutic to vent all of these thoughts, feelings and anxieties. Now I feel like I can try to be free of it. A friend suggested I just don't read/watch the news or pay attention to Twitter trends because it will drive you crazy if you focus on everything that's wrong in the world lately. I have enough stress at work without reading about the horrors in the news -- terrorist attacks, shootings etc.
The fact that even the PRESIDENT is a sexual predator who bragged about molesting women is pretty disheartening. It sends a terrible message to society: "Well if it's OK for the leader of the Free World to do it..." Way to set an example! Standards should be high for a President but with 45 it seems they were abysmally low. Somehow he was voted in despite sexual assault allegations, defrauding thousands of students with a bogus university, being a con man only out for profit, a pathological liar caught in too many untruths to mention, a White Supremacist/racist/xenophobe etc. It's a miracle that he got elected and still hasn't been impeached. Hopefully Robert Mueller will take him to task for his obvious collusion with Russia at least. Many in the Trump administration have already been indicted. We have to hope they're just the appetizer and Trump is the main course! His impeachment (imprisonment?) or resignation can't be too far off. Although there are still a few die-hard (hopelessly clueless/delusional/racist or God knows what?) Trump supporters out there thankfully most of them are awake by now and see him for what he is. His approval rating is 33% -- the lowest of ANY president. EVER. I heard that a rogue Twitter employee deleted Trump's account for 11 minutes! An epic stunt! I wish I knew who it was. They are officially my new hero! I'd like to take them for a covfefe!
I was trying to do everything I could to relax. (Doctor's orders!) I had to find my happy place. You can focus on the ugliness of the world (the pain, anger and fear, the horrors in the news) or choose to focus on the beauty (peace, love, joy, Nature). When the world has gone to Hell, retreat to Paradise! Beauty soothes the soul. The Butterfly Conservatory was just what I needed. I managed to get a macro of this butterfly on a red hibiscus flower and it gives me life! The butterfly actually posed for me! Sometimes they don't open their wings on cue. Blue Morphos are notoriously difficult to photograph! This Red Lacewing was much more accommodating! Beauty is the best remedy for the ugliness in the world. It's not all gloom and doom. There are still flowers and butterflies! Even looking at this photo helps to slow down my breathing...
Michelle loves looking at the butterflies too. She's not quite as keen on posing for hundreds of photos but she knows that she has no choice!
I also managed to talk Michelle into wearing pigtails which she wasn't a fan of. My sales pitch:
1) Nothing is more adorable than pigtails on a little girl.
2) It makes you look like a butterfly (think antennae).
3) Harley Quinn is cool and she had pigtails! (Michelle loved "Suicide Squad." She's been watching more grown up movies with me and loves them. I make sure it's nothing TOO SCARY/disturbing. It's a treat for me to watch grown up movies again after years of being relegated to kid's animated movies (not that I don't love them too!)
Michelle was getting discouraged at first that no butterflies were landing on her. "Mama! The butterflies don't like me!" And how could they not like a little girl with pigtails and a butterfly dress?!
I explained to Michelle that it's just the luck of the draw. Sometimes they land on you and sometimes they don't. It's not something you can force or control. Like love, it just happens, or it doesn't. Then this Monarch happened and Michelle was happy. I was happy too for the photo op! And she even gave me a smile!
Then I got greedy and attempted to get in on the shot as well. These selfies are a little awkward, as you can see...
I was wearing a butterfly shirt as well. Yes I can't seem to break the habit of dressing on theme. I love Michelle's pink butterfly dress and my shirt had one large Monarch butterfly print on it.
At least in this photo we're both smiling though you barely even see the butterfly on her finger. I should have had her hold it up in front of her.
My selfie game is not strong. With my Nikon (unlike with camera phones) you can't SEE what you're taking. You just hold the camera up in front of you and hope for the best. Sometimes it's over too far and I'm not even in the shot. And the photos are usually too close up and not terribly flattering.
I love this shot of Michelle laughing with a butterfly on her finger! Adorable! I love her smile! I envy photographers. It would be one of the best jobs in the world. To be paid just to take pictures. Heaven!
I have been an avid amateur photographer for decades. Capturing the moment is something that I'm passionate and obsessive about. It's not a habit I could break if I wanted to! Thankfully these days the hobby has become far more accepted socially. Everyone has their camera phones and EVERYONE is snapping photos so at least they don't look at me like I have three heads. (Although some likely do smirk at my old fashioned camera. As I mentioned in the Summer I can't take pictures with the old i-phone 4. I just use it for calls/texts now. No more Instagram for me until/unless I upgrade the phone (aka someone gives me a more modern old one! LOL)
You can't have it all, but I was going to go for the trifecta: to get a selfie with Michelle, a butterfly AND a waterfall! Well I did it but I guess it was far too much to ask that Michelle actually SMILE for the photo! Her weary expression says it all. She was losing patience with me.
"Do you HAVE to take so many pictures, Mama?!"
"But if you give me a perfect smile in the first shot I can stop there." My logic was irrefutable. Still, it didn't happen. There was still no smile in the subsequent shots either. Hey, if Mama can force a smile even with all that she's dealing with lately, then you can smile too, kid!
The photos are all about the smiles! No matter what's going on in your life, someone points a camera and "CHEESE!" It's just what you do.
And then she gives me a beautiful, natural smile. With the waterfall. It's different when I'm behind the camera and not with her in front of it. Behind the camera I can make faces and make her laugh. This shot is gold.
I could have stayed there all day. Michelle started to run out of steam after a couple of hours of circling and circling the Butterfly Conservatory.
"Can we go to the gift shop Mama?"
"Of course."
I always wind up getting her a little something (usually an over-priced trinket/souvenir. I'm a softie for things like that. I remember being a kid and asking Mom for things and the answer was always "No." So I try to come from a place of "Yes.")
Our last time making the rounds around the Conservatory.
"Can we get one more shot of us, honey?"
Michelle, sighing "OK..."
I managed to set the timer and get a shot of us without strangers photo-bombing us (because somehow it's ALWAYS crowded no matter when you go. The worst is when there's a school field trip going around. Then you have to navigate through throngs of youths and worry about them hurting the butterflies.)
My brave girl. When one of the staff was holding a millipede and asked if Michelle wanted to touch it, surprisingly she said YES! I had the willies just watching it. All those friggin legs! Creepy AF! LOL I think it was a millipede (a million legs?! Not quite but I wasn't about to count!) as opposed to a centipede.
"You're brave, sweetheart," I said from a safe distance. When the woman asked if I wanted to touch the multi-legged thing sinister star of my nightmares I wanted to say "OH HELL NO! Are you NUTS?!" but opted for the more civil "Umm. No thanks. I'm good."
A passerby saw my horrified expression and laughed. Well we all have our phobias. Some people even have an irrational fear of puppets or pickles. In my defense, at least my phobias make sense: I'm afraid of incredibly creepy/ugly insects. Also needles/pain/blood. Totally rational. I have no issues with pretty insects obviously, which is why we were at the Butterfly Conservatory!
If there's one good thing about October, it's Halloween. Michelle and I were excited. Even though she had her costume and we had our candy and decorations she still liked going to the Halloween section of Walmart to see the inflatables, try on masks etc. It's fun for me too.
I always loved Halloween and now I get to enjoy it with Michelle it's even better.
She wanted to cozy up to this surprisngly friendly looking though enormous Grim Reaper so I said "Go ahead! As long as I can get a picture of you with him!" It's win-win. I love the little "Fright this way" sign. Part of me was almost tempted to get an inflatable for our place but I thought better of it. I'll just settle for snapping photos with other peoples' when we see them in our travels.
Michelle opted for the creepy killer clown with a crazed look in his eye. I chose the Grumpy Cat instead. I actually should have purchased the Grumpy Cat mask and worn it in my daily life. Grumpy Cat is my spirit animal!
I was expecting Michelle to make a "hand turkey" (school kids always seem to make them) in her class for Thanksgiving but when they didn't I thought oh well, I'll get her to make one at home. There were instructions in her agenda. I traced her hand and she did the rest herself.
I told her to think about what she was most grateful for. I expected her to put family, friends, etc. At least she put Mama and hugs but then toys and TV made up the other two fingers/tail feathers! Oh well. At least she was honest. It was cute anyway. Michelle even knew to draw the little red floppy thing on the turkey's neck. (I wasn't sure what it was called. Apparently it's called a "wattle!" and the red protruding thing on their beaks is called a "snood.")
Someone said that the best thing you can do for your child is to give them roots and wings: Roots so that they feel safe and grounded. They know they have a home to go to, someone to love and take are of them. Wings so that they feel free, independent and have the courage to go after their dreams. It can be tough to balance -- wanting to keep them safe, giving them room to grow and try -- especially when you're a control freak. I try to give Michelle both. I do tend to be on the cautious side but I try not to say no to things. I want my brave girl to have fun and not be limited/sheltered.
I was grateful for the beautiful weather we were having. Though it was supposed to be Fall it felt like Summer and I was happy to hold on to it for as long as possible. Being outside and getting some fresh air does wonders when you're stressed out. It's easier to breathe outside.
Watching Michelle play helped me to de-stress somewhat. I wished I could feel as carefree as she does. Even as a child I don't know that I was ever carefree. There was always something to worry about. I was shy. I wasn't very social. I was the victim of bullying. Somehow the bullies could sense my fear, my passivity and would attack. Maybe if I fought back they'd back off. But I didn't. I'm so glad that Michelle is confident, outgoing and social, makes friends easily. She will have a much easier time than I did.
Michelle has a new best friend at school and they are INSEPARABLE. They wanted to get together for a play date but there never seemed to be a good time with my schedule and all that I had going on.
Her friend apparently didn't believe that Michelle didn't have a dad.
"You must have a daddy. EVERYONE has a daddy."
Michelle explained that yes she had a daddy at some point but that he's not around. It is painful when she asks me but she's very matter-of-fact, accepting about it. Recently she asked what her dad's name was. Mike I tell her. "Like Uncle Mikey?" she asked.
"Yes. Mike short for Michael." though he was nothing like my brother Mike who is a loving devoted father to his kids. I tell her the narrative that I've built around the situation (because the reality is that he left without a word so I don't have answers:) "Your dad had a lot of problems. He knew that we would be better off without him so he left before you were born." I want to believe that's why. That it was out of love for us that he let us go. Not that he was just a useless, chicken shit cruel coward who didn't want the responsibility of a relationship/family. I never did get my explanation/apology/goodbye so I guess I'll never know for sure...
Through counselors, reading, researching online etc, I learned a number of relaxation techniques. One of them that really resonated with me was a beach meditation. The beach is my happy place. Imagining myself there helped to calm me down. Since the weather was still warm I thought "Why just VISUALIZE a beach when I can actually GO THERE?!" So we went. It was not crowded by any means. Not too many people go to the beach in OCTOBER. But it was nice. It was just what I needed. Michelle was thrilled too. I told her she couldn't go in the water, aside from her feet. It was freezing of course. She had fun playing in the sand.
Michelle laughing and running on the sand, the sunlight on the waves -- this photo sums up why I love the beach. It's just bliss. The stress of the rest of the world, the rest of your life, melts away. You listen to the waves and the seagulls and the laughter and life is just good for a moment.
I always said that if I won the lottery I would want to live on a beach somewhere. I can imagine having a little beach house. Having the sand and the sea as my backyard. Lying in a hammock under the palm trees -- that's my dream! Of course with all the catastrophic tropical storms we've had this year, living in a tropical location probably isn't the best idea. Climate change is a reality that we can't ignore. There have been effects around the globe. We have to both adapt to it and work to correct the damage we've done to the planet. As I mentioned in my song "Destroying the planet and each other. Earth is one angry Mother! She's fighting back with a vengeance. We need to get some repentance!" Of course as individuals we can do our part to reduce our carbon footprint, recycle etc. But it is government and big business that need to take responsibility and implement changes that will protect our environment moving forward. The fact that an imbecile who said "Climate change is a hoax!" is the leader of the Free World, is NOT encouraging. Trump wanted to bring back COAL. I literally can't even. He slashed funding to the EPA. Trump is an old man who is clearly NOT worried about the planet. He's even been taunting Kim Jong Un with nuclear war. Trump only cares about HIMSELF. His own ego and lining his own pockets. He'll destroy the world if we let him. Again, hopefully Mueller will get him out of office, if not imprisoned for treason SOON!
Again, naturally, Michelle made a friend. She always does. This time her friend was from the other side of the globe: New Zealand! I thought it was so cool. I heard the girl's adorable accent and was curious where she was from. Then I talked to her Mom and learned that they were visiting here from New Zealand. I told her that the weather isn't normally this warm in October. She was grateful to have it. What a beautiful day. Michelle had a ball running with her friend, playing in the sand, blowing bubbles, feeding the seagulls. I had a ball taking pictures of them!
The seagulls were getting a little too close for comfort! I was surrounded. It was almost an Alfred Hitchcock movie.
I told Michelle to throw the popcorn/crackers a little further away so I wouldn't be swarmed. This shot was pretty cool though with a massive seagull and tiny Michelle in the background. It almost looks like they're HER wings and tail. (Give them roots and wings...)
Grateful for a beautiful day with my girl. The beach all to ourselves, almost. The song "Boys of Summer" came on the radio on the way home and I got a tear in my eye...
"Ain't nobody on the road. Ain't nobody on the beach.
You feel it in the air. The Summer's out of reach.
Empty lake, empty streets. The sun goes down alone.
I'm driving by your house. Don't know you're not home.
I can see you. Your brown skin shining in the sun.
You got your hair combed back and your sunglasses on baby. I can tell you my love for you will still be strong
After the boys of summer have gone." Don Henley
Having a last taste of Summer (it still wouldn't be our last but I didn't know that at the time!) in the Fall was bittersweet.
Movies are another great escape from your own life/problems. There wasn't really anything I was dying to see but Michelle wanted to see the Lego Ninjago movie and it did look sort of cute/funny. I liked the commercial where the evil Nemesis calls his son La-Loyd -- mispronouncing Lloyd by stressing the two Ls. It was fun and hilarious, like the Lego Batman movie. They always throw in enough adult humour that grown-ups will enjoy it as well. And the monster Meow-thra, a giant cat, was ADORABLE! It was cleverly done and also even more entertaining to watch in 3D. I was glad that we went. The more happy stress-free moments I could enjoy, the more I could escape the weight of stress and anxiety that had been so overwhelming to me.
After a lot of crying, some distractions and relaxation exercises, gradually I did start to feel better. The stress doesn't go away but I become more resilient/able to manage it. And I mostly just try to take things one day at a time.
Talking to my sister always helps me to calm down as well. She is my lifeline when I'm in crisis. She really should have been a counsellor or something. She's the best listener and always knows what to say to calm me down/put things in perspective/make me laugh.
One day on the phone with her she told me that she was going to host Thanksgiving this year on Monday. They were celebrating with Shane's family on the weekend. I was so glad to have something to look forward to. I wasn't sure if we were going to get together for Thanksgiving this year. I wasn't going to do anything. I certainly wasn't up to making turkey and everything. So we wouldn't have done anything special. I was grateful to May for inviting us over. When the world has gone to Hell, spending time with those you love is more important than ever. Michelle was excited to be going to Auntie May's too. It's her favourite place in the world. We both dressed up for the occasion. The weather was still beautiful. Michelle always loves to dress up.
We got a group photo outside. The ghosting in the picture is just because of the sunlight refracting off the scratches on the lens. I probably should look into getting another camera especially given what a photoholic I am but I'm also a creature of habit and not a fan of change so I'm still holding on to my old scratched up Nikon. I had a close call in the Summer when it fell on the cement and I thought it was a goner but she's still alive and kicking!
Shannon got a picture of Michelle and I outside. She was squinting at the sunlight in some of the shots but this one turned out pretty well.
I am so thankful for my family and especially for my girl. When I'm having a rough time and everything seems bleak I have to remember that love is the most important thing. I am so grateful to have the sweetest little girl in the world (even though she drives me crazy sometimes!) and so happy to have a close, loving family. I have to focus on the good things. Focusing on the negative (and there has been A LOT of negative in the world, especially recently) just makes you feel hopeless, helpless, overwhelmed. You can't control the world around you. I have to work on ways to stay calm even when within stressful situations (bad traffic/a tough shift at work etc.) And I can't dwell on things when I'm out of the situation.
There was a Thanksgiving filter snap thing on Shannon's camera so we took advantage and wore a crown of Fall leaves.
I love how these filters always give you big doe eyes as well. Shannon's eyes look amazing here but she always looks like a living doll. Shannon should be a model!
We also couldn't resist trying on reindeer and cat ears as well, which are always cute.
Yes a visit to May's is good for the soul. The turkey dinner was delicious too. It was all just what the doctor ordered! Cure for a nervous breakdown: spending time with family. They are my Happy Place!

Michelle has gotten much more detailed with her drawings. Sometimes when doing animals she sketches their fur with light strokes. I was amazed. I never taught her to do that. She just did it on her own. She was drawing her stuffed lamb and I guess looking at it she thought she had to find a way to draw the fur. I love this picture. I love that the head is MASSIVE and then it has these tiny almost non-existent legs! Her drawings always make me smile.
She also drew some monsters and pumpkins. I love that she gave the monsters names -- Karen, Olivia and "Bill" (who looks a lot like Frankenstein's monster but is just plain old Bill!) She also drew a design for the pumpkins we were going to carve. The triangles from the eyes of one would be the ears for the cat pumpkin. "Great planning baby!" I said. We wouldn't end up carving the pumpkins but I'll get to that later...
My doctor wanted a follow-up appointment with me to make sure I was in a better state than the last time she saw me (I was MUCH better!) I also hadn't had a chance to take Michelle for her 5 year check up so on a PA day we both went to get checked out. Michelle got a clean bill of health and was such a brave girl she got two needles and didn't cry or faint. She didn't even say "Ow!" I told her she is far more brave than I am. I told her I would reward her for a good checkup by going for ice cream at the mall afterward. I had dropped Mom off shopping and we were going to meet with her afterwards.
Chocolate ice cream at the mall. Chocolate is a cure for anything! While we were sitting there a cute little baby wandered up to us and his cute dad close behind.
"He probably wants our ice cream!" I suggested.
The father smiled. For a second I thought maybe he was a single dad. Nope. His wife joined him with the stroller.
Sigh. No. It's never a single dad. I'm sure single dads must exist. I just never see them. Anywhere we go. It's all couples. Just couples. And me. But who needs a relationship anyway when you have chocolate? Chocolate actually produces the same endorphins in your brain as falling in love. With none of the heartache!
Going to Springridge farm with Auntie May is an annual tradition and we were looking forward to it. I love the photo ops -- kids posing with pumpkins and animals etc. Michelle picked out this pumpkin dress herself. At first I thought it was a bit garish but then decided it was pretty cute and she loved it. It was perfect for a Fall Festival. I wore a pumpkin shirt too (because again, I can't resist dressing on theme!) One of the women working at the fair admired our pumpkin attire and thought it was really cool. I'm not a fan of Fall but I can get into Halloween.
Most of the shots in the Haunted House or "Boo Barn" (careful how you say that!) don't turn out quite right. If you use the flash then it's too bright/flashed out and you miss out on the lights and neon colours. If you don't use the flash it's too dark and the shot comes out blurry. Somehow I lucked out with this one and Michelle's orange dress glows with with the orange wall.
And then we got a shot of all of us outside of the Haunted Barn. I set the camera on a table. A guy was laughing as I set it down, counted to 10 and ran. I wanted to say "Hey, I'm old school. Don't judge me!" Sometimes someone will offer to take our picture but if I find a flat surface to set the camera on I'd rather do it that way. (I had a stranger offer to take my picture with my boyfriend at the time many years ago in Montreal and he proceeded to DROP and SMASH the camera! So I was pretty wary of strangers taking pictures after that. I don't think he meant to do it but still. My poor Canon. That was my first semi-decent camera.)
The awkward selfie on the hay ride. Had to be done!
I LOVE Michelle's smile here! She looks so happy. I on the other hand look like a total moron. May isn't in it but she said that's OK she didn't want to be in it anyway. I see people taking selfies all the time but it's different with phone cameras where you can actually SEE what you're taking and squeeze in accordingly. It's a crap shoot with my Nikon.
Another shot of Michelle laughing on the hay ride toward the corn maze.
We were grateful it was a beautiful warm day. We didn't need our jackets. It was an overcast day and we were afraid it might rain but we got lucky for a couple of hours as we explored the farm.
And I couldn't resist another shot of Michelle laughing. Reggie and Shannon are smiling here too which is a bonus.
My motto is you really CAN'T take too many photos! Life is too fleeting. Photos are our only way of holding on. I especially like to hold on to the happy memories because they help me to get through the bad days.
Children of the Corn!
We always take the hay ride to the corn maze. The maze itself takes about 10 minutes to get through. It's fun. Unfortunately this time it was a little tricky to get through since the ground was wet and muddy from the rain so we had to be careful we didn't slip and fall! I warned Michelle not to run because we were slipping and sliding even trying to walk through the maze. Normally Michelle and Reggie would be running through.
I've often wondered what would happen if someone was too slow leaving the maze would the hay ride leave without them? Would they be stranded there? (Actually the driver usually asks if there was anyone still left in the maze before driving off but I don't think they actually do a head count.)
And then we headed back for more adventures. The sky was looking very dark but we hoped the rain would hold off long enough for the kids to play in the hay etc.
If worse came to worst we could always take refuge in the shop (which is what ended up happening later.) They have a cool store with a lot of cute books, toys, treats, knick knacks etc. We had some lunch before leaving. Unfortunately we had to walk in the TEEMING rain to get to the car and I'd left my jacket in the car.
Michelle smiling and waving on a pony = PHOTO GOLD! I was so happy!
I'm always surprised that Reggie has no interest in a pony ride. I mean HOW do you say no to a pony?! I would go on a pony ride if they'd let me! LOL Michelle is always excited to have a pony ride and I'm even more excited to get photos of the experience! I think maybe Reggie is a little more wary of animals. He's not a big fan of dogs either. Michelle loves all animals and is pretty fearless.
I'm always happy when there's a flat surface nearby where I can set the camera so we can get a group photo. My sister isn't a fan of having her photo taken but I don't give her a choice!
I love getting together with May and the gang. It's always so much fun. Michelle always has a ball too. My Mom doesn't join us because although she might like shopping in the gift shop she'd pretty much dislike every other aspect of the experience -- walking outside in the mud etc, standing around watching the kids playing in the hay etc. She's not really big on the outdoors.
Group photo with the huge bear statue. Because how could you not?!
It took a while to get this because there was a little kid hanging around the bear who didn't seem to get the hint with me setting up a camera and all of us congregating around the bear and was even a little slow when I flat out asked them if they could please move so we could get a photo without them in it? I don't know where their parents were.
In fairness, if I was a kid I probably wouldn't want to leave the giant bear either.
It was raining but I was determined to get one last group shot before we left. Michelle got spoiled with a couple of stuffies and books from the gift shop. I can never resist getting something for her. Then we had lunch. May and I had the delicious "Farmer's Egg Salad" sandwich. May was pleasantly surprised it was on whole grain bread so she could have one too. (She's on a strict diet where she can't have white bread.) She's losing weight and feeling better. I'm so proud of her. It takes a LOT of discipline to give up the junk foods you love. I've been counting calories for years but my diet is still less than ideal. I try to balance exercise with calories but I should definitely make healthier choices too. I'm more careful with Michelle's diet than my own (I always make sure she has fruits and vegetables. Myself not so much.)
Another annual tradition with Auntie May is to follow our Fall Springridge farm trip with a Halloween dress rehearsal back at Auntie May's place. So we brought Michelle's beautiful purple vampire dress and cute little bat head band. Michelle loves putting the dress on. If she had her way she'd wear it every day! I told her she doesn't want it to get wrecked before Halloween. I showed her how to pick up the sides and walk like a princess so it doesn't drag on the ground.
Michelle also brought her new bat and spider stuffies from the farm. They were so cute. How could I say no?! I love Halloween as much as Michelle does. Everything about it.
Shannon is an artist and she always does an amazing job on her makeup! She was a skeleton girl with the bottom half of her face as a skeleton. I loved the leggings that she had too. They were so cool! May said she'd go back to the store and get me a pair. I would wear them even when it's not Halloween!
Reggie was a skeleton guy too. I can't remember if it was a specific character from a show or game or something or just a generic skeleton guy. But you really can't go wrong with a skeleton! Michelle explained to me one day while we were driving that skeletons aren't scary because we all have one underneath our skin! A bit of a morbid thought but a clever realization for a 5 year old so I said "Yes! You're right." She also said that she wasn't afraid to die because she'll get to go to Heaven. I told her that won't be until she's very very old. I really try not to contemplate mortality -- not mine or anyone I love! Michelle speaks very nonchalantly about death but then she's never had to deal with it. Aside from the frog on our driveway but she didn't know him.
I wasn't in costume but I didn't really plan on anything elaborate for myself this year. A couple of years ago I got Michelle and I matching vampire outfits but it was a little expensive and I didn't plan on doing that every year. Last year I got an outfit for her and just wore black myself for the matching Dia de los Muertos outfits. I have a lot of black clothes so it's never difficult to be a zombie/vampire/etc. I was a goth in my 20s so it comes pretty naturally to me!
I love this shot of Michelle and I laughing while Shannon and Reggie look menacing (Shannon was trying to stay in character. And you can't really see what Reggie is doing underneath the mask!)
I didn't do Michelle's full makeup. I just put a touch of eye shadow on her. She likes wearing makeup but at the same time she complains about her eyes getting itchy and isn't a fan of washing it off afterward so I thought we better not get too carried away when it's not even Halloween yet.
My little Diva posing for the camera. She loves showing off her teeth. My little vampire doesn't even need false vampire teeth. Her canines are naturally sharp. She was telling people that she was a vampire (even when we were months away from Halloween) and I told her that not everyone is a fan of vampires and she might scare someone (especially little kids) who might take her literally.
"But Mama I'm a NICE vampire. I don't drink blood."
I told her that there really are no such things as vampires except vampire bats.
"And they drink blood?"
"Yes. But mostly just from animals."
Michelle uses the term "for real life" when it's not just pretend/a joke/a TV show etc.
An adorable selfie Shannon took of she and Michelle as cats. I can't get enough of those cute animal filters. I could play with it all day. I don't have the app on my i-phone and actually can't even use it as a camera anymore since it's obsolete and I've been afraid to try taking photos ever since the day I got the white screen of death and was afraid I couldn't use it at all so now I don't take any chances. I just use it as a phone and send the occasional text. It was kind of neat taking pictures and going on Instagram but I've gotten used to not using it now and I still love my old Nikon camera which is still (knock on wood!) alive and kicking despite a cracked lens, being dropped on cement etc!
We'd already been to a farm with Auntie May but Michelle's class was going on a trip to a farm as well and I got to be a volunteer and even ride on the bus with them! That was fun! I hadn't been on a school bus in YEARS! I never really liked it when I was in school but it was fun sitting with Michelle. She was so excited to have me with her and kept hugging me.
And of course I even got a selfie of us on the bus. She was so excited to have Mama with her for the day. There weren't as many volunteers this time so I was responsible for a group of kids instead of just 2. That was a little more stressful but I was hoping for the best.
Another farm, another hay ride! This time to the "Enchanted forest" then on to the pumpkin patch, cornfield etc.
Michelle looks so happy and so excited here! I love it. I wanted to tell her to tone it down a little so the other kids wouldn't be jealous/upset that they didn't have their Moms with them. I was glad it was on one of my days off so I was able to go with her. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I love going on adventures with Michelle and taking photos that I can keep forever. We were blessed with another beautiful October day and didn't need our jackets.
The farmer tour guide told the kids that we were going to hunt for popcorn. They were given instructions to pick and peel dried corn. Then we were told to hang it up to dry and by New Year's Day it would be ready for popping. I am probably not going to hang it up but I'll keep it around until New Year's and then maybe pop it although there is never a shortage of popcorn at our house. Usually Redenbacher's Smart Pop in the pop up bowls! Michelle and I love popcorn. I even melt some butter to put on it when we have a movie night together. Michelle wanted to watch scary movies and got through several PG-13 films with me -- Ghostbusters 1 & 2, Gremlins, Arachnophobia, etc. Her father was a horror movie aficionado and I always loved them too. I hadn't watched one in so long that now I was glad to be able to watch them again with her. I told her if it got too scary we'd turn it off but she was fine with all of them. She's a little goth in the making.
A selfie with Mama outside of the hay castle. Michelle was having a great time. I was somewhat stressed trying to keep track of the kids, one of whom shall remain nameless but kept wandering off, wouldn't listen and I could barely understand a word they said... And then something even more stressful happened in the apple orchard. Michelle got stung by a bee! On the palm of her hand. Before I knew what was happening she screamed and started crying. "I got stung!" She said she clasped her hands together not realizing a bee (or hornet -- I didn't see it so I don't know) was there and it stung her. I was afraid she might be allergic like my Mom but she was OK. She calmed down faster than I did. I was upset. I'm a control freak. I want to protect her from getting hurt. But sh$# happens and I can't control everything. One of her male friends got stung later too. A farmer explained that the insects are more aggressive now with this strange weather. It's not usually this hot in October. Like Summer the sequel.
Michelle bounced back pretty quickly. She had her bandage on and bravely recounted her tale to her friends and classmates. Then she ran around laughing and playing like nothing had happened. I was still a bit shaken up. Mad at myself for not having prevented it. As if I should have been staring at her every moment just in case anything landed on her.
She had fun running around the hay obstacle course.
I set the camera on a hay bale and got a shot of us. I like how Michelle is clasping her hands here protectively. She was happy to tell people her dramatic tale of the bee sting. I told her that she'd have to tell Reggie about it. He had been stung a couple of times and is now TERRIFIED of bees/wasps etc. I told her that bees normally just sting as a last resort when threatened because when they sting, they die. Hornets and wasps on the other hand can sting you and go on living so they're much more often to sting. I tend to just leave things "bee" rather than swat at them so I don't anger them. I only got stung once and it was while I was pregnant with Michelle and trying to pull weeds in the yard. I remember being so afraid that the poison would affect her somehow. I was a bit neurotic. We were both fine. I told Michelle "Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
"So I'm stronger now Mama?"
"Yes baby. And you were already pretty strong."
She had been so brave when she got her needles at the doctor. She didn't cry. Didn't even say "Ow." But that was different. She was prepared for the needles. The sting came as a shock. I'll never forget her sudden scream and cry. It was awful. I never want to hear that again. I can't protect her from everything of course. But I want to try! It makes me angry that I couldn't protect her from that friggin hornet or whatever it was.
Elsa in the cornfield. Maybe not her most flattering likeness but you could still tell it was her. Sort of. Of course I had to get a photo in front of each character. I wanted to just photos of Michelle but then the other kids wanted to get in it too.
It was tricky to stop for each character to snap pictures and still try to keep up with the rest of the class walking through the maze.
Michelle and Shrek. His head was a little narrow but you could still tell it was him. One of the kids thought it was Frankenstein's monster. Michelle loves the Shrek movies (we have all of them) so she's a Shrek-spert (Shrek expert? Sorry couldn't resist a bad pun.)
There was one character with a beard that no one seemed able to identify. Someone suggested it was Jesus but that didn't really seem to fit the animated movie character theme (unless there is an animated film with a Jesus. There's an animated Christmas movie coming out this year called "The Star" which looks really cute but that's baby Jesus not adult bearded Jesus...)
And then how can you resist a photo with a Minion? You can't. Or rather I can't. Even though the kids were sort of blocking him.
We were lagging behind the rest of the class and had to hurry before we lost them. Too bad. I can not just blithely pass by a photo op! If anyone said anything to me I would have protested that one of the main reasons I offer to volunteer is so that I can be there to take photos so PLEASE LET ME HAVE THIS! But no one complained. Not directly to my face anyway...
I love Michelle's artwork. One day she decided to draw Mickey and Minnie Mouse. I love how she drew them!
So adorable! I like when she does hands a circle for the hand and then sausage fingers rather than the pitchfork type arms and hands that she still sometimes reverts to. In fairness I can't really criticize since even as an artist myself I always HATED doing hands! I usually just try to avoid it by doing facial portraits or just doing down to the arms without hands. I'm not a fan of ears either so the hair is usually conveniently covering them too!
Michelle loves to draw and will put a lot of effort into her pictures when it's HER idea however if you ask her to draw something she usually just gives it a quick half-a$$ed effort. I told her that her teachers will never see her full potential if she just throws things together to get by. I told her to always try to do her best even if it's something she doesn't necessarily want to do.
There was another nice day (in the 20s Celsius) and I thought screw it, let's go to the beach ONE LAST TIME! This time we really were the only ones there. It was a little windier and cooler by the water. There were a couple of people walking but no one actually sitting on the beach but us. It was also late in the day (I picked up Michelle after school and we went.) It was nice anyway to have a last farewell to our favourite beach. Michelle had fun chasing seagulls. I liked just relaxing on the sand and pretending it was still Summer. My happy place...
It got a little chillier so Michelle put a sweater on. She didn't want to leave. She had fun feeding the seagulls (without having to worry about anyone complaining about them flying around.) She also collected some stones and seashells. Having a second Summer in the middle of October was a gift and I was going to enjoy it.
It was pretty cool having the beach all to ourselves. I remembered in the middle of Summer when it was hard to find a spot on the sand amidst the sea of people, fighting for a spot in the parking lot (and paying $20 to park there!) Now here we were with a whole beach of our own. That was always my dream -- to have a beach in my backyard. Maybe one day...
I was getting cold and anxious to leave but Michelle wanted to stay to walk around and go in the little shops. I said that they may not even be open. And sure enough most of them had closed for the season. Even the public bathrooms were closed. At least the restaurants were open. We had to go in a restaurant to use the washroom.
Michelle asked if we could eat at the restaurant. We don't go out to eat very often and I thought why not? I could go for some fish and chips as a final farewell dinner at the beach! Now that Michelle is older and much more well-behaved I don't have to worry about her carrying on/embarrassing me.
I ordered fish and chips (which was delicious!) and Michelle got a hot dog and fries. It was nice to share a farewell to Summer (the Sequel!) dinner with my girl.
Michelle's school had a day to support Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. Kids were to dress in red, blue or white. I dressed Michelle in all three. Kids also brought donations for hurricane relief. September 2017 was possibly the strongest hurricane month EVER breaking several records. The number of storms -- Harvey, Irma, Jose, Katia & Maria -- and the power of storms -- Two category 5 storms with wind speeds over 157 miles an hour -- was devestating. The entire island of Dominica was wiped out. It's impossible to ignore the fact that hurricane activity has increased because of climate change. As individuals it doesn't feel as though there is much we can do. We can try to reduce our carbon footprint (reduce, reuse, recycle.) We can support disaster relief efforts but it is up to industry and government to make changes to protect our planet. Unfortunately the free world is being run by someone who couldn't care less about the environment. (But I don't want to go off on a tirade about Trump yet again!)
Although I'm not a fan of Fall I have to admit that the changing leaves are beautiful. The tiger eye sumac in my Mom's yard had turned gorgeous fiery shades of yellow, orange and red. So Michelle and I posed with it. It isn't long before the leaves fall and then the trees are just bleak and barren. Fall and Winter always fall hard for me. I find the cold, grey days without sunlight very heavy. Many suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder and feel this heaviness/depression in the Fall and Winter. This year at least I have the SAD light my sister gave me. As well as relaxation techniques for dealing with stress.
We stopped by for a brief visit with Auntie May and I managed to get a selfie of all of us.
May is the best sister and friend! She got me a pair of the zombie leggings like Shannon's and thought I might want them for Halloween (I did end up wearing them.) Michelle was thrilled to have a visit with Reggie even though we couldn't stay long (I had to go in to work night shift.) I was happy to have a little visit as well. May always makes me laugh. And lately I need that more than ever.
Michelle was getting excited for Halloween. She wanted to help me decorate so I dug out the decorations and she helped me to put them up.
I always put up cobwebs (even though they're kind of a nuisance and tend to stick where you don't want them rather than where you do.) We also had some decorations that Michelle made -- cut outs of ghosts, skeletons, vampires etc with stickers. For some reason she was hugging this spider. She wasn't scared of Arachnophobia and actually seemed to like spiders even more -- asking for a stuffed one, playing with this decorative one and wearing a spider ring.
I got Michelle to pose by the door after we were done decorating. The door was a little busy/crowded but she wanted to use all the decorations. She supervised where to put them when it was too high for her to reach. I always think the spiderwebs look cool even though they are a real pain to put up. I used duct tape to hold it up.
I had some hanging ghouls and of course our pumpkins. I was relieved that Michelle didn't want to carve them (so I was off the hook!) She just drew the faces on. A neighbour had carved their pumpkins too early and they were rotting so Michelle decided she didn't want us to carve ours so they wouldn't rot. I usually put a dummy/scarecrow skeleton guy sitting on the porch as well (just a coat stuffed with pillows and a plastic skull head) but I wait until Halloween day for that.
We were in a Halloween mood so we decided to check out another store we hadn't been to before -- Halloween Alley. It was pretty cool too though not quite as elaborate as Spirit Halloween. I couldn't resist getting a couple of pictures there at least. Michelle talked me into getting her a little witch's cauldron so she could make spells (hopefully no black magic!) She wanted me to get her a purple hat to go with it but I explained it was a pimp hat not a witch's hat.
"What's a pimp?"
Then I was sorry I brought it up. But we did find her a witch's hat. But she's still being a vampire for Halloween. She just likes to play dress up/role play all the time.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE Michelle's artwork! Now that she can write as well she likes making little storybooks. She has done several of them. This one was about a little vampire (presumably Michelle!) looking at a pumpkin.
Michelle tends to draw herself with yellow hair most of the time now. She says that her hair is "gold" (which is as accurate a description as any!) She objects to the term "redhead" since your hair isn't actually red. Some people call it strawberry blonde. I explained to her that it's just an easy way for people to differentiate between blondes, brunettes and redheads. Besides auburn hair is the most rare (only 2% of the population!) so she should be proud of her uniqueness. I'm a redhead too though over the years my hair has gotten more brown and less red. I was platinum blonde when I was born!
I love this cat! She did this entirely on her own with no instruction from me, just looking at one of her stuffed cats. I was amazed that she thought to sketch the fur that way to make the cat look fluffy. I've never taught her to do that. She's seen my drawings and paintings (I love to draw and paint but haven't really done any artwork in quite a while.)
I love that the cat is big and fluffy but then has these scrawny legs scrawled in as an after thought. Sometimes when I see her pictures I have to restrain myself from laughing out loud (because she's sensitive and it hurts her feelings.) They are adorable but usually funny too. I am glad that she is creative and imaginative. It runs in the family. I've always loved art and her cousin Shannon does too.
Another day, another trip to Walmart's Halloween section! Michelle wanted me to buy this huge bunny mascot head and I'm sort of kicking myself that I didn't! I mean even when it's not Halloween there are so many other uses! Cheering yourself up when you're feeling blue, playing the Easter bunny in the Spring etc. Oh well. I felt that I was spending enough on Halloween already with the candy and the costumes. Looking back though this head was so funny I should have gotten it. I'm not even sure how much it was. Michelle put it in the cart and I said no we don't need a bunny head and took it back out. But in these trying times, I really DO need a bunny head! If there's anything that can make you laugh or smile on a bad day it is TOTALLY worth it!
And then she wanted to sit with Ronald McDonald. Michelle is not afraid of clowns. Then again she hasn't seen "It" (nor will she, until she's 18 years old!)
"Can I put on my vampire outfit Mama?"
"No honey wait for Halloween."
"Michelle you're going to wreck it and then you won't even have it to wear on Halloween."
"PLEASE MAMA! I promise I'll be careful!"
And so she wore me down and I let her gallivant around in her long Vampire Princess gown. She wanted to put on purple lipstick too.
Michelle really should have been a Princess. She LOVES being in a long gown and parading around admiring herself in the mirror(s.)
I managed to compose myself long enough to tell Michelle that I loved her drawing of us as "blue jays" and then I laughed my head off once she was out of earshot. It's just too cute for words. She's the blonde baby blue jay and I'm the Mama with the ponytail. Why she thought that birds would have hair I'm not sure but it's awesome! I love the randomness, the whimsical, charming innocence of children's artwork. It's very hard to replicate as an adult. Sometimes Michelle expresses disappointment in herself "I can't draw as good as you can Mama." and I tell her that I love her pictures even better than mine. She is so imaginative. I love how she sees the world as this sweet, beautiful, magical place. I wish I could see it that way more often. Unfortunately I often see the bitter, ugly and disillusioning reality of the world we live in now. 2017 has been a rough year both on a personal level and in the world. But we have to focus on the good no matter what. There is always a bright side if you look for it.
You can't tell because she's blocking her dress with a skull but Michelle and I were both wearing black cats. She wanted to go to the indoor playground and it was almost Halloween so I dressed us both in black cat tops because I'm a complete nerd. And why not? I love black cats. Even when it's not Halloween.
At the indoor playground I sit and wait while Michelle runs amok and plays. This time I sat on a bench and had an attractive guy sit next to me. He had a couple of kids who ran back and forth to him. Just from his brief interactions with them I could tell that he was a sweet guy and a good dad. We exchanged pleasantries and chuckled together about the kids. For a second I got my hopes up. Maybe he's a single dad. I didn't see a ring on his finger...
Unfortunately then I heard him tell the kids they were meeting Mom after. Sigh. Of course there's a Mom. There's always a Mom. Everyone is coupled off two by two like Noah's Ark. Then there's me. As if a cute, nice guy could ACTUALLY be a single dad and sitting next to me! I don't have that kind of luck. I mean I'm sure single dads exist. Somewhere. They're just never where I am. I am not going out of my way to meet anyone (I'm against online dating after meeting Plenty of Sharks in my former life). I'm not a social person so my opportunities are limited. So I'm not looking for it. It has to find me. And clearly romance is NOT looking for me. Unless someone just falls into my lap, it's not happening!
Meanwhile Michelle is a social butterfly and makes friends literally EVERYWHERE WE GO! I am glad she is so confident and outgoing unlike her awkward and shy Mama. Life is a lot easier when you're a social person.
Of course I couldn't resist posing with Michelle and the elephant family once the place started to clear out and wasn't too crowded with photo-bombers. Yes I'm a nerd. I always have to get a souvenir shot.
I almost got a sneaky shot of the cute dad (you know when you take a picture of your kid and just conveniently get a handsome dude in the shot as background) but wasn't able to do so inconspicuously. And then I found out he was married anyway. Sigh. I still sort of believe in destiny. If my Mr. Right is out there somewhere he's bound to bump into me somewhere right?
We were totally stoked for Halloween and wanted to go to a Haunted House but there weren't any open nearby that I could find when I checked online anyway. Canada's Wonderland does a Halloween thing but we didn't even go there in the Summer for rides so I wasn't going to make that long trip now for a Haunted House that would likely be too terrifying for Michelle anyway!
We settled for another trip to Spirit Halloween only this time instead of Michelle avoiding the big creepy animatronics etc she got up-close and personal with them. This MASSIVE rubber Grim Reaper was a bit unnerving but we just had to pose with him. Michelle even held his hand.
Michelle had always avoided the back section of the store saying it was too creepy but now that we went she realized that it wasn't scary at all -- it was actually pretty cool. It was an alien exhibit and they were really neat! We got some selfies with them and a kind stranger even offered to take our picture so we got some decent shots. This one was really cool. I think they were like $300-400. I can't imagine anyone actually getting anything THAT extravagant for their home but you never know. Hey if you were a millionaire and you really loved Halloween? Why not?!
This green alien in a capsule was my personal favourite. It looked so real!
Then there was the obligatory alien autopsy. The fog machine/dry ice effect was a nice touch! We tried to time it so that the alien was sitting up off the table and the fog was going but you can't really see the fog.
Michelle wasn't scared at all and realized that sometimes if you give things a chance it's not as bad as you expect. Now that she'd been in the alien section she didn't want to leave! She kept stepping on the button to make the alien sit up again and again!
"OK," I said "they are really cool but we can't stay here ALL DAY!"
We went to look around the rest of the store and then she wanted to go back to the aliens again.
We found a Grumpy Cat mask and again, like the bunny mascot, I really should have gotten it just for entertainment value -- even when it's NOT Halloween! I love Grumpy Cat. He is my spirit animal! Michelle also picked up a chainsaw and was wielding it in a maniacal manner which is strange for a 5 year old but then again her parents were both goths/horror movie lovers so she comes by it honestly. I will NOT be letting her watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre any time soon though! Not until she's 18!
Michelle, the Witch and her pumpkins. I love her cute pumpkin faces and I was happy that I didn't have to carve them! I've never really been a fan of carving pumpkins. It's messy and time-consuming. I like when they're done but I really don't like doing it. Michelle thinks it's gross so she usually doesn't help much either. I hope this drawing and painting pumpkins rather than carving them because a new annual tradition!
Posing with the pumpkins and Ali! Michelle had fun playing with her witch's hat, cauldron and magic wand and collecting things to put in the pot for her "spell." I was worried she had changed her mind and wanted to be a witch for Halloween but not a chance. She was psyched to wear her Vampire Princess dress. We also picked up a Sponge Bob outfit that she would wear to her class Halloween party. I didn't want her wearing the gown to school because I had visions of her dragging it on the pavement at recess and destroying it!
We had already been to the farm with Michelle's class but they had a Fall fair/festival on weekends with train rides etc so I thought it would be fun for Michelle and I to make a trip on our own. She has fun with the activities and I just love the photo ops. As soon as we arrived I had Michelle pose with a group of pumpkins. There were many photo ops I didn't get to take advantage of on the field trip because we had to keep up with the rest of the class and couldn't lag behind for pictures.
Michelle and me on the little train ride. It's so cute. She didn't look quite as enthused as me. Sorry baby, if there's a photo op, I'm ON IT!
The train meandered around the farm past some of the activities. When Michelle heard there was a Haunted House she was very excited. That's what she wanted to do next. I told her don't worry we will make sure to see everything while we're there -- all the things we didn't get to do with the class. I bought a package of tickets and hoped that they would last us for the day. They didn't -- I wound up having to go back and buy a few more when Michelle wanted to do other things and we ran out.
Now that's the big smile I was looking for! It was a little chilly that day but after all this was October. It had been like an extended Summer up until recently. Now it was actually Fall. At least it wasn't raining or anything. After we got off the train we tried to find the Haunted House. We wound up at a barn full of chickens. The signs said that it had moved so we kept walking and eventually found our destination.
"Would you like little scares, medium scares or big scares?" the ticket taker asked us. I said we better opt for the little scares. I didn't want Michelle to be traumatized. We walked through a dark creepy haunted house with sounds and props and vaguely creepy zombie like teens jumping out at us and laughing maniacally. It was cute. I enjoyed it. Even I jumped at one point when a face jumped at us from a window. I tried to snap a couple of selfies but it was awkward in the dark and they didn't turn out to well. Afterwards I got a picture of Michelle with the mural which I thought was pretty cool and I was proud of her for posing and making a scared face!
I snapped a selfie with the mural as well and trooper that she is Michelle made her open mouthed scream face for my benefit.
Michelle loved it and wanted to go through again. I told her we'd see. We did go through again. I decided it was worth the two tickets. We were going to try medium to big scares this time but then chickened out. Even the little scares made us jump and my nerves are pretty much shot as it is so I thought it's probably better not to freak us out more than necessary. I was just happy to get through a day without my eye twitching. Terrifying yourself doesn't seem like the best move when you already have anxiety issues.
They had pony rides! (Although if you ask me this is a HORSE not a pony!) I was a little nervous about Michelle being up that high but she held on tight and the handler was right there. I followed around snapping photos like a fiend. Michelle is beaming here! I cherish moments like this. I love seeing Michelle happy. This is what I live for. And I can endure all the rough days if I at least get to share moments like this with her.
And then the girl was kind enough to snap our picture so I could get in one as well. I only went horse back riding once, many years ago. It was fun and I'd love to do it again sometime. For now I was content just to get pictures of Michelle having fun. Photography is my fun!
After the pony ride she wanted to go to the corn pit. It just never gets old...
Michelle had a ball once again playing in the corn like it was sand or snow. She made a bunch of new friends yet again, as she always does. When one group would leave she'd introduce herself to another. Michelle is fearless. She will approach anyone and say hi, introduce herself and ask if they want to play. Even when they're older than Michelle (one of her new friends was 7 years old.) Invariably they say yes. I'm always in awe of her. I wish I had that confidence and sense of ease with people. I definitely do NOT. I usually just assume no one wants to talk to me and stay clear of them unless they approach me!
Michelle laughing and exchanging stories with her new friend. I really should take pointers from her on her social game. I know part of it is just innate. She's a Leo and it's just natural for her to be a leader, to take charge, to be confident. It's not natural for me. I am much more comfortable just sitting back and keeping to myself. Unless someone approaches me and then I am friendly. But it's also different when you're an adult.
Next Michelle wanted to paint a pumpkin. It was pretty time consuming but she had fun and I snapped some pictures of her while she worked on her masterpiece. She decided she wanted her pumpkin to be two faced so it took even longer. Then we had to leave it on the table to dry while we walked around the farm (it was so cold and damp that it still wasn't dry even when we picked it up hours later.)
A two faced purple pumpkin! Why not? It was cute and we would add it to our collection of pumpkins all designed by Michelle. I liked the painting idea. Next year I may even paint a pumpkin at home -- something cool like silver or gold. I also saw some people had red dripping from the eyes like blood etc. Painting is another great idea as opposed to carving. I'm all about avoiding pumpkin carving forever! LOL
One last pose with Michelle's completed pumpkin and then we added it to the table.
Michelle didn't seem like she wanted to leave it but I assured her that it would be fine and we'd pick it up later when it was dry. Or at least not quite as wet....
Next stop: photo ops!
We got some pictures posing with pumpkins and props around the farm. When we were with Michelle's class it was killing me that I couldn't snap these shots but there was no time to stop when we had to keep up with the class and just do the things on the field trip schedule. Now I was in my glory checking every cheesy photo op off my list! Pumpkin driving a tractor? Done! Ghost cut-out? On it!
Michelle and me also posed with a massive maple leaf on the side of the barn which was tricky because I had to set the camera on a table at quite a distance and then count down and run. I was afraid people would walk in front of the camera or even worse that the little train go by in front of the shot. But we got lucky and managed to get the shot without any photobombs!
I'm not sure why Michelle has her hands in the air or why she has one leg crossed over the other but it's cute anyway.
Next she wanted to go on a tractor ride.
Next stop the straw castle. This turned out to be disastrous. Michelle was having fun at first, running around and playing, making friends. Then all of a sudden a boy was jumping off of a hay bale and KICKED HER IN THE HEAD! Boot to the head. She cried. I was livid. The boy looked sheepish but hadn't even said sorry until I glared at him with looks to kill and then he finally said "Sorry." I wanted to kill him. This is a dangerous farm! On the class trip she gets stung by a bee in the apple orchard and now she gets kicked in the head in the castle. For f*%^'s sake! As a control freak it's particularly upsetting to me. I want to protect Michelle from ever getting hurt. But of course you can't protect them from everything. Life happens. Like Dory explains to Marlin in "Finding Nemo" you can't promise to never let anything happen to your child. Things have to happen to them. That's life. Being sheltered and never trying anything out of fear of being hurt isn't life. But dear Lord why do friggin bees and clumsy boys in boots have to hurt my little girl?!
Another friend Michelle made in the straw castle. They had fun chasing each other and playing hide and seek until the boot incident happened as a boy was jumping down and didn't bother to make sure the coast was clear.
Michelle was OK. She always bounces back. She had a bit of a red mark on her face but once she wiped the tears away and we went to get something to eat she cheered up and was fine.
She even wanted to go and get her face painted and you can't even see the mark on her face.
Michelle got a pumpkin on her cheek. There was no mirror to show her so I took a picture to show it to her. She was pretty happy with it. By this point I was starving and looking forward to getting a hot dog but the snack cart was just clearing up and there weren't any hot dogs left. They still had fries so we settled for that. I was starving after all the walking around we had done.
Aside from the kick in the head it was a pretty good day!
I love sharing adventures with Michelle. When I told my Mom about it she said "Why would you take her back there after getting stung by a bee?!" But this is how Mom lives her life -- in fear and avoidance. You can't live that way. The only way to avoid getting hurt is to just stay home. Even that doesn't work because I've heard that most accidents happen at home!
Before we left I wanted to get a parting shot of Michelle posing with the pumpkin scale because it was cute.
She wanted to get another pumpkin but I told her we already had enough pumpkins at home (and I'd gotten them 2 for $5 instead of paying $5-10 for one.) Plus I was afraid if we got another one she might want me to carve it. And I'd escaped the whole carving thing this long so I didn't want to jinx it! No orange squishy pumpkin guts this year! Woo hoo!
I love that Michelle named her skeleton characters -- Spike (Spik), Olivia (Olivea) and Corduroy (Cordroy -- this one seems really random but she had a Halloween book about a bear named Corduroy so this is where she got the name from.) I love the big round hands and little circle fingers. And I love that the girl skeleton has REALLY long hair down to the ground (the Rapunzel of skeletons!) Michelle's artwork is so cute and so funny I could look at it forever! I want to organize her drawings. Right now they're just in a messy pile in the guest room waiting to be labelled, filed and put in the box. Some other Moms outside the school were talking about their kids' artwork and saying they just throw a lot of it out. I keep almost everything of Michelle's but then I'm a sentimental fool!
Mama and Michelle as chicks. When we were blue jays we had hair but now as fuzzy little yellow chicks, we were bald! I'm not sure what the chicks had to do with Halloween. She comes up with her own ideas. She likes to do her own thing. She doesn't like being told what to do. So when I suggest "Why don't you draw..." she says no. Or sometimes she grudgingly does a drawing/card etc if I ask her to but then she slaps it together making a minimal effort. That's how she usually does the homework in her agenda. Every week she reads 10 books and does a book report with a write up and drawing. I worried that the teachers won't see her full potential because she does it so quickly just to get it over with instead of doing her best. Then again there are probably kids that don't do it at all. I mean it's kindergarten. You shouldn't have homework. I'm OCD though. The agenda has a place for it so I feel obligated to make Michelle do the work every week. Plus I love having her work and I get to keep the agenda at the end of the year to look at her progress.
The big day arrived: HALLOWEEN! Michelle dressed up in the Sponge Bob outfit that she twisted my arm to buy -- the t-shirt, skirt, jacket & even a boa. She LOVES Sponge Bob. It's her favourite show. I didn't bother doing makeup or anything. Mornings are pretty hectic as it is without doing that. Michelle explained to me that she was not Sponge Bob but rather Sponge Bob's girlfriend!
Usually it's tough getting Michelle out of bed in the morning but she was so excited about Halloween that she practically leaped out of bed to get dressed.
"And we can go trick or treating tonight?!" she asked, beaming.
"Yes sweetheart! Trick or treat tonight!"

Michelle after school on the front porch with our ghoul in the chair. You can't really make it out but the ghoul/skull lady is holding a zombie baby. Because why not?
Our hanging ghouls kept blowing away and Michelle wanted to keep them inside where they were safe so we hung a skeleton up there instead.
Michelle was SO excited to put on her costume and go trick or treating. I grabbed McDonalds so I wouldn't have to waste time making dinner and we got ready for the night.
Michelle and me all dressed up and ready to go. I didn't get too elaborate with my vampire get-up this year. I just wore a black sweater and my new cool zombie leggings from Auntie May. Michelle was thrilled to don her Princess Vampire gown and she practiced holding up the sides like a princess so it wouldn't drag the ground. Unfortunately it was freezing cold and windy out which wasn't ideal but at least it wasn't raining. We would have to wear coats over our costumes. At least Michelle had a black coat to put over it.
Michelle loved her makeup: purple lips, eyeshadow and some bat stencils on her face. I put one on mine as well.
It was still light out. We got an early start because I wanted to be back in time to give treats to the kids. While we were out I just had a bowl left on the porch with a note "Help yourself. We'll be back soon." I thought we'd be the only ones out but there were other young kids as well.
Michelle was having a ball. I tried to explain to her yet again not to waste her time going to the houses with no decorations that were in darkness with no car in the driveway. We did the countdown " 1-2-3 we're OUTTA here!" after she'd ring the bell. I told her some people aren't home or don't celebrate Halloween. Party poopers!
Michelle came across one of her classmates/friends looking especially muscular as Captain America or something? (I'm not as well versed in boy's costumes/characters/comics etc). Of course I had to snap a photo of them together. His Mom got a photo too. I mean, how do you not?
I love Michelle's ear to ear grin here. She was so excited to run into some of her friends as we made our rounds.
This witch (which -- get it! -- in addition to being ugly moved around and made noise) really creeped Michelle out (for good reason!) and she didn't want to get too close but I insisted because it was far too good of a photo op to pass up on so she finally braved it. I tried to get a selfie with it too but it's not as good (as you can see by the photo above).
The witch moved around creepily and made cackling noises. I was kind of wishing we had a cool animatronic character like that on our porch but I'd be afraid of something happening to it. For now I just make do with my makeshift ghoul. Its eyes used to light up but it didn't seem to be working when I tried the switch and I didn't have time to open it up & replace the batteries.
More and more kids started trick or treating and I couldn't resist snapping pictures of Michelle with some of them in the background. This Tyrannosaurus Rex costume was pretty cool! I'm still kicking myself that I didn't get that bunny mascot head from Walmart. There are just so many uses! In this God-forsaken world if something makes you smile or laugh it's definitely worth the $20-30 or whatever it was. Dang. That's it. Next Halloween I'm buying the crazy huge mascot head! Just cuz!
In our travels we also ran into a dog dressed as a police officer (Canine unit I guess!) and it was too cute for words! How could I NOT take a photo?! I got their permission anyway. Michelle loves dogs and was happy to pose with him (after I made sure it was OK with the owner.)
Michelle and a big group of random trick or treaters at one house. Godzilla, a chicken etc. I didn't see too many other parents taking photos. They might have snapped one or two but they weren't following their kids like paparazzi the way I was!
I was so glad the rain held out. Last year it was cold and rainy on Halloween and it was awful. This year it was just cold.
It was cute and all but after a while I was getting cold and tired and was pretty much over it. I would have been happy to head back home any time but Michelle wanted to keep going. I figured we might as well do the whole street. I carried Michelle's bag for her so she could concentrate on holding up her dress from scraping the ground. Princess problems.
Michelle ran into another friend/classmate -- this time Dracula. How could I resist getting a picture of two little vampires together?! How cute is that?! If only he'd been looking and smiling. I love Michelle's smile here even though she's not looking at me.
My little girl is growing up. Seeing her in makeup especially is kind of a scary prelude to her as a teenager. (I can't really even think about that yet! It will be VERY SCARY!) It all goes so fast. I'll take a million pictures to try to slow it down but the years will still fly by. And one day she'll be too old for trick or treating. So I'm going to enjoy it as long as it lasts!
Every time the bell rang she sprang to the door, "Yay! Another CUSTOMER!" It was so cute. I couldn't resist getting a couple of pictures of her going to the door. She was quite proud of herself playing the lady of the house and saying "Here you go" and "Happy Halloween" even to kids twice her size.
I meanwhile sorted through her Halloween candy to make sure there was nothing dangerous. My Mom was going on about candy laced with fentanyl or something. I know the odd time you hear about razor blades in the candy (like maybe one incident in 100 years) but I think most of it is fear mongering and urban legends. Still there is no way I'd let her have anything that looked iffy or wasn't sealed properly.
The Halloween haul! I organized her candy into categories. She gave me the things she didn't like (anything with peanuts -- mmmm Reese! Not because she's allergic. She just doesn't like it.) Then I told her she could have a few treats before heading up to her bath and bed. She picked a bag of chips and some chocolate. She's really pretty good about not eating too much junk food (unlike me. I gorged myself on some of the leftovers after the kids tapered off.) Michelle was disappointed when the kids stopped coming. She made me go outside and pretend to be a kid so she could give me candy.
"Trick or treat!"
"Again Mama!"
"OK but it's cold out here I want to come in!"
I love Halloween decorations but when it's over I'm anxious to take them down. Most of the things I left until the next day but I wanted to bring my big scarecrow ghoul in for safe keeping. After I brought the ghoul in and put the head on the stairs the colourful eyes started blinking! It just about scared me to death! "What the?!" I had the head sitting on the stairs and it started lighting up. I asked Michelle if she touched it and she said no. When I tried to get it to light up before it wouldn't. I tried the switch several times. I assumed the batteries were dead. Now, inexplicably, with no one touching it, it sprang to life. Oh well. I guess if a ghost is going to visit, Halloween night is as good a time as any!
Michelle wanted to draw on my face and I decided to let her so she drew a big bat on my forehead. I really couldn't tell what she was doing until I looked in the mirror afterwards. Michelle LOVES doing makeup. So sometimes I act as her living mannequin and let her paint away. "Can you go out like that Mama?" she asks after she's made me look like some version of a nightmarish rodeo clown... "Ummm no." But when we're at home and no one's going to see it anyway, why not? Might as well enjoy Halloween for a few more minutes. I'd be having a shower soon to wash it off anyway.
All in all I was grateful for a wonderful Halloween with my girl. And I indulged in some chocolate too! Thank goodness Michelle's school wasn't selling chocolates this year so I didn't gain 5 lbs before Halloween even arrived!
Michelle loves to draw but as I mentioned before it has to be her own idea. I asked her to make a card for Grandma & Grandpa for their anniversary since they were going to be babysitting her that day while I worked dayshift.
"Yes. It's nice when you make cards."
I gave her a template she just had to copy. She messed up the word Anniversary -- it turned out more like Annivesry but that's probably my fault for not writing it clearly for her to copy. I love her drawing of my Mom and Dad but I can tell she scribbled it quickly. At least she put lots and lots of kisses and hugs inside the card.
My Mom didn't even REMEMBER that it was their anniversary and they never do anything special. I told them I'd take them out to dinner when I got home from work.
I wish Ali's eyes had been open here but it's still cute. Michelle loves her furry older sister. She started carrying around her pink monkey again for a while. This was her favourite toy when she was a baby and she went EVERYWHERE with it. It was adorable seeing her carry it around again. She's still my baby girl!
I didn't expect there to be a long line up out the door when we got to Swiss Chalet. Lesson learned. Make reservations (of course with my long commute from work etc I wasn't sure what time we'd be there and I didn't think it would be so crowded.) There was a 40 minute wait for a table. Dear God. I was tempted to just boycott the whole thing. I was exhausted after a long day at work but I'd promised my parents and Michelle was looking forward to it too. So we killed time at a store in the plaza and then came back. I was looking forward to having the festive special! Mmmmm Swiss Chalet, OK! When the waitress asked if we needed anything I asked if she'd take our photo so she did (which was good because my selfies did NOT work out -- I couldn't fit us all in!)
Michelle ordered the mini burgers and fries from the kid's menu. She ate one of the burgers and we got the other one to go. She had a great time and was pretty well behaved. I was worried that either Michelle or my Mom and Dad would embarrass me but they all did pretty well.
It was nice but I was so relieved to be done and anxious to get to bed. I'd been up since 4 a.m. and had hardly any sleep (Michelle coughed all night. The never ending cough she's had off and on since she started school in September. Her cousin Reggie had a cough for months last year. And of course I had pneumonia for several months last Winter.)
I'm always excited to get Michelle's school photos. I get the digital package so I have the shots on a CD. Being able to post pictures on Twitter and my blog is my top priority! I also like having actual prints though for my wallet etc and I haven't printed photos in so long that it's nice to have some. In the good old days I was at the photo lab once a week dropping off films. I always looked forward to looking through the packets of photos. Digital cameras changed all that.
This shot cracks me up. With her pursed lips and wide open eyes Michelle looks mildly annoyed like "OK can we just get on with this!" I still like this shot though I chose the other pose for the prints that I would share with family.
Here at least Michelle is sporting a subtle Mona Lisa smile. She looks so mature and elegant with a hint of mischievousness like she's up to something. Like a royal princess with a secret. I'm so proud of my girl. Growing up my Mom rarely if ever purchased my portraits. She'd get the class picture but not the ones of me on my own and she'd use the excuse that they weren't very good! Thanks a lot! I think I would ALWAYS have to buy the school portraits of Michelle whether I liked them or not because I don't think I could live with myself knowing that there were pictures of my baby that were just trashed. I want to have it all. I want a record of everything. And I want to look back at the pictures from each year and see how she's changed and grown. Then again I am a photoholic and my Mom was clearly NOT. When I look back I'm shocked at how few photos she took. For instance there are NO photos of Halloween from my entire childhood! How do you NOT take pictures at Halloween?! My Mom used the excuse that she didn't like Halloween. I know, right? Lame.
I love when she does a Mama and baby heart holding hands (yes she has drawn this before). Adorbs. When I'm having a bad day it's things like this that keep me going. I do have the sweetest girl. So even if I'm a mess at least I know that I did something right!
Michelle got a great report card. I knew she was doing well but when I went for the parent teacher interview I was especially proud of her. The teachers were impressed with how bright she is -- imaginative, talented, reading level 8 books when the goal for SK is level 3, writing, making her own books, also good with numbers. They also commented on how well she participates in class, gets along with other kids, makes friends easily, is kind and caring. They couldn't even think of any areas for improvement! I was just bursting with pride. My eyes started to well up. Michelle means everything to me and I've made so many sacrifices to try to do what's best for her. It means the world to me that she is bright and happy and to hear so many positive comments from her teachers warms my heart. She is my angel. Whatever else I may have messed up in my life, Michelle is my masterpiece!
Normally I host my Mom's birthday party at my place every year but this year my brother Mike said he'd have it at his place for a change. Michelle was excited to see her cousins Kayla and Evie. She doesn't get to see them as often. She was often calling them the wrong names! I tried to make her remember by telling her that Evie came first -- just like Adam and Eve were the first people God created. But then when I quizzed her later "What is your older cousin's name?"
"No! Remember who God created first?"
"Adam and Evie," Michelle said. That made me laugh. And at least by the time we got there she remembered and called them the right names for a change! She had a ball playing with them.
almost the whole gang -- Chris and Christina couldn't make it. There was a fire in their building that day. Chris had replaced my Mom's toilet and sink in her main floor bathroom as a birthday gift ahead of time. My Mom was disappointed they weren't coming to the party but relieved they were OK.
It's a bit of a drive but it's nice to visit Mike's now and then. I was glad the weather wasn't too bad. There was just a light dusting of snow. I had my snow tires put back on as soon as I heard there might be snow. I'm not taking any chances with that again after a horrendous drive in the snow last year before I got snow tires.
I love my family. I'm so grateful to have them. It's always great getting together. I think it's important for Michelle to have a big extended family since at home it's just the two of us.
Lately a friend at school had been harassing Michelle about not having a daddy. There was no malicious intent but it wound up hurting Michelle. "You MUST have a daddy!" her friend told her. "EVERYONE HAS A DADDY!"
It was a treat being at Mike and Barb's for a change. Dinner was delicious - roast beeves (I kid you not -- we looked it up and when you have more than one roast of beef the plural is beeves! Weird eh?! I guess I've never actually had more than one roast beef at a time so it's never come up! I still wonder why the Maple Leafs hockey team aren't the Maple Leaves but I digress...) Then there was the scalloped potatoes. I probably gained 5 lbs that night. Mike had asked my Mom what she wanted and made all her favourites. For dessert Barb made her DELICIOUS brownie cake. Too delicious for words! I had two pieces.
After dinner we sat around the table and talked about life, politics etc. We wound up laughing our heads off and asking Siri questions on Mike's phone.
At one point I asked if Artificial Intelligence was a threat to take over the world. I can't remember what she said. Some of her answers were evasive. Others were comical/entertaining. I sort of wished I had a device with a robot voice to ask questions. "Siri, what is love? What is the meaning of life?" Some answers just directed you toward websites on the subject but some of her answers were pretty creative.
I always put my Christmas tree up in mid-November. It's a family tradition. I usually did it on the day of the Santa Claus parade as my mother had. I figure when you have an artificial tree you might as well enjoy it as long as possible. When Christmas is over I can't wait to get rid of all the decorations but before Christmas arrives I love the decorations and find it cozy and comforting having the tree up.
Michelle wanted to help me decorate the tree so I made sure I waited until she was home from school to help me put the ornaments on. I just did all the grunt work (digging everything out from the basement and putting the tree together -- which is a nuisance since I can barely read the letters on the arms to see which branches go on what level.) I'm not a fan of stringing the lights on either. I was glad at least they still worked. Putting the ornaments on is the fun part. It's always a magical transformation to see the tree go from this sparse white (and yellowing over the years) tree to a bright glowing white vision with silver and turquoise ornaments.
Michelle is only 5 years old and she's already a budding fashionista. She loves clothes and loves to dress up. When I saw this adorable black satin jacket with an embroidered dragon on it I just HAD to get it for her. And I was wishing they had a matching one in my size!
She was happy to wear it to school and also wore her glittery black cat ears headband with it.
I'm glad that Michelle is a girly girl and loves dressing up. I've heard from some other parents that their daughters refuse to dress up, won't wear dresses, always want to wear the same pants etc.
After school Michelle and I read stories and play together before I get dinner. One day she wanted to play "Gas Out" -- a farting game where you choose a numbered card and then press the little gas cloud the corresponding number of times. This is one game where Michelle WANTS to lose. She laughed her head off when she'd get a high number and the cloud would pass gas. I just rolled my eyes. Make a gross game and kids will love it! She'd asked for it last Christmas and I refused to get it because it was too silly. Then my sister asked for ideas for Michelle and she wound up getting it! Another game I refuse to get is the Pie Face game where you basically get hit with whip cream. No way. No day. Because guess who would have to clean up all that whip cream off faces, clothes and furniture? Mama of course!
It is worth it to see Michelle smiling and laughing though so the game is great for that anyway.
Michelle normally is happy, positive and full of energy. Unfortunately in the Fall she was sometimes coming home upset by things her best friend had said. Though I've been assured by the teacher and the girl's parent that there was no malicious intent, Michelle's friend kept pestering her about her dad. "You must have a daddy! Everyone has a daddy!" It made Michelle feel like she was missing out. One day she said to me "I hate my life! I don't have a daddy! I don't have any sisters!" It made me angry to think that some other child was making her feel bad about her life. I told her that she has a mother who loves her very much. And grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, a big extended family. I told her that yes a lot of kids have a traditional family with a Mom and Dad but every family is different. They might just have a Mom or just a Dad, or 2 Moms or 2 Dads. Or just grandparents. Or no grandparents. I expressed my concerns to her teacher who wound up reading a book to the class about "Families" and how each one is unique. Luckily Michelle never sulked for very long. I always wound up cheering her up by getting her excited about Christmas etc.
In the morning it's hard to get Michelle to go to school. Then when school is over it's hard to get her to leave. She always wants to play outside the school. In the Summer I didn't mind. The weather was beautiful and I enjoyed standing and chatting with other Moms. But it's Winter now. Well Fall anyway. Some would say I shouldn't complain because Summer lingered longer than expected but I would have been happy if it never came. It's cold now and I hate standing in the cold. Not to mention last November I got pneumonia which lingered for several months and was Hell on Earth. I hate Winter. And sometimes it feels like the cold wind goes right through you, to your bones. I'm not a fan at all.
Michelle started asking me questions about her dad. I hadn't really told her that much. My pat answer was "Your daddy had a lot of problems and he left because he knew we were better off." It wasn't a lie, per se. It could be true. The truth is I don't have an answer. Maybe because of her friend at school pestering her with "You MUST have a daddy! Everyone has a daddy!" but Michelle wanted more details.
"What kind of problems? Why did he leave?" Oh boy. Here we go. What do I say?! So I told her, in as kind and Disney-version a way as I could. He left when I was 4 months pregnant. But I told her that before that he did kiss my belly, did call her Michelle, did say he was looking forward to having a family for the first time in his life. He said we'd be a "cute little family." I said maybe he got scared that he didn't know how to be a father or how to have a normal family because his own life had been so messed up -- I told her how he never had a father and his Mom was put in jail when he was 1 year old and he was bounced around foster homes. I told her he had a lot of issues -- emotional, financial, etc and that he would have been more of a burden than a help which may be why he chose to leave. She took it all in stride (then again she is 5 years old.) Then she wanted to know more about him. "What did he look like?"
"He was very tall & thin 6'2" had spiky blond hair, blue eyes, piercings and tattoos..."
"Cool!" she exclaimed.
I sighed. I wanted to say no it's not cool but "Billy Idol" was basically my type when I was younger. And the attraction to stereotypical "bad boys" continued into adulthood. Actually it spiked in my 40s. Maybe it was mid-life crisis. I bought a convertible too... Anyway I hoped Michelle would never fall for the bad boys. I told her I could show her photos and even a video of her dad. She was excited. "Show me! I want to see it!" Michelle laughed her head off at the video of him chasing me through a corn field pretending to be a psycho/monster (pretending?!) For a moment I imagined him playing with her, chasing Michelle around with her laughing. It made me sad to think how she doesn't have a daddy in her life. But I'm glad he's not in our lives because he had so many issues and I can't bear the thought of Michelle being hurt. I don't want him anywhere near her.
It was kind of cathartic to share all this with her. I didn't want it to be this deep dark secret. This burden that I carry alone. I'd rather she know and be OK with it. I didn't want to bad mouthe him to her. Even if he is a monster, he's still half of who she is. I'm grateful for his DNA. Grateful I fell for the devil to get my angel. I tried to give her the kindest version of the story. And maybe he really did leave out of love for us because he was toxic and he knew it. When she's older she can draw her own conclusions. I hope she never wants to find him or that he never tries to find her. He has no right. He checked out. He washed his hands of us. There is no father on Michelle's birth certificate. It's blank. He might as well be a ghost. He could be dead for all I know. I've made no effort to find him. Nor will I ever. (Hopefully Michelle never does.)
When he first left I refused to write a song about him for a long time. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. I'd written songs about him when we were together. But all these years later I have all these unresolved issues, questions, anger, pain. I found myself writing songs about him now. One called "Ghosted" I posted on Youtube. Back when he left I had never heard the term "ghosting" but apparently many women have been left without a word. It's the most cowardly way to leave someone -- to just disappear without a trace. Like a ghost. Leaving someone while she's pregnant with your child is lowest of all. Writing is therapeutic and getting these feelings out, even all these years later, helps.
There's no limit to the things I'll do for Michelle. My schedule is pretty insane. When I work nightshift it's a 16 hour day on almost no sleep. Michelle's class was going to be a having a "Scientist in the classroom: Magnets" day and her teachers asked if I'd volunteer. I'd volunteered for Scientist day last year but it was on an off day. This was going to be right after I'd worked a nightshift and would be on no sleep. They were short of volunteers so I said if they couldn't get anyone else I'd do it. "But I'll be a zombie scientist on no sleep!" I warned them. I wound up doing it. Michelle was excited to have me there. I can't even explain how tired I was! I was so relieved when the two hours were over and I could FINALLY go home to bed though it was only going to be for a few hours and I'd have to pick Michelle up from school again.
I love Michelle's artwork. Drawing this Nativity scene was her idea. She's got it all -- a host of angels, Mary and Joseph, baby Jesus and a donkey (? or horse I'm not sure!) I love the details she adds into her pictures. If you ask her to draw something she may just throw it together quickly with minimum effort but when it's her idea she'll work on it for a long time and put a lot of detail into it.
I had a huge pile of Michelle's artwork that I'd been putting off sorting through for years. I finally sat down with folders and went through the piles labeling (some I had thankfully labeled so then it was easier to time stamp pieces from the same period) and sorting them. It was actually kind of fun and gave me a few really good laughs. Especially the pictures where I had written Michelle's description on the back. Some of them were hilarious and I didn't even remember them. Now I've gotten in the habit of writing the month and year on the back as soon as Michelle brings artwork home from school.
Some Moms I talked to said they only keep a few pieces of their child's art and trash the rest. I have a really hard time getting rid of anything Michelle does but her art especially is so cute I could never part with it!
This cat is amazing! So adorable! I think it was a cat on a book that Michelle was reading. I love the big eyes. It actually looks just like the cat on the book did.
I'm glad that Michelle loves books and reading, writing and art as much as I do.
I was so proud of her when I went for the parent teacher interview at her school.
I love this outfit. My little schoolgirl in her tartan skirt. Of course I had to wear a tartan kilt as a school uniform and found it the opposite of cute but it's different when she's 5 years old. There was even a matching tartan tie.
"Aren't ties just for men?" Michelle asked.
"Well mostly. But women can wear them too."
"I'm like a businesswoman! A grown lady!" she suggested.
"Yes!" I told her.
She was quite proud of herself and kept admiring her outfit in the mirror.
It is scary how fast she's growing up. She's only 5 years old but already she talks about being a teenager and sometimes I'm afraid she's trying to grow up too fast.
In some ways she wants to be so grown up and dependent but in other ways she still wants to be a little girl. And I still call her baby. I told her she'll ALWAYS be my baby no matter how old she is.
The Fall is always rough for me. As I've mentioned before the lack of sunlight really affects me and I'm sure I have Seasonal Affective Disorder. This year I had added stress and was even breaking down. I'm working on dealing with the stress and getting therapy. Of course my insane schedule and lack of sleep doesn't help. After working long days on no sleep I was bound to get run down and sure enough caught a cold. Michelle has had a cough basically since she started school but it doesn't seem to affect her energy or anything else. It's just a nuisance when she coughs at night. I got a runny nose but luckily after some rest, chicken soup and OJ I felt a lot better. After having pneumonia last year I'm always afraid of getting sick again. I never want to go through that again. When I think of the year I've had -- sick with pneumonia, then the surgery, my insane schedule and nightmare commute etc -- I wonder how I got through. Somehow I did. November is almost over! It's crazy. Time flies when you're having fun but it even flies during the rough patches. So I shouldn't let anything bother me. This too shall pass.
I managed to think of a good way out of it. I said it wouldn't be fair to other kids if she got something that big and expensive. And how would he fit that in his sack? Also I told her that it wouldn't fit in our garage, she wouldn't be able to ride it in the house and it would get wrecked outside. When she first asked for it I told her that I'd only buy it if we won the lottery. I stuck by that. And no Santa couldn't get it either. I told her that unless we win the lottery and moved to a mansion we wouldn't have room for it. This all seemed reasonable to her so she asked Santa for a Teddy Bear for her doll instead. Phew. That was a close one!
Michelle always gets one present from Santa and the rest from me...
Michelle drew this adorable picture of Santa and a reindeer. It was her own idea. I'm not sure if she was looking at anything when she drew it or just off the top of her head. I think Santa's been working out since he's not nearly as portly as usual! For a second I thought the reindeer had 5 legs but the last one is just the tail. Michelle's art gives me life! After a hard night/day at work I look forward to going back to my Mom's and seeing what new masterpieces Michelle has created.
She's always so excited for me to see her work. I always make a fuss. For a while Michelle was very hard on herself and didn't think her drawings were good enough but I think I've praised her enough that she knows they are wonderful, especially for a 5 year old. I want to start drawing and painting again myself but it's tough with my schedule and Christmas on the way now. Of course not having time is the excuse people always use for avoiding the things they love. You have to MAKE time. Somehow I find time to chip away at these blog posts. They have become my photo album/diary/record of my life and I seem to need to do them even though it is difficult finding/making time.
I wish I had even a fraction of Michelle's energy and enthusiasm. She loves everything. Every Season from Summer to Winter. Life is an endless adventure. She just wants to run around and have fun. She loves school, her friends, her family and then there's me: perpetually exhausted, often stressed out/depressed, dragging myself around. I do try to fake enthusiasm for her sake and put on a smile for her benefit. Some days it's harder than others. I know it's easier when you're a kid and you have no cares/responsibilities. Though I don't think I was ever as happy, carefree and confident as Michelle, even as a child. Somehow I always felt like I was in a contest and I was losing (even when I won.) I think being the middle child was part of that. At least Michelle has no competition. She gets all my love and attention. She's #1. And I'm constantly praising her. I just hope I don't create an ego maniac! But from what her teachers tell me she's kind and caring with other kids. That means a lot to me.
Michelle continues to make friends everywhere she goes. She wanted to go to Play Place and hadn't for a while so I took her and sure enough she had friends following her around everywhere. She has the confidence to go up to anyone, even kids older than her and ask if they want to play. I NEVER did that! If someone didn't talk to me first there was no way on Earth I'd approach them. And that continued into adulthood. I was always shy and not very social. Part of it is a lack of confidence and part of it is just my being an introvert. I never felt the need to surround myself with people. I usually just had one best friend (or as I got older BOYFRIEND) that I spent all my time with. I am glad that Michelle is more outgoing. She has an easier time than I did. I worry though that she's too friendly and trusting and sometimes you have to be cautious. Especially with adults. When we're out I'm always reminding her to stay close by. "If I can't see you, I can't save you!" Yes Mama is a control freak. But she's more precious than my own life so it's my maternal instinct to protect her.
Michelle was hoping we could see Santa but I told her she'd have to wait until December for that. They were still putting the Santa display together in the mall. I did manage to get a selfie of us with the huge Christmas tree below us in the mall.
My Mom was glad to have time to shop while I took Michelle to Play Place. Then Michelle and I just ran through the mall quickly and grabbed a few things before meeting up with Grandma. I started to panic that I hadn't really started my Christmas shopping and it's late November?! There just never seemed to be a good time between my insane schedule and other things going on, getting sick etc. Christmas shopping is always stressful. Michelle is too easy to buy for but for most people in my family I'm always at a loss. And yes we still buy gifts for each other. All 17 of us. Most families don't do that. They just buy for their own kids or they buy for one person (Secret Santa etc). Every year my Mom and I say this is crazy and we can't keep doing this but then we do anyway.
Michelle and I went to see Coco 3D and it was AMAZING! It has become one of my favourite Disney films OF ALL TIME! My expectations were high based on the previews but they were surpassed! Visually it was absolutely breathtaking. It was cute and funny but it was also very emotional. The themes of music and following your dreams and the importance of family really tugged at my heartstrings. Just before seeing the film I had a dream about my Nana -- that she was holding hands with Michelle. I believe when you dream about departed loved ones that it is their spirit actually visiting you. It was nice to see her after so many years. The idea of Dia de los Muertos -- that you pay tribute to your departed loved ones to keep their memory alive -- was beautifully illustrated in the movie. I had to wipe tears away so many times I was glad to have the 3D glasses to hide my tears. By the end I was full on sobbing. I was worried I was going to look like Alice Cooper once I took my glasses off.
Michelle loved this little Christmas elf shirt. I've heard other parents say they have a tough time getting their kids to wear what they want on any given day but Michelle is easy in that respect. Fashion-wise we're on the same page. She LOVES my choices.
I asked her what she wanted to do and she chose the indoor playground. As cold as it is outside she winds up sweating running around the playground so I had to make sure she had a t-shirt so she wouldn't overheat. Sure enough she was drenched in sweat when she ran to me for a drink of water. (She did have a sweater and coat to bundle up in outside.) I would rather have gone to the Butterfly Conservatory for a taste of Summer in this bleak Fall/Winter spell but it was her choice.
Michelle had a ball and made new friends as usual. She did get upset at one point after she fell on the blue slide and got hurt (she tried going down on the stomach which was a bad idea since there are bumps in the slide and sure enough she banged her chin. I told her to go down on her bum from now on!) Then a young boy pushed her and she said she wanted to go. I knew it would be a mistake to leave on a sour note and she'd regret it. I talked her into just having a drink, taking a breath and going back to playing. Sure enough she wound up having a great time and laughing again. We were both glad she'd stayed. I insisted on getting some photos of us as usual. This time instead of the usual pose with the giraffe I got shots with the Christmas decorations - a Christmas tree and a nearly life sized Santa Claus. If only Michelle had smiled...
Whatever else may be wrong in my life at least I have the sweetest little girl in the whole world! She's always telling me she loves me and writing me sweet cards and letters. Of course I'm also very affectionate with her and I put a love note in her lunch every day so it is a learned habit!
She made me this heart shaped card for no occasion. I keep all of her cards and drawings.
One day she wanted to paint so I got out the paints and brushes for her and she did the kitty and butterfly above. One of these days I will join her and start painting again myself but somehow I always seem to find an excuse not to. I had started writing and illustrating a children's book late last year but then I got sick with pneumonia, it got shelved, my work schedule got twice as hectic/insane and it was just put on hold indefinitely. Part of it is fear too. If I actually finish the book and send it out and it gets rejected I'd be devastated. Easier not to try, right? So many dreams get put on the shelf...
"I love you Mama. You are the best!" It's always nice to hear and helps me get through the difficult days. I love how Michelle spells Christmas -- "Chrismiss." She is pretty good with her phonetic spellings. I usually know what she means. Of course I do try to teach her the proper spellings as well. I was a Spelling Bee Queen back in school (of course back then it was drilled into you if you made a mistake you wrote the word 30 times until it was tattooed on your brain. They're not as strict now. Consequently no one can spell. Not even the President of the United States! LOL)
Michelle running, looking like an action hero(ine!) I'm not sure how she manages to be photogenic even mid-sprint! She always wants to run and play after school so I let her stick around for a bit. It was a nice day (we didn't even need our jackets!) which was a welcome change from the cold spell we'd been having. I'm not as keen on hanging around outside the school when it's below zero out. Sometimes I can't get Michelle to leave until literally ALL the other kids are leaving. It is nice to chat with the other Moms for a bit anyway while I wait for her to run amok and play.

Michelle's teacher emailed me this photo and told me that Michelle taught the class how to make hearts! It was so cute! I was so proud of her. She showed me at home as well -- how she folds the paper, cuts a triangle, curves the edges. "Who taught you that?" I asked her.
"No one. I just made it up myself."
"Very clever!" I said.
She said some of the JK kids struggled with it but most of them got it.
Michelle is the Queen of my Heart! I never tire of her heart notes/cards.
It took months but I got an appointment with a therapist. I was torn between feeling guilty for keeping the appointment on one hand (I was no longer "in crisis" to the degree I was months ago and I hated to think I was taking a spot away from someone who maybe needed help more -- we're in a mental health crisis after all and there isn't enough help for all those who need it) and worrying on the other hand that they'll find I actually am so unstable I should be locked up. (OK I'm being facetious because they don't really "lock people up" or have mental institutions like they used to but anyway...) The truth was even though I was managing for the most part I was still pretty fragile. I still wasn't sleeping properly. I still cried at the drop of a hat. Having a bit of time off work helped cut down on my stress but I still got sick and run down. And my eye was twitching almost constantly. (Of course lack of sleep and/or my caffeine addiction wouldn't help either!)
I had no choice as far as when the appointment would be. It was on an off-day at least but it started at 9 am. It was going to be a mad dash to get Michelle to school then race across town (driving within the speed limit of course! Nudge nudge wink wink...) to make it for 9 o'clock. Somehow I managed to do it, give or take 5 minutes. Unfortunately I arrived, went to the office and found it in darkness. I went to another unit/company in the building to ask her and she said "Oh I don't know. I've never seen anyone in that office!" Great. It was like the Twilight Zone. I started to second guess everything. Was I in the wrong place? (The door was labelled that it was a mental health office.) Was it the wrong day? (I had it in my calendar from when I got the call.) Man I must really be losing it! After a couple of calls on my cell I discovered that the therapist was just human and running late/stuck in traffic. It wasn't a huge office with a secretary. It was literally just a two room tiny office and until she unlocked it to see me there was no one there.
"Thank God!" I said to her, "I thought I was going crazy!" At least not in THIS instance...
It's a maternal instinct to put your kids first. Even in the animal kingdom there are animals that will starve to feed their kids, will make any sacrifice to protect their young. For me that instinct kicked in the moment I found out I was pregnant. All of a sudden I wasn't living for myself anymore. I felt this all-encompassing feeling of love and protectiveness. As in the animal kingdom as well (in most cases though there are rare exceptions), the male didn't stick around. Mom is left to raise her young without help.
When I talk with other Moms (and Dads) it does strike me how much easier it is for couples. I try not to be resentful. (I've come to the realisation that I'm on Noah's Ark and everyone is coupled off two by two except me.) They still have their problems of course. Raising a child isn't easy period however at least they have each other. They have support. A second pair of hands and ears and a second wallet to pay the bills. It is much harder to be a single Mom. Especially in my situation with no input of any kind (financially or otherwise) from a father. It's all me. Between work and home, constantly on so little sleep and running on empty, it's easy to get burned out.
Having your mind full is not the same as being "mindful" -- quite the opposite. When your mind is full, you're overcome by thoughts (predominantly negative -- regrets of the past, dread for the future. Basically your mind is everywhere except in the present moment.) Mindfulness, on the other hand, is a practice of being in the moment and appreciating it -- focusing your attention on your experience through all of your senses. A lot of us are so distracted/stressed/overtired etc that we barely pay any attention to the moment we're in. We just worry about the moment we're trying to get to or what's already happened. When you make a point of focusing on the Now, it becomes more pleasant. Focus on your breath and you breathe easier. Focus on what you're eating and it tastes sweeter. But when you're over-scheduled etc you don't even notice how you're breathing. And you scarf down your food as fast as you can. And you tell yourself you're in a hurry and there's no time. And you feel more stressed.
Michelle's school was having a series of Yoga nights. I couldn't make it for most of them but there was one on an off day called "Yoga: Finding Happiness through Mindfulness." It sounded like just what I needed and I thought it would be something nice to share with Michelle. It was still going to be tricky because it was on a day that I was supposed to head to my Mom's. The class ended at 8 pm which meant I wouldn't get to my Mom's until 9 pm but maybe Michelle would fall asleep in the car and it wouldn't be so bad?
Michelle 1
Mama 0
I did get the message and put the camera away.
The yoga instructor had us do some exercises to music which were both fun and exhausting! We were hopping like frogs and bending over like cows and I don't know what. Luckily by the time I was hyperventilating we got to sit down and rest. I sat in a full lotus and Michelle sat cross-legged. We took deep breaths. We did positive affirmations. "I am special. I am important." I started to tear up as I said these things because these are things I never say to myself. I managed to hold it together. I didn't want to embarrass myself. I realized I'm not very kind to myself and I need to be more often.
I couldn't leave without getting a souvenir photo of our Mother-Daughter yoga evening. We were photo-bombed and someone offered to retake our photo but then Michelle was running amok with the other kids and I couldn't get her to sit still. I told the instructor afterward how much I'd enjoyed the experience and I was glad that we went, even though it wasn't easy. I still had to drive an hour now, at night, to my Mom's and then get up at 4 a.m. for dayshift. At least Michelle fell asleep so I carried her in. I got to bed early but my mind wouldn't shut down. I tried focusing on my breathing, thinking about feathers and clementines but it wasn't working. My mind is too full and I can't empty it. I just kept thinking. Worrying. About work. About money and Christmas and my life and the news and just everything. Just an endless stream of thoughts and when I try to stop them I can't. So I lay there and lay there. Then I finally fall asleep for a few minutes and Michelle wakes me up because she wants a glass of water and needs to go to the washroom. And then I can't get back to sleep. Finally I fall asleep at 3 a.m. and the alarm goes off at 4 a.m. to work dayshift. Then I work a 14 hour day and go through it all again. Welcome to my life... Sometimes by the second dayshift at least I'm so bone-tired and beyond exhausted that I can actually fall asleep. But other times I just lay there insomniac. Tired but unable to sleep. Like being thirsty in the middle of the ocean without any clean water to drink.
Santa Claus
North Pole
H0H 0H0
She was excited. "Do you think he'll write back to me?"
"He might," I suggested, "but he's very busy!"
I still think my Mom should have let me have that bit of magic as a kid. Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus and I know that's the true meaning of Christmas but Saint Nick makes it that much more exciting. You have the rest of your life to be a cynical adult. Why not enjoy the magic while you're a kid?
So there you go! We got through October and November. And I got through this blog post somehow! Forgive me if there are mistakes or I repeat myself numerous times. I wrote chunks at a time here and there so it's not exactly cohesive. I had to carve out time where I could. (Which is always tricky!) Editing is the hardest part so I just avoided it! LOL This blog helps me in a way. It is a form of therapy. It helps me process everything I'm going through and try to create something positive out of it. So I want to keep doing it. And it always strikes me when I look at the stats and see people from all over the world reading it. Thank you for being one of them! October and November, even the rough parts, flew by. Now we're into December which is insane! Time just goes way too fast. I swear someone is pushing the fast forward button. It will be Christmas before we know it. 2017 was a rough year but we survived it and it's almost over! I really hope that better days are ahead in 2018. My next post likely won't be until January or February so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! If you celebrate them! Otherwise Happy Hannukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice etc whatever you're into! Wishing love, peace and happiness to all!
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ReplyDeleteBaby Sleep Consultant
I applaud your strength. Even though you may not realize it, every day is a step towards sanity. Do what you need to do to change your situation. Whether it be changing jobs or whatever it is. Make life easier for you. I have been a reader of your blog for several years and have never commented. I recall reading your blog one day and commenting to my boyfriend (at the time) how horrible it was for your ex to disappear on you the way he did. Wouldn't you know it, several years later he did the same to me. Know that you are not alone. It's been a year for me and its a struggle everyday. Struggle to wake up, struggle to work, struggle to sleep. Very far back in my mind though, I know that my future holds brighter days. I wish you and your little one well.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! Sorry to hear you went through a similar experience. A lot of bad guys out there! At least my girl keeps me out of trouble! No more dating for me! She's the love of my life now! I've been going through a rough time lately. Need to make changes. I just keep hoping for a miracle like winning a lottery or something! LOL Hasn't happened yet! Thanks for reading/sharing. Take care! Ann Marie